完成了这个功能 double temp = 0;
double result = 0;
double cosPhi = 0;
double dotProd = 0;
double cosTheta = cos(current->getTheta());
// If Theta = PI/2, there is a tiny difference between this rounded value
// and the exact value of PI/2 due to double precision representation. This
// gives cos(PI/2) = 6*10^-17 instead of 0. So, manually set cos(PI/2) = 0.
cosTheta = 0;
double cellLengthX = current->getLength()*cosTheta;
double cellLengthY = current->getLength()*sin(current->getTheta());
double dist = Distance(current, next);
if(dist == 0)
return 0.0;
//cout << "Dist " << dist << endl;
// calculate the vector of distance
// next - current, because the end of the vector is the next cell,
// while the start of the vector is the current cell.
double distX = next->getCurrX() - current->getCurrX();
double distY = next->getCurrY() - current->getCurrY();
//cout <<"DistX " << distX <<" DistY " << distY << endl;
// Dot product
dotProd = cellLengthX*distX + cellLengthY*distY;
//cout << "DotP " << dotProd << endl;
// angle from formula : vector_a*vector_b = |a||b|cos(phi)
cosPhi = dotProd/(current->getLength()*dist);
cout << "aCos " << acos(cosPhi) << endl;
if(cosPhi == 1) // 0 degrees
return 0;
else if(cosPhi == -1) // 180 degrees
return M_PI;
else if(cosPhi == 0) // 90 or 270 degrees
if(distX>0 || distY>0)
return M_PI_2; // 90
return 3*M_PI_2; // 270
else if(-distX<=0 && -distY <0) // 1st quadrant -distX<=0
//cout << "Angle 1st :" << acos(cosPhi) << endl;
return acos(cosPhi);
else if(-distX>=0 && -distY >0) // 3rd quadrant -distX>=0
temp = acos(cosPhi);
result = M_PI_2 + temp;
//cout << "Angle 3rd :" << result << endl;
return result;
else if(-distX >0 && -distY <=0) // 2nd quadrant -distY <=0
//cout << "Angle 2nd :" << acos(cosPhi) << endl;
return acos(cosPhi);
else if(-distX <0 && -distY >=0) // 4th quadrant -distY >=0
temp = acos(cosPhi);
result = 3*M_PI_2 + temp;
//cout << "Angle 4th :" << result << endl;
return result;
double x1, y1, x2, y2, phi1, phi2, theta, omega;
omega = 0;
theta = current->getTheta();
phi1 = 0;
phi2 = 0;
x1 = current->getLength()*cos(theta);
y1 = current->getLength()*sin(theta);
x2 = next->getCurrX() - current->getCurrX();
y2 = next->getCurrY() - current->getCurrY();
//phi1 = atan2(y1,x1);
//phi2 = atan2(y2,x2);
omega = atan2(y2-y1,x2-x1);//phi2 - phi1;
cout << phi1 << " " << phi2 << " " << omega << endl;
return omega;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
double x2, y2, theta, omega;
theta = current->getTheta();
x2 = next->getCurrX() - current->getCurrX();
y2 = next->getCurrY() - current->getCurrY();
omega = atan2(y2,x2) - theta;
cout << omega << endl;
return omega;