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I majored in Political Science and my first roommate's name was Rick Gates. He was from <a title="DeTour Village" href="https://maps.google.com/maps?q=DeTour+Village,+Michigan&hl=en&ll=45.984558,-83.873062&spn=0.157687,0.382118&sll=38.899672,-77.024424&sspn=0.022077,0.047765&hq=DeTour&hnear=Michigan,+Nelson,+North+Dakota&t=m&z=13">DeTour Village</a>, Michigan (on the tip of the Upper Peninsula). Back then, the golf course on nearby Drummond Island doubled as the airport.
Rick was tall and lanky and I was, well, not. Yet, no one in our dorm could tell us apart. Everyone called me Rick. This was my first identity crisis. Little did I know my name and looks would lead me to others...
<div class="cellright"><a class="nounderline" href="http://outtacontext.com/wp2/past8"><img alt="Dance Lesson illustration" src="http://outtacontext.com/wp2/wp-content/themes/sentence/images/past/past7b.jpg" border="0" /></a></div>
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