从AsyncTask for Android绑定到服务

时间:2013-04-04 14:51:29

标签: android android-intent android-asynctask android-activity





MainActivity> SpecialActivity> CommandController> FirstCommand

public class MainActivity extends ViewBaseActivity {

    private void startServices(){

        Intent propertiesIntent = new Intent(this, PropertiesService.class);

        Intent intentSpecialIntent = new Intent(this, SpecialService.class);

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


public class RateActivity extends ViewBaseActivity {

    public void onClickOfSomeButton(View v){
        CommandController commander = new CommandController();


public class CommandController {

    protected interface IRemoteAsyncTask {
      public List<?> getResults();
      public void setContext(ContextBase context);

    protected class RemoteTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Object> implements IRemoteAsyncTask{

        private ContextBase context = new ContextBase();

        public RemoteTask() {
          // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

        public RemoteTask(ContextBase context) {
          this.context = context;

        public List<?> getResults() {
          // TODO Auto-generated method stub
          return null;

        protected Object doInBackground(String... params) {
          // TODO Auto-generated method stub
          String command = (String) params[0];
          logger.debug("Command controller is attempting to launch ["+command+"]");
              try {
          } catch (Exception e) {
          return null;

        public void setContext(ContextBase context) {
          this.context = context;

        protected ContextBase getContext() {
          return context;


    public void executeMyCommand(ViewBaseActivity activity){
      ContextBase context = new ContextBase();
      context.put(ViewBaseActivity.class, activity);
      RemoteTask backgroundTask = new RemoteTask(context);


public class FirstCommand implements Command{

    private SpecialService specialService;
    private ViewBaseActivity hostActivity;

    private ServiceConnection specialServiceConnection = new ServiceConnection() {
        public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder service) {
            // This is called when the connection with the service has been
            // established, giving us the service object we can use to
            // interact with the service.  Because we have bound to a explicit
            // service that we know is running in our own process, we can
            // cast its IBinder to a concrete class and directly access it.
          specialService = ((GetService.LocalBinder)service).specialService();
          logger.debug("Get service connection established: "+specialService.toString());

        public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName className) {
            // This is called when the connection with the service has been
            // unexpectedly disconnected -- that is, its process crashed.
            // Because it is running in our same process, we should never
            // see this happen.
          specialService = null;

    public boolean execute(Context context) throws Exception {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      logger.debug("Executing Special Command");
      ViewBaseActivity activity = hostActivity = (ViewBaseActivity) context.get(ViewBaseActivity.class);
      Intent intent = new Intent(activity.getApplicationContext(), SpecialService.class);
      activity.bindService(intent, specialServiceConnection, activity.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
      logger.debug("Binding specialService");
      logger.debug("Service invoking explicitly");
      logger.debug("Finished with Special Command");
      return false;

    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {


public class SpecialService extends IntentService {

    public SpecialService() {

    public class LocalBinder extends Binder {
      public SpecialService specialService() {
            // Return this instance of LocalService so clients can call public methods
            return SpecialService.this;

    private final IBinder mBinder = new LocalBinder();

    private PropertiesService propertiesService;

    private ServiceConnection propertiesConnection = new ServiceConnection() {
        public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder service) {
            // This is called when the connection with the service has been
            // established, giving us the service object we can use to
            // interact with the service.  Because we have bound to a explicit
            // service that we know is running in our own process, we can
            // cast its IBinder to a concrete class and directly access it.
            propertiesService = ((PropertiesService.LocalBinder)service).getService();

        public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName className) {
            // This is called when the connection with the service has been
            // unexpectedly disconnected -- that is, its process crashed.
            // Because it is running in our same process, we should never
            // see this happen.
            propertiesService = null;

    public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId){
        super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId);
        bindService(new Intent(SpecialService.this, PropertiesService.class), propertiesConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
        logger.debug("Special Service has be requested!");
        return START_STICKY;

    public void onCreate(){

    public void onDestroy(){

    protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
        logger.debug("Get Service onHandleIntent has be requested!");

    public void execute() {
        //Do soemthing novel

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