
时间:2013-05-03 09:11:41

标签: perl bioinformatics


  • 残留数字,
  • 残留名称,
  • 原子№和
  • atom name。



use List::Util qw(sum);
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
use 5.010;

say "enter residue no.";
chomp(my $r_no = <STDIN>);

my (@all_pos, @all_data, @matching_pos, @matching_data);

my $residue_file = "neighbouring_residues.txt";
open my $out_fh1, '>', $residue_file or die "Can't open $residue_file: $!";

say "enter file name";
chomp(my $infile_name = <STDIN>);
open IN, '<', $infile_name or die "Can't open $infile_name: $!";

LINE: while (<IN>) {
   /^ATOM/ or next LINE;
   my @fields = split;
   push @all_pos,  [ @fields[6 .. 8]    ];
   push @all_data, [ @fields[1 .. 3, 5] ];

   if( $fields[6] eq $r_no) { 
      say $_;
      push @matching_pos,  [ @fields[6 .. 8]    ];
      push @matching_data, [ @fields[1 .. 3, 5] ];

say $out_fh1 "Neighbouring residues at position $r_no in the 4.5A region are:";
my %close_atoms;

for my $i1 ( 0 .. $#matching_pos ) {
   my $matching_atom = $matching_data[$i1][1];
   $matching_atom eq $_ and next MATCHING_ATOM for qw/N CA O C/;
   for my $i2 ( 0 .. $#all_pos ) {
      my ($close_atomno, $close_residueno) = @{$all_data[$i2]}[0, 3];
      my $dist = distance($matching_pos[$i1], $all_pos[$i2]);
      if($dist < 4.5 and $close_residueno != $r_no) {
         $close_atoms{$close_atomno} = 1;

sub distance { sqrt sum map {$_**2} map {$_[0][$_] - $_[1][$_]} 0 .. $#{$_[0]} };

my @close_atoms = keys %close_atoms;

say $out_fh1 "@close_atoms";
for my $m (0 .. $#close_atoms) { 
   say $out_fh1 $all_pos[$m];# here is problem i want residue details according to $close_atomno 

say "result in $residue_file";


ATOM 9   N GLU A 1 35.540 1.925 27.662 1.00 19.70 N
ATOM 10 CA GLU A 1 35.626 1.018 28.802 1.00 20.96 C
ATOM 11  C GLU A 1 34.264 0.794 29.444 1.00 20.22 C


  • 原子
  • 原子序数
  • atom name
  • 残留名称
  • 残留数
  • x coord
  • y coord
  • z coord
  • 不相干
  • 不相干
  • 不相干

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

use warnings;
use strict;

my $base_r_no = $ARGV[0];
open IN, "<$ARGV[1]" or die;

my @atoms_data = map {[split]} grep {/^ATOM/} <IN>; 
foreach my $base_atom (grep {($$_[2] !~ /^N|CA|O|C$/) && ($$_[5] eq $base_r_no)} @atoms_data) {
    foreach my $matched_atom (grep {dist($base_atom,$_) < 4.5} @atoms_data) {
        print join("\t",@{$matched_atom})."\n";

sub dist {
    return sqrt( ($$_[1][5]-$$_[0][5])**2 + ($$_[1][6]-$$_[0][6])**2 + ($$_[1][7]-$$_[0][7])**2 );

对于多个pdb文件 - 我只是将所有文件都捕获到一个文件中并将其交给脚本。