使用copy + back_inserter </float>将文件传输到向量<float>

时间:2013-05-10 18:27:08

标签: c++ vector stream ifstream



std::ifstream fileHandle(filename);
std::vector<float> vect;
std::string id;
while (!fileHandle.eof()){
    fileHandle >> id;


v 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
v 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000

调试它,似乎第一个copy调用将 3 浮动(整行)推入向量。这实际上很好,除了它似乎也冻结我的文件迭代器在下一行的'v'。 fileHandle >> id;行和copy调用不会从该点开始向前移动文件迭代器,从而创建无限循环。仅使用1 copy次调用就会产生相同的结果。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


// it is a good idea to create an structure to hold the data you will
// be working with. In this case I am creating a bare-bones struct
// containing a single data element
struct entry {
  double data[3];  

// when you have an structure, you can overload the >> operator; this
// will allow you to simplify later calls (as you will see below). In
// this case, because your data file contains a "dummy" character I
// use a dummy string. Notice that the return type is bool, and it
// means "I was able to read what you wanted me to read", in this case
// a line with one string and three doubles (because the type of each
// e.data[k] is "double")
bool operator>>(std::istream& is, entry& e) {
  std::string dummy;
  return is>>dummy>>e.data[0]>>e.data[1]>>e.data[2];

int main() {
  // create a vector to hold the entries (notice that "entry" is the
  // data type you created above)
  std::vector<entry> entries;

  { // the bracket on the left will provide a "scope" for the "fp"
    // variable. When the scope ends, "fp" will be automatically
    // destroyed. For "fp" that means that the "close()" method will
    // be called upon destruction, and you don't need to worry about
    // ensuring that your files are closed (to lear more about this
    // google for RAII)

    std::ifstream fp("test.txt");
    // the iterators DO NOT REQUIRE A LOOP (they "provide" the loop;
    // they are used precisely to avoid coding the loop)

    // notice that the back inserter will insert "entry" types into
    // the "entries" vector as long as it can continue reading them
    // (that is, as long as ">>" continues to return "true"

  } // the bracket on the left is finishing the scope I talked about
    // above. Past this point fp no longer exists, and the file has
    // been closed

  // off you go - you have your vector full of "entry" instances which
  // you can use normally
  std::cout<<"read "<<entries.size()<<" entries: "<<std::endl;
  for(auto e:entries) {
    std::cout<<e.data[0]<<", "<<e.data[1]<<", "<<e.data[2]<<std::endl;

  return 0;

我使用gcc 4.7.2编译了这个源代码:

g++ example.cpp -std=c++11


read 2 entries: 
0, 0, 1
1, 0, 1

答案 1 :(得分:2)

这是使用Boost Spirit的简单方法。


('v' >> qi::float_ >> qi::float_ >> qi::float_) % qi::eol,


#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/karma.hpp>

namespace qi    = boost::spirit::qi;

int main()
    std::cin >> std::noskipws;
    boost::spirit::istream_iterator f(std::cin), l;

    std::vector<float> vect;

    bool ok = qi::phrase_parse(f,l, // std::cin
            ('v' >> qi::float_ >> qi::float_ >> qi::float_) % qi::eol,
            qi::blank, // ignore any whitespace separators
            vect);     // keep appending to a vector 
            // (this could easily be a vector of structs containing 3 floats)

    if (ok)   
        std::cout << "parse success\n";

        // only for verification output:
        using namespace boost::spirit::karma;
        std::cout << "parsed vect: \n" << format_delimited(columns(3) [ *auto_ ], ' ', vect) << "\n";
    else std::cerr << "parse failed: '" << std::string(f,l) << "'\n";

    if (f!=l) std::cerr << "trailing unparsed: '" << std::string(f,l) << "'\n";
    return ok;