Visual Basic中的链接结构;是否有可能实现双重参考?

时间:2013-05-02 16:38:19



node_type **dp = &root;

while(*dp && /insertion point not reached/)

当我退出循环时,* dp是插入列表的点;我持有对象链接的引用。此引用可能是根,结构末尾的空对象或任何其他节点。随着结构变得越来越复杂,随着对特殊情况的需求呈指数级增长,对双引用的需求变得更加明显。

如何在Visual Basic中实现双引用?


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

请原谅C#,我的VB.NET相当生疏。在C#/ VB.NET中安全地进行双引用的唯一方法是在方法中使用ref参数。

using System;

namespace Test
    class Program
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create an example root node. This example still works when root
            // is null.
            Node root = new Node() { next = new Node() };

            // Setup a Node that contains a pointer to root. This variable will
            // not be destroyed by iteration and will always be root
            // after iteration, even if root started as null.
            Node rp = new Node() { next = root };

            // Initialize the iterator to the root pointer.
            Node dp = rp;

            // Define a new node to be inserted for this example.
            Node nn1 = new Node();
            Node nn2 = new Node();

            // Iterate by calling DoWork until a null reference is returned.
            // Note that a reference to is passed to the method. This
            // allows the method to change what points to. The node to
            // insert is also given to the method. You could easily change this
            // second parameter to be an action that works on the desired node.
            while(null != (dp = DoWork(ref, nn1))) { }
            dp = rp;
            while(null != (dp = DoWork(ref, nn2))) { }

            // Force root to be assigned. If root did not start as null this
            // line is unnecessary.
            root =;

        private static Node DoWork(ref Node node, Node nn)
            // Logic to determine if the insertion point is not reached. For
            // this example the new node is always inserted just before the tail.
            bool logic = null != node && null !=;

            // Check node and logic. Return the node to continue iterating.
            if(null != node && logic)
                return node;

            // Insertion logic here. For the example the new node is inserted
            // into the linked list.
   = node;
            node = nn;

            // Return null to signify that iteration has completed.
            return null;

    [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerDisplay("{id} - {next}")]
    class Node
        private static int sID;

        public int id;
        public Node next;

        public Node()
            id = ++sID;

答案 1 :(得分:-1)


垃圾收集语言,例如:Visual Basic,不能区分收集的变量和对它的引用。我需要双重参考吗?我当然是了!有没有办法在垃圾收集语言中获得一个?不......如果我可以做这样的话,它会破坏垃圾收集器。

嗯,我希望有一些神奇的答案......喝多少咖啡?我只需要忍受这样一个事实,即在Visual Basic中没有像“双引用”这样的动物,并找到解决方法。
