
时间:2013-04-23 05:07:20

标签: haskell overlapping-instances

鉴于X和Y类,创建彼此类的实例最常用的方法是什么?例如 -

instance (X a) => Y a where ...
instance (Y a) => X a where ...

我想避免扩展。此外,我知道这可能会导致一些讨厌的无限递归,所以我愿意采用一种完全不同的方法来完成相同的事情并保持相对干燥。下面给出了我遇到的确切问题的背景 -

data Dealer = Dealer Hand
data Player = Player Hand Cash

class HasPoints a where
    getPoints :: a -> Int

class (HasPoints a) => CardPlayer a where
    getHand :: a -> Hand

    viewHand :: a -> TurnIsComplete -> Hand

    hasBlackjack :: a -> Bool
    hasBlackjack player = getPoints player == 21 &&
                          (length . getCards . getHand) player == 2

    busts :: a -> Bool
    busts player = getPoints player > 21

我想这样做 -

instance (CardPlayer a) => HasPoints a where
    getPoints = getPoints . getHand

但似乎我必须这样做 -

instance HasPoints Dealer where
    getPoints = getPoints . getHand

instance HasPoints Player where
    getPoints = getPoints . getHand



data CardPlayer = Dealer Hand | Player Hand Cash

instance HasPoints CardPlayer where
    getPoints = getPoints . getHand

getCash :: CardPlayer -> Maybe Cash
getHand :: CardPlayer -> Hand
viewHand :: CardPlayer -> TurnIsComplete -> Hand
hasBlackjack :: CardPlayer -> Bool
busts :: CardPlayer -> Bool

-- I wanted HasPoints to be polymorphic
-- so it could handle Card, Hand, and CardPlayer

instance HasPoints Hand where
    getPoints Hand { getCards = [] } = 0

    getPoints hand = if base > 21 && numAces > 0
                     then maximum $ filter (<=21) possibleScores
                     else base
      where base = sum $ map getPoints $ getCards hand
            numAces = length $ filter ((Ace==) . rank) $ getCards hand
            possibleScores = map ((base-) . (*10)) [1..numAces]

instance HasPoints Card where
    -- You get the point

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)




class HasPoints a where
    getPoints :: a -> Int

class (HasPoints a) => CardPlayer a where
    getHand :: a -> Hand
    viewHand :: a -> TurnIsComplete -> Hand
    hasBlackjack :: a -> Bool
    busts :: a -> Bool



data CardPlayer a = CardPlayer
    { playerPoints :: Int 
    , hand :: Hand
    , viewHand :: TurnIsComplete -> Hand
    , hasBlackjack :: Bool
    , busts :: Bool
    , player :: a

data Dealer = Dealer
data Player = Player Cash

在此版本中,CardPlayer PlayerCardPlayer Dealer类型与您拥有的PlayerDealer类型相同。这里的player记录字段用于获取专用于播放器类型的数据,并且在您的类中具有类约束的多态函数可以简单地对CardPlayer a类型的值进行操作。



data HasPoints a = HasPoints
    { points :: Int
    , pointOwner :: a



答案 1 :(得分:6)

一般来说,it's impossible to declare all instances of a class to also be instances of another class without making type checking undecidable。因此,您提出的定义仅适用于UndecidableInstances已启用:

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}

instance (CardPlayer a) => HasPoints a where
    getPoints = getPoints . getHand


data Hand = ...

handPoints :: Hand -> Int
handPoints = ...

data Dealer = Dealer Hand
data Player = Player Hand Cash

class CardPlayer a where
  getHand :: a -> Hand

instance CardPlayer Dealer where ...
instance CardPlayer Player where ...

playerPoints :: (CardPlayer a) => a -> Int
playerPoints = handPoints . getHand