
时间:2013-04-14 10:43:25

标签: hibernate jpa

我一直在使用hibernate创建复合键。我找到了这个链接: how to make a composite primary key (java persistence annotation)


其次,我尝试了Arthur Ronald F D Garcia的解决方案。我仍然遇到一些问题。这是我的代码,与Arthur Ronald F D Garcia的解决方案非常相似。


public class Mailbox {

    private int mailboxId;
    @Column( unique=true, nullable=false )
    private String name;    
    @Column( unique=true, nullable=false )
    private String employeeId;  
    private String status;
    private Date createdOn;

    @OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy="joinedMailboxMessageId.mailboxId")
    private List<MailboxMessages> joinedMailboxMessageList = new ArrayList<MailboxMessages>();

    public Mailbox(){}
    public Mailbox(int id)  {this.mailboxId=id;}
    public void addSMail(SMail mail) {
        // Implementation
    //Getters and setters


public class SMail {

    private int messageId;

    private Date originDate;
    private String from;
    private List<String> to=new ArrayList<String>();
    private String message;
    private String subject;

    @OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy="joinedMailboxMessageId.messageId")
    private List<MailboxMessages> joinedMailboxMessageList = new ArrayList<MailboxMessages>();

    public SMail() {}
    public SMail(int messageId) {

    // addMailbox sets up bidirectional relationship
    public void addMailbox(Mailbox mailbox) { // Implementation}
//Getters and setters


public class MailboxMessages {

    @JoinColumn(name="MAILBOX_ID", insertable=false, updatable=false)
    private Mailbox mailboxId;

    @JoinColumn(name="MESSAGE_ID", insertable=false, updatable=false)
    private SMail messageId;

    private boolean read;
    private boolean deleted;
    private boolean flagged;
    private String priority;
    private Date messageDate;

    // Implemented as static class - see bellow
    private MailboxMessagesId joinedMailboxMessageId;

    // INNER CLASS: required because this class contains composite id
    public static class MailboxMessagesId implements Serializable {

        private Mailbox mailboxId;

        private SMail messageId;

        // required no arg constructor
        public MailboxMessagesId() {}

        public MailboxMessagesId(Mailbox mailbox, SMail mail) {
            this.mailboxId = mailbox;
            this.messageId = mail;

        public MailboxMessagesId(int mailboxId, int messageId) {
            this(new Mailbox(mailboxId), new SMail(messageId));

        public boolean equals(Object instance) {
            if (instance == null)
                return false;

            if (!(instance instanceof MailboxMessagesId))
                return false;

            final MailboxMessagesId other = (MailboxMessagesId) instance;

            if (!(mailboxId.getMailboxId()==(other.getMailboxId().getMailboxId())))
                return false;

            if (!(messageId.getMessageId()==(other.getMessageId().getMessageId())))
                return false;

            return true;

        public int hashCode() {
            int hash = 7;
            hash = 47 * hash + (this.mailboxId != null ? this.mailboxId.hashCode() : 0);
            hash = 47 * hash + (this.messageId != null ? this.messageId.hashCode() : 0);
            return hash;

        //Getters and setters
    //Constructors and getters and setters

现在真正的问题是hibernate只为邮箱类创建表。所以我想问题可能在其他2个类中。我尝试了亚瑟·罗纳德的确切解决方案;它工作得很好。你能帮我辨别一下我在代码中可能犯的错误吗? 此外,如果在MailboxMessage类中创建复合键的技术有替代方法



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


@Column(name = "EMP_NO_FK" , unique=true , nullable = false ,length=10)
private Long empno;

@Column(name = "GROUP_NO_FK" , unique=true , nullable = false ,length=5)
private Long  groupNo;

@Column(name = "DEPT_NO_FK" , unique=true , nullable = false ,length=10)
private Long deptno;

@Column(name = "YEAR_NAME_M_FK" , unique=true , nullable = false ,length=4)
private Integer  year;

答案 1 :(得分:0)

自己找到解决方案:问题在于使用'from'作为SMail类中的数据成员,并将'read'作为MailboxMessages类中的数据成员,因为它们是使用mysql的保留关键字。现在我的所有表都是创建的,更不用说复合键了。 (通过数据库确认)