我基本上试图模仿相机在Maya中旋转的方式。 Maya中的弧形球始终与y轴对齐。因此,无论向上指向的位置是什么,它都会沿着y轴旋转或向上注册向上矢量。
我已经能够使用C ++和Qt在OpenGL中实现arcball。但我无法弄清楚如何保持它向上对齐。我可以通过以下代码随时保持对齐:
void ArcCamera::setPos (Vector3 np)
Vector3 up(0, 1, 0);
Position = np;
ViewDir = (ViewPoint - Position); ViewDir.normalize();
RightVector = ViewDir ^ up; RightVector.normalize();
UpVector = RightVector ^ ViewDir; UpVector.normalize();
void CCamera::setRot (QQuaternion q)
tot = tot * q;
Position = tot.rotatedVector(PositionOriginal);
UpVector = tot.rotatedVector(UpVectorOriginal);
RightVector = tot.rotatedVector(RightVectorOriginal);
QQuaternion q是从鼠标拖动得到的轴角对生成的。我确信这是正确的。旋转本身很好,它只是不保持方向对齐。
答案 0 :(得分:3)
这不起作用的原因是因为Maya在视口中的相机操作不使用弧形界面。你想要做的是Maya's tumble command。我发现解释此问题的最佳资源是this document from Professor Orr's Computer Graphics class。
translate(pivotPosition) * rotate(angleX, angleY, angleZ) * translate(-pivotPosition)
azimuthRotation = translate(pivotPosition) * rotateY(angleY) * translate(-pivotPosition)
elevationRotation = translate(worldToViewMatrix * pivotPosition) * rotateX(angleX) * translate(worldToViewMatrix * -pivotPosition)
newWorldToViewMatrix = elevationRotation * worldToViewMatrix * azimuthRotation
newOrientation = transpose(mat3(newWorldToViewMatrix))
newPosition = -((newOrientation * newWorldToViewMatrix).column(3))
此时,我们将元素分开。如果您的相机已参数化,以便您只为方向存储四元数,则只需要执行旋转矩阵 - >四元数转换。当然,Maya将转换为Euler角度以在通道盒中显示,这将取决于相机的旋转顺序(请注意,当旋转顺序改变时,翻滚的数学不会改变,只是旋转矩阵 - >欧拉角转换完成的方式。)
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
from math import *
def translate(amount):
'Make a translation matrix, to move by `amount`'
t = np.matrix(np.eye(4))
t[3] = amount.T
t[3, 3] = 1
return t.T
def rotateX(amount):
'Make a rotation matrix, that rotates around the X axis by `amount` rads'
c = cos(amount)
s = sin(amount)
return np.matrix([
[1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, c,-s, 0],
[0, s, c, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1],
def rotateY(amount):
'Make a rotation matrix, that rotates around the Y axis by `amount` rads'
c = cos(amount)
s = sin(amount)
return np.matrix([
[c, 0, s, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0],
[-s, 0, c, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1],
def rotateZ(amount):
'Make a rotation matrix, that rotates around the Z axis by `amount` rads'
c = cos(amount)
s = sin(amount)
return np.matrix([
[c,-s, 0, 0],
[s, c, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1],
def rotate(x, y, z, pivot):
'Make a XYZ rotation matrix, with `pivot` as the center of the rotation'
m = rotateX(x) * rotateY(y) * rotateZ(z)
I = np.matrix(np.eye(4))
t = (I-m) * pivot
m[0, 3] = t[0, 0]
m[1, 3] = t[1, 0]
m[2, 3] = t[2, 0]
return m
def eulerAnglesZYX(matrix):
'Extract the Euler angles from an ZYX rotation matrix'
x = atan2(-matrix[1, 2], matrix[2, 2])
cy = sqrt(1 - matrix[0, 2]**2)
y = atan2(matrix[0, 2], cy)
sx = sin(x)
cx = cos(x)
sz = cx * matrix[1, 0] + sx * matrix[2, 0]
cz = cx * matrix[1, 1] + sx * matrix[2, 1]
z = atan2(sz, cz)
return np.array((x, y, z),)
def eulerAnglesXYZ(matrix):
'Extract the Euler angles from an XYZ rotation matrix'
z = atan2(matrix[1, 0], matrix[0, 0])
cy = sqrt(1 - matrix[2, 0]**2)
y = atan2(-matrix[2, 0], cy)
sz = sin(z)
cz = cos(z)
sx = sz * matrix[0, 2] - cz * matrix[1, 2]
cx = cz * matrix[1, 1] - sz * matrix[0, 1]
x = atan2(sx, cx)
return np.array((x, y, z),)
class Camera(object):
def __init__(self, worldPos, rx, ry, rz, coi):
# Initialize the camera orientation. In this case the original
# orientation is built from XYZ Euler angles. orientation is the top
# 3x3 XYZ rotation matrix for the view-to-world matrix, and can more
# easily be thought of as the world space orientation.
self.orientation = \
(rotateZ(rz) * rotateY(ry) * rotateX(rx))
# position is a point in world space for the camera.
self.position = worldPos
# Construct the world-to-view matrix, which is the inverse of the
# view-to-world matrix.
self.view = self.orientation.T * translate(-self.position)
# coi is the "center of interest". It defines a point that is coi
# units in front of the camera, which is the pivot for the tumble
# operation.
self.coi = coi
def tumble(self, azimuth, elevation):
'''Tumble the camera around the center of interest.
Azimuth is the number of radians to rotate around the world-space Y axis.
Elevation is the number of radians to rotate around the view-space X axis.
# Find the world space pivot point. This is the view position in world
# space minus the view direction vector scaled by the center of
# interest distance.
pivotPos = self.position - (self.coi * self.orientation.T[2]).T
# Construct the azimuth and elevation transformation matrices
azimuthMatrix = rotate(0, -azimuth, 0, pivotPos)
elevationMatrix = rotate(elevation, 0, 0, self.view * pivotPos)
# Get the new view matrix
self.view = elevationMatrix * self.view * azimuthMatrix
# Extract the orientation from the new view matrix
self.orientation = np.matrix(self.view).T
self.orientation.T[3] = [0, 0, 0, 1]
# Now extract the new view position
negEye = self.orientation * self.view
self.position = -(negEye.T[3]).T
self.position[3, 0] = 1
pos = np.matrix([[5.321, 5.866, 4.383, 1]]).T
orientation = radians(-60), radians(40), 0
coi = 1
camera = Camera(pos, *orientation, coi=coi)
print 'Initial attributes:'
print np.round(np.degrees(eulerAnglesXYZ(camera.orientation)), 3)
print np.round(camera.position, 3)
print 'Attributes after tumbling:'
camera.tumble(azimuth=radians(-40), elevation=radians(-60))
print np.round(np.degrees(eulerAnglesXYZ(camera.orientation)), 3)
print np.round(camera.position, 3)
答案 1 :(得分:0)