之后的Log in
列中查看。我需要了解在Log in
之后有多少金人开始玩第一场比赛。在玩家开始游戏之前,他们可以Buy gold
或Get bonus
**Player ID Timestamp Action Value**
1111 09:11 Log in 500
1111 09:25 Buy gold 100
1111 09:28 Get bonus 50
1111 09:30 Start game
2222 11:14 Log in 800
3333 12:01 Log in 700
3333 12:04 Get bonus 50
3333 12:08 Start game
3333 12:15 Buy gold 100
3333 12:18 Start game
1111 14:40 Log in 300
1111 14:42 Buy gold 100
1111 14:50 Start game
2222 15:22 Log in 600
2222 15:25 Buy gold 100
2222 16:25 Log in 400
2222 16:30 Get bonus 50
2222 16:35 Start game
我正在寻找的结果是这样的。它基本上是Start game
与玩家最近Log in
**Match number Player ID Value**
1 1111 650
2 3333 750
3 1111 400
4 2222 450
答案 0 :(得分:1)
SELECT PlayerID, SUM(value) FROM table a
TimeStamp >= (SELECT MAX(TimeStamp) FROM table WHERE a.PlayerID = PlayerID AND Action = 'Log in' )
答案 1 :(得分:1)
一种方法是搜索每个Log in
行。然后查找下一行Log in
或Start game
。如果该行是Start game
select row_number() over (order by start.Timestamp) as MatchNumber
, start.[Player ID]
, vals.SumValue
from YourTable login
cross apply
select top 1 *
from YourTable start
where login.[Player ID] = start.[Player ID]
and login.Timestamp < start.Timestamp
and start.Action in ('Start game', 'Log in')
order by
) start
cross apply
select sum(cast(vals.Value as int)) as SumValue
from YourTable vals
where vals.[Player ID] = start.[Player ID]
and vals.Action in ('Log in', 'Get bonus', 'Buy gold')
and vals.Timestamp between login.Timestamp and start.Timestamp
) vals
where login.Action = 'Log in'
and start.Action = 'Start game'
答案 2 :(得分:0)
select tli.playerId, tli.TimeStamp, sum(value)
from (select t.*,
(select top 1 timestamp
from t t2
where t2.playerId = t.playerId and
t2.timestamp > t.timestamp and
t2.action in ('log in', 'start game')
order by timestamp
) as nextTimestamp
from t
where t.action in ('log in')
) tli join
on t.playerId = tli.playerId and
t.timestamp >= tli.timestamp and
t.timestamp < tli.nextTimeStamp
group by tli.playerId, tli.timeStamp