boost :: asio和Active Object

时间:2013-05-01 01:16:08

标签: c++ design-patterns boost-asio

我已经实现了一些基于模块的Active Object设计模式。这是非常简单的实现。我有Scheduler,ActivationList,Requests和Futures来获得响应。 我的要求就是这样:

  • 应通过执行其方法序列化对活动对象的访问 在自己的线程内(主要请求和主动对象的假设) 设计模式)
  • 调用者应能够指定请求执行的优先级。这意味着如果等待执行的请求超过零,则应按分配给每个请求的优先级对它们进行排序。优先级较高的请求应首先执行,因此如果ActivationList上有一些待处理的请求,并且它们的优先级高于给定的请求,则该请求将永远不会被执行 - 对我来说没问题
  • 应该可以指定列表中待处理的最大请求数(限制内存使用量)
  • 应该可以使所有未决请求无效
  • 请求应该能够返回值(阻塞调用者)或者只是在没有值返回的情况下执行,但是在处理请求之前应该阻塞调用者或者不调用调用者,如果给定的请求已经被调用,则调用者不重要是否加工 克
  • 在请求执行之前,应执行一些保护方法以检查是否应该执行给定的请求。如果不是 - 它应该向调用者返回一些未定义的值(在我当前的实现中它是boost :: none,因为每个请求返回类型都是boost :: optional)

现在好了问题: 是否可以使用boost :: asio并满足我的所有要求?我的实现正在运行,但我想使用一些可能以比我更好的方式实现的东西。此外,我想知道它的未来,不要再“重新发明轮子”。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:33)

Boost.Asio可用于包含Active Object的意图:从方法调用中解耦方法执行。其他要求需要在更高级别处理,但在将Boost.Asio与其他Boost库结合使用时并不过分复杂。



  • 用于获取最高优先级方法请求的Boost.MultiIndex。使用提示位置insert()时,将为具有相同优先级的请求保留广告订单。
  • 可以使用
  • std::multisetstd::multimap。但是,在C ++ 03中,关于具有相同密钥(优先级)的请求顺序未指定。
  • 如果Request不需要保护方法,则可以使用std::priority_queue



  • ActivationList将返回true。
  • future.wait()将阻止等待结果可用。
  • future.get()会阻止等待结果。
  • 如果来电者对future不执行任何操作,则不会阻止来电者。
  • 使用Boost.Thread的期货的另一个好处是来自Request的例外情况将传递给Future


// Standard includes
#include <algorithm> // std::find_if
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

// 3rd party includes
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index_container.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/ordered_index.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/member.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/result_of.hpp>

/// @brief scheduler that provides limits with prioritized jobs.
template <typename Priority,
          typename Compare = std::less<Priority> >
class scheduler
  typedef Priority priority_type;

  /// @brief method_request is used to couple the guard and call
  ///        functions for a given method.
  struct method_request
    typedef boost::function<bool()> ready_func_type;
    typedef boost::function<void()> run_func_type;

    template <typename ReadyFunctor,
              typename RunFunctor>
    method_request(ReadyFunctor ready,
                   RunFunctor run)
      : ready(ready),

    ready_func_type ready;
    run_func_type run;

  /// @brief Pair type used to associate a request with its priority.
  typedef std::pair<priority_type,
                    boost::shared_ptr<method_request> > pair_type;

  static bool is_method_ready(const pair_type& pair)
    return pair.second->ready();


  /// @brief Construct scheduler.
  /// @param max_threads Maximum amount of concurrent task.
  /// @param max_request Maximum amount of request.  
  scheduler(std::size_t max_threads,
            std::size_t max_request)
    : work_(io_service_),
    // Spawn threads, dedicating them to the io_service.
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < max_threads; ++i)
        boost::bind(&boost::asio::io_service::run, &io_service_));

  /// @brief Destructor.
    // Release threads from the io_service.
    // Cleanup.

  /// @brief Insert a method request into the scheduler.
  /// @param priority Priority of job.
  /// @param ready_func Invoked to check if method is ready to run.
  /// @param run_func Invoked when ready to run.
  /// @return future associated with the method.
  template <typename ReadyFunctor,
            typename RunFunctor>
  boost::unique_future<typename boost::result_of<RunFunctor()>::type>
  insert(priority_type priority, 
         const ReadyFunctor& ready_func,
         const RunFunctor& run_func)
    typedef typename boost::result_of<RunFunctor()>::type result_type;
    typedef boost::unique_future<result_type> future_type;

    boost::unique_lock<mutex_type> lock(mutex_);

    // If max request has been reached, then return an invalid future.
    if (max_request_ &&
        (request_count_ == max_request_))
      return future_type();


    // Use a packaged task to handle populating promise and future.
    typedef boost::packaged_task<result_type> task_type;

    // Bind does not work with rvalue, and packaged_task is only moveable,
    // so allocate a shared pointer.
    boost::shared_ptr<task_type> task = 

    // Create method request.
    boost::shared_ptr<method_request> request =
        boost::bind(&task_type::operator(), task));

    // Insert into priority.  Hint to inserting as close to the end as
    // possible to preserve insertion order for request with same priority.
                            pair_type(priority, request));

    // There is now an outstanding request, so post to dispatch., this));

    return task->get_future();

  /// @brief Insert a method request into the scheduler.
  /// @param ready_func Invoked to check if method is ready to run.
  /// @param run_func Invoked when ready to run.
  /// @return future associated with the method.
  template <typename ReadyFunctor,
            typename RunFunctor>
  boost::unique_future<typename boost::result_of<RunFunctor()>::type>
  insert(const ReadyFunctor& ready_func,
         const RunFunctor& run_func)
    return insert(priority_type(), ready_func, run_func);

  /// @brief Insert a method request into the scheduler.
  /// @param priority Priority of job.
  /// @param run_func Invoked when ready to run.
  /// @return future associated with the method.
  template <typename RunFunctor>
  boost::unique_future<typename boost::result_of<RunFunctor()>::type>
  insert(priority_type priority, 
         const RunFunctor& run_func)
    return insert(priority, &always_ready, run_func);

  /// @brief Insert a method request with default priority into the
  ///        scheduler.
  /// @param run_func Invoked when ready to run.
  /// @param functor Job to run.
  /// @return future associated with the job.
  template <typename RunFunc>
  boost::unique_future<typename boost::result_of<RunFunc()>::type>
  insert(const RunFunc& run_func)
    return insert(&always_ready, run_func);

  /// @brief Cancel all outstanding request.
  void cancel()
    boost::unique_lock<mutex_type> lock(mutex_);
    request_count_ = 0;


  /// @brief Dispatch a request.
  void dispatch()
    // Get the current highest priority request ready to run from the queue.
    boost::unique_lock<mutex_type> lock(mutex_);
    if (activation_list_.empty()) return;

    // Find the highest priority method ready to run.
    typedef typename activation_list_type::iterator iterator;
    iterator end = activation_list_.end();
    iterator result = std::find_if(
      activation_list_.begin(), end, &is_method_ready);

    // If no methods are ready, then post into dispatch, as the
    // method may have become ready.
    if (end == result)
    {, this));

    // Take ownership of request.
    boost::shared_ptr<method_request> method = result->second;

    // Run method without mutex.

    // Perform bookkeeping.

  static bool always_ready() { return true; }


  /// @brief List of outstanding request.
  typedef boost::multi_index_container<
                                   typename pair_type::first_type,
  > activation_list_type;
  activation_list_type activation_list_;

  /// @brief Thread group managing threads servicing pool.
  boost::thread_group threads_;

  /// @brief io_service used to function as a thread pool.
  boost::asio::io_service io_service_;

  /// @brief Work is used to keep threads servicing io_service.
  boost::asio::io_service::work work_;

  /// @brief Maximum amount of request.
  const std::size_t max_request_;

  /// @brief Count of outstanding request.
  std::size_t request_count_;

  /// @brief Synchronize access to the activation list.
  typedef boost::mutex mutex_type;
  mutex_type mutex_;

typedef scheduler<unsigned int, 
                  std::greater<unsigned int> > high_priority_scheduler;

/// @brief adder is a simple proxy that will delegate work to
///        the scheduler.
class adder
  adder(high_priority_scheduler& scheduler)
    : scheduler_(scheduler)

  /// @brief Add a and b with a priority.
  /// @return Return future result.
  template <typename T>
  boost::unique_future<T> add(
    high_priority_scheduler::priority_type priority,
    const T& a, const T& b)
    // Insert method request
    return scheduler_.insert(
      boost::bind(&adder::do_add<T>, a, b));

  /// @brief Add a and b.
  /// @return Return future result.
  template <typename T>
  boost::unique_future<T> add(const T& a, const T& b)
    return add(high_priority_scheduler::priority_type(), a, b);


  /// @brief Actual add a and b.
  template <typename T>
  static T do_add(const T& a, const T& b)
    std::cout << "Starting addition of '" << a 
              << "' and '" << b << "'" << std::endl;
    // Mimic busy work.
    std::cout << "Finished addition" << std::endl;
    return a + b;

  high_priority_scheduler& scheduler_;

bool get(bool& value) { return value; }
void guarded_call()
  std::cout << "guarded_call" << std::endl; 

int main()
  const unsigned int max_threads = 1;
  const unsigned int max_request = 4;

  // Sscheduler
  high_priority_scheduler scheduler(max_threads, max_request);

  // Proxy
  adder adder(scheduler);

  // Client

  // Add guarded method to scheduler.
  bool ready = false;
  std::cout << "Add guarded method." << std::endl;
  boost::unique_future<void> future1 = scheduler.insert(
    boost::bind(&get, boost::ref(ready)),

  // Add 1 + 100 with default priority.
  boost::unique_future<int> future2 = adder.add(1, 100);

  // Force sleep to try to get scheduler to run request 2 first.

  // Add:
  //   2 + 200 with low priority (5)
  //   "test" + "this" with high priority (99)
  boost::unique_future<int> future3 = adder.add(5, 2, 200);
  boost::unique_future<std::string> future4 = adder.add(99,
    std::string("test"), std::string("this"));

  // Max request should have been reached, so add another.
  boost::unique_future<int> future5 = adder.add(3, 300);

  // Check if request was added.
  std::cout << "future1 is valid: " << future1.valid()
          << "\nfuture2 is valid: " << future2.valid()
          << "\nfuture3 is valid: " << future3.valid()
          << "\nfuture4 is valid: " << future4.valid()
          << "\nfuture5 is valid: " << future5.valid()
          << std::endl;

  // Get results for future2 and future3.  Do nothing with future4's results.
  std::cout << "future2 result: " << future2.get()
          << "\nfuture3 result: " << future3.get()
          << std::endl;

  std::cout << "Unguarding method." << std::endl;
  ready = true;


  • request1被保护到程序结束,并且应该最后运行。
  • request2(1 + 100)以默认优先级插入,应首先运行。
  • request3(2 + 200)插入低优先级,并应在request4之后运行。
  • request4('test'+'this')以高优先级插入,应在request3之前运行。
  • request5因最大请求而无法插入,且无效。


Add guarded method.
Starting addition of '1' and '100'
future1 is valid: 1
future2 is valid: 1
future3 is valid: 1
future4 is valid: 1
future5 is valid: 0
Finished addition
Starting addition of 'test' and 'this'
Finished addition
Starting addition of '2' and '200'
Finished addition
future2 result: 101
future3 result: 202
Unguarding method.