
时间:2013-04-11 09:26:44

标签: c# vb.net bluetooth


    ' The host part of the URI is the device address, e.g. IrDAAddress.ToString(),
' and the file part is the OBEX object name.
Dim addr As String = "112233445566"
Dim uri As New Uri("obex://" & addr & "/HelloWorld.txt")
Dim req As New ObexWebRequest(uri)
req.ReadFile("Hello World.txt")
Dim rsp As ObexWebResponse = CType(req.GetResponse(),ObexWebResponse)
Console.WriteLine("Response Code: {0} (0x{0:X})", rsp.StatusCode)

    ' The host part of the URI is the device address, e.g. IrDAAddress.ToString(),
' and the file part is the OBEX object name.
Dim addr As String = "112233445566"
Dim uri As New Uri("obex://" & addr & "/HelloWorld2.txt")
Dim req As New ObexWebRequest(uri)
Using content As Stream = req.GetRequestStream()
   ' Using a StreamWriter to write text to the stream...
   Using wtr As New StreamWriter(content)
      wtr.WriteLine("Hello World GetRequestStream")
      wtr.WriteLine("Hello World GetRequestStream 2")
      ' Set the Length header value
      req.ContentLength = content.Length
   End Using
   ' In this case closing the StreamWriter also closed the Stream, but ...
End Using
Dim rsp As ObexWebResponse = CType(req.GetResponse(),ObexWebResponse) 
Console.WriteLine("Response Code: {0} (0x{0:X})", rsp.StatusCode)

    Dim lsnr As New ObexListener(ObexTransport. Bluetooth)
' For each connection
Dim ctx As ObexListenerContext = lsnr.GetContext()
Dim req As ObexListenerRequest = ctx.Request
Dim pathSplits() As String = req.RawUrl.Split('/')
Dim filename As String = pathSplits(pathSplits.Length – 1)

    Dim addr As BluetoothAddress _
  = BluetoothAddress.Parse("001122334455")
Dim ep As New BluetoothEndPoint(addr, BluetoothService.SerialPort)
Dim cli As New BluetoothClient
Dim peerStream As Stream = cli.GetStream()
peerStream.Write/Read ...


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