
时间:2013-04-22 04:28:16

标签: haskell polymorphism ghc typeclass

以下内容来自GHC用户指南(Haskell Platform 2012.4.0.0)...。类方法类型


Haskell 98禁止类方法类型提及类类型变量的约束,因此:

class Seq s a where
  fromList :: [a] -> s a
  elem     :: Eq a => a -> s a -> Bool

elem的类型在Haskell 98中是非法的,因为它包含约束Eq a,只约束类类型变量(在本例中为a)。 GHC解除了这一限制(flag -XConstrainedClassMethods)。


  1. Seq类型类隐式获得Eq a的{​​{1}}约束。
  2. elem方法在elem不是类Seq的成员的情况下(或者它是成员的情况下,不能用于类型类a,但那是未知使用Eq的地方。
  3. 我强烈怀疑(2)因为它似乎有用,而(1)似乎没用。 (2)基本上允许为可以支持它们的情况定义方法,而不限制类型类仅为那些情况实例化。

    这个例子似乎激发了这一点 - 这个想法是elem对于序列来说通常是一个有用的操作,太有价值而无法生存,但我们也想支持那些elem不可接受的序列,例如函数序列。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

注意:似乎there is a bug in GHC >= 7使GHC接受约束类方法,即使在Haskell 98模式下也是如此。



elem     :: Eq a => a -> s a -> Bool

as是类类型变量,Eq a是类类型变量a的约束。正如手册所说,Haskell 98禁止这样的约束(FWIW,它也禁止多参数类型)。因此,在Haskell 98模式下不应接受以下代码(我认为它在Haskell 2010中也被禁止):

class Compare a where
  comp :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool

事实上,GHC 6.12.1拒绝了它:

Prelude> :load Test.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( Test.hs, interpreted )

    All of the type variables in the constraint `Eq a'
    are already in scope (at least one must be universally quantified here)
        (Use -XFlexibleContexts to lift this restriction)
    When checking the class method: comp :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> Bool
    In the class declaration for `Compare'
Failed, modules loaded: none.
Prelude> :set -XConstrainedClassMethods
Prelude> :load Test.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( Test.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.


class (Eq a) => Compare a where
  comp :: a -> a -> Bool


{-# LANGUAGE ConstrainedClassMethods #-}
module Main where

class Compare a where
  comp :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> Bool
  someMethod :: a -> a -> a

data A = A deriving Show
data B = B deriving (Show,Eq)

instance Compare A where
  comp = undefined
  someMethod A A = A

instance Compare B where
  comp = (==)
  someMethod B B = B

使用GHC 6.12.1进行测试:

*Main> :load Test.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( Test.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> comp A

    No instance for (Eq A)
      arising from a use of `comp' at <interactive>:1:0-5
    Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Eq A)
    In the expression: comp A
    In the definition of `it': it = comp A
*Main> someMethod A A
*Main> comp B B
