
时间:2013-05-13 20:39:33

标签: r for-loop



site    year    startdate   enddate photodate   species indiv
M1_7    2012    19/07/2012  10/08/2012  20/07/2012  Sylvicapra grimmia  1
M1_7    2012    19/07/2012  10/08/2012  23/07/2012  Crocuta crocuta 1
M1_7    2012    19/07/2012  10/08/2012  23/07/2012  Potamochoerus larvatus  1
M1_7    2012    19/07/2012  10/08/2012  25/07/2012  Hystrix cristata    1
M1_7    2012    19/07/2012  10/08/2012  27/07/2012  Potamochoerus larvatus  1
M1_7    2012    19/07/2012  10/08/2012  27/07/2012  Sylvicapra grimmia  1
M1_7    2012    19/07/2012  10/08/2012  28/07/2012  Hippotragus equinus     1
M1_7    2012    19/07/2012  10/08/2012  30/07/2012  Crocuta crocuta 1
M1_7    2012    19/07/2012  10/08/2012  01/08/2012  Equus q. boehmi 1
M1_7    2012    19/07/2012  10/08/2012  01/08/2012  Crocuta crocuta 1
M1_7    2012    19/07/2012  10/08/2012  05/08/2012  Potamochoerus larvatus  1
M1_7    2012    19/07/2012  10/08/2012  07/08/2012  Hippotragus equinus     1
M1_9    2012    21/07/2012  11/08/2012  24/07/2012  Pedetes capensis    1
M1_9    2012    21/07/2012  11/08/2012  24/07/2012  Crocuta crocuta 2
M1_9    2012    21/07/2012  11/08/2012  24/07/2012  Pedetes capensis    1
M1_9    2012    21/07/2012  11/08/2012  27/07/2012  Pedetes capensis    1
M1_9    2012    21/07/2012  11/08/2012  01/08/2012  Alcelaphus b. lichtensteinii    1
M1_9    2012    21/07/2012  11/08/2012  03/08/2012  Pedetes capensis    1
M1_9    2012    21/07/2012  11/08/2012  04/08/2012  Crocuta crocuta 1
M1_9    2012    21/07/2012  11/08/2012  06/08/2012  Pedetes capensis    1
M1_9    2012    21/07/2012  11/08/2012  07/08/2012  Pedetes capensis    1
M1_9    2012    21/07/2012  11/08/2012  08/08/2012  Pedetes capensis    1
M1_11   2012    21/07/2012  11/08/2012  26/07/2012  Mellivora capensis  1
M1_11   2012    21/07/2012  11/08/2012  03/08/2012  Sylvicapra grimmia  1
M1_11   2012    21/07/2012  11/08/2012  07/08/2012  Hystrix cristata    1
M1_11   2012    21/07/2012  11/08/2012  08/08/2012  Potamochoerus larvatus  1



mlele2012<- read.delim("C:\\multiple regression\\mlele 2012 empty matrix creation.txt")
africa <- read.delim("C:\\species accumulation curves\\COMPLETE species list.txt")

temp <- rep(0, length(specieslistx ))

strptime(mlele2012$photodate, "%Y-%m-%d")
strptime(mlele2012$startdate, "%d/%m/%Y")
strptime(mlele2012$enddate, "%d/%m/%Y")

#create empty dataframe with dimensions: no. of sites x no. of dates in each

for(i in levels(mlele2012$site))    { ##for each site

    sitetemp <- subset(mlele2012, site == i) ###subset of dataset , for the particular site i##

    sitetemp$startdate<- as.Date(sitetemp$startdate, "%d/%m/%Y")
    sitetemp$enddate<- as.Date(sitetemp$enddate, "%d/%m/%Y")

    sitedatelist<-seq(as.Date(sitetemp$startdate[1]), as.Date(sitetemp$enddate[1]), "days")


    oldtemp<-rbind(oldtemp, extendempty)

write.csv(oldtemp, "Mlele 2012 dry empty.csv")


for(i in mlele2012$site)    {    
   sitetemp <- subset(mlele2012, site == i) ###subset of dataset "allsites", for the particular site i##
   for(j in sitetemp$photodate){
      datetemp <- subset(sitetemp, photodate == j) ###subset of dataset "africaa", for the particular date i#
      uniquespperdate <- unique(datetemp$species)###unique species within each date (row) i#
      temp <- rep(0, length(specieslistx)) #create a temporary vector of 0s with the same length as the species list###

      for(a in uniquespperdate){
         sptemp <- subset(datetemp , species == a) ###subset of dataset "sitetemp", for the particular sp j##
         index <- pmatch(a, names(temp)) ###match the unique species per date to the location on the species list###
         #there is a problem here, it works when run as a single line but not within a loop
         temp[index] <- countdata   ###for the locations listed in "index", assign the count data to the temporary vector###
         names(temp)<- specieslistx
   oldtemp <- rbind(oldtemp, temp) ### bind the new temp file to the old temp file, i.e. update the list as the loop runs###


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


> ftable(xtabs(indiv~site+year+species, data=dat) )
           species boehmi capensis cristata crocuta equinus grimmia larvatus lichtensteinii
site  year                                                                                 
M1_11 2012              0        1        1       0       0       1        1              0
M1_7  2012              1        0        1       3       2       2        3              0
M1_9  2012              0        7        0       3       0       0        0              1

我确实使用genus / species作为两列输入数据,因为您没有提供请求的dput版本。

答案 1 :(得分:0)



result = do.call("rbind",lapply(levels(df$site),function(x){
            foo <- rep(0,length(levels(df$species)))
            names(foo) <- levels(df$species)
            foo[df$species[df$site==x & df$startdate==y & df$enddate==z]] <- df$indiv[df$site==x & df$startdate==y & df$enddate==z]
