
时间:2013-03-30 00:23:14

标签: c++ arrays algorithm search



  • 在玩家移动之前登机(粗体是必要的交换)

    A C B B C

    D D B A D

    D A A C C

    A D B B A

    D C D A A

  • 玩家移动后的棋盘(粗体结果匹配)

    A C B B C

    D D B A D

    D A A C C

    D A B B A

    D C D A A




  • 以下空格。从当前位置,检查提前在同一行中的四个空格(如果行中剩余的空格少于四个,则为更少)。首先检查五场比赛,包括当前比赛;如果没有,检查四(减去一个点);如果没有,请检查三个(减去一个点);如果没有,则找不到匹配项。对下面列重复相同的检查。

  • 前面的空格。从当前位置,检查返回在同一行中的四个空格(如果第一个点之间的空格少于四个,则更少)在行和当前点)。首先检查五场比赛,包括当前比赛;如果没有,检查四(减去一个点);如果没有,请检查三个(减去一个点);如果没有,则找不到匹配项。对上面的列重复相同的检查。


bool Board::findMatches(bool scoringMove) // false if board is being setup before game
    bool matchesFound = false;

    // loops through entire board, where "size" is the width, not the number of spots
    for (int i = 0; i < size.getSize()*size.getSize(); i++)
        // loops for each type of Gem, six total (_not identical to given example_)
        for (int k = 0; k < gems.getNumGems(); k++)
            Gem traverseGems(k); // next Gem (in sequence)
            char nextGem = traverseGems.getGem(); // next Gem set to a char

            // ROWS check
            // default match search for 3-match
            if ((i < (size.getSize()*size.getSize())-4)
            && (board[i]->getGem() == nextGem)
            && (board[i+1]->getGem() == nextGem)
            && (board[i+2]->getGem() == nextGem))
                // if the player is making a move
                if (!scoringMove)
                    return true;

                matchesFound = true;

                // just adds points to score; irrelevant to algorithm
                scoreMatches(3, 'R', i, 3);

                // no 4-match, but a 3-match
                if (board[i+3]->getGem() != nextGem)
                    scoreMatches(3, 'R', i, 3);
                    scoreMatches(4, 'R', i, 4);

                // 5-match found
                if (board[i+3]->getGem() == nextGem && board[i+4]->getGem() == nextGem)
                    scoreMatches(5, 'R', i, 5);

            // COLUMNS check (comments for rows check apply here as well)

            if ((i <= (size.getSize()-1))
            && (board[i]->getGem() == nextGem)
            && (board[i+size.getSize()]->getGem() == nextGem)
            && (board[i+(size.getSize()*2)]->getGem() == nextGem))
                if (!scoringMove)
                    return true;

                matchesFound = true;

                scoreMatches(3, 'C', i, 3);

                if (board[i+(size*3)]->getGem() != nextGem)
                    scoreMatches(3, 'C', i, 3);
                    scoreMatches(4, 'C', i, 4);
                if (board[i+(size*3)]->getGem() == nextGem && board[i+(size*4)]->getGem() == nextGem)
                    scoreMatches(5, 'C', i, 5);

    return matchesFound;


#ifndef BOARD_H
#define BOARD_H

#include "Size.h"
#include "Score.h"
#include "Move.h"
#include "Gem.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ctime>

class Board
    Size size;
    Score score;
    Gem **board;
    bool moreSwaps;

    void swapGems(Move);
    void swapGems(int, int);
    void setNewRandGem(int);
    void findMoreSwaps();
    void scoreMatches(int, char, int, int);
    bool findMatches(bool);

    Board(Size, Score&);
    void displayBoard() const;
    bool isMatch(Move);
    bool moreMovesFound() const;



Board::Board(Size size, Score &score)
    srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); // I can always move this to main()

    this->size = size;
    this->score = score;

    board = new Gem *[size.getSize()*size.getSize()];

    for (int i = 0; i < size.getSize()*size.getSize(); i++)
        board[i] = new Gem;

    //This is the "pre-game" block.
    //As long as the program finds a new match after performing its
    //own swaps, it'll randomize the entire board and start over again.
    //This is incredibly unefficient, but I will try to fix it later.
        for (int i = 0; i < size.getSize()*size.getSize(); i++)

    } while (findMatches(false));

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)






function is_there_a_valid_move(board)
// returns true if there is a valid bejewelled move

   // test all horizontal swaps
   for (x = 0; x++; x< board-width - 1):
      for (y = 0; y++; y < board-height):
         make a copy of the board: board2
         swap board2[x,y] and board2[x+1,y]
         check_matches(board2, 3)
         if match found: return true

   // test all vertical swaps
   for (x = 0; x++; x< board-width):
      for (y = 0; y++; y < board-height - 1):
         make a copy of the board: board2
         swap board2[x,y] and board2[x,y+1]
         check_matches(board2, 3)
         if match found: return true

   return false

function check_matches(board, num_matches)
// returns true if there are num_matches or more of the same symbol in a row or column

   // check rows
   for (y = 0; y++; y < board-height):
      consecutive_symbols = 0
      for (x = 0; x++; x< board-width - 1):
         if board[x,y] == board[x+1,y]: consecutive_symbols++
         else: consecutive_symbols = 0
         if consecutive_symbols >=num_matches: return true

   // check columns
   for (x = 0; x++; x< board-width):
      consecutive_symbols = 0
      for (y = 0; y++; y < board-height - 1):
         if board[x,y] == board[x,y+1]: consecutive_symbols++
         else: consecutive_symbols = 0
         if consecutive_symbols >=num_matches: return true     

   return false
