我很难将多人游戏变成多台计算机,而不仅仅是多浏览器标签。我在HTML5教程(构建新游戏,点击here)中浏览了实时多人游戏。它侦听端口4004,但我无法通过访问192.168.1.4:4004从我的局域网的其他计算机连接,即使我可以通过访问192.168.1.4连接我的端口80上的Apache Web服务器(我已经禁用了Apache并在我的路由器上转发端口80,而不是转发端口4004)。我以前通过访问my-domain.com(其DNS由我的ISP托管)从外部世界连接到Apache。现在我无法通过访问my-domain.com或my-domain.com:4004从我的局域网外部连接到我的教程。本教程使用node.js,socket.io和express。您可以通过在终端中输入node app.js
gameport = process.env.PORT || 4004,
express = require('express'),
UUID = require('node-uuid'),
verbose = false,
app = express()
, http = require('http')
, server = http.createServer(app)
, io = require('socket.io').listen(server);
/* Express server set up. */
//The express server handles passing our content to the browser,
//As well as routing users where they need to go. This example is bare bones
//and will serve any file the user requests from the root of your web server (where you launch the script from)
//so keep this in mind - this is not a production script but a development teaching tool.
//Tell the server to listen for incoming connections
server.listen( gameport );
//Log something so we know that it succeeded.
console.log('\t :: Express :: Listening on port ' + gameport );
//By default, we forward the / path to index.html automatically.
app.get( '/', function( req, res ){
res.sendfile( __dirname + '/index.html' );
//This handler will listen for requests on /*, any file from the root of our server.
//See expressjs documentation for more info on routing.
app.get( '/*' , function( req, res, next ) {
//This is the current file they have requested
var file = req.params[0];
//For debugging, we can track what files are requested.
if(verbose) console.log('\t :: Express :: file requested : ' + file);
//Send the requesting client the file.
res.sendfile( __dirname + '/' + file );
/* Socket.IO server set up. */
//Express and socket.io can work together to serve the socket.io client files for you.
//This way, when the client requests '/socket.io/' files, socket.io determines what the client needs.
//Create a socket.io instance using our express server
var sio = io;
//Configure the socket.io connection settings.
//See http://socket.io/
sio.configure(function (){
sio.set('log level', 0);
sio.set('authorization', function (handshakeData, callback) {
callback(null, true); // error first callback style
//Enter the game server code. The game server handles
//client connections looking for a game, creating games,
//leaving games, joining games and ending games when they leave.
game_server = require('./game.server.js');
//Socket.io will call this function when a client connects,
//So we can send that client looking for a game to play,
//as well as give that client a unique ID to use so we can
//maintain the list if players.
sio.sockets.on('connection', function (client) {
//Generate a new UUID, looks something like
//and store this on their socket/connection
client.userid = UUID();
//tell the player they connected, giving them their id
client.emit('onconnected', { id: client.userid } );
//now we can find them a game to play with someone.
//if no game exists with someone waiting, they create one and wait.
//Useful to know when someone connects
console.log('\t socket.io:: player ' + client.userid + ' connected');
//Now we want to handle some of the messages that clients will send.
//They send messages here, and we send them to the game_server to handle.
client.on('message', function(m) {
game_server.onMessage(client, m);
}); //client.on message
//When this client disconnects, we want to tell the game server
//about that as well, so it can remove them from the game they are
//in, and make sure the other player knows that they left and so on.
client.on('disconnect', function () {
//Useful to know when soomeone disconnects
console.log('\t socket.io:: client disconnected ' + client.userid + ' ' + client.game_id);
//If the client was in a game, set by game_server.findGame,
//we can tell the game server to update that game state.
if(client.game && client.game.id) {
//player leaving a game should destroy that game
game_server.endGame(client.game.id, client.userid);
} //client.game_id
}); //client.on disconnect
}); //sio.sockets.on connection
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