使用Class + Scope问题中的列表

时间:2013-03-04 14:37:53

标签: c# list class scope


这是我当前的Player类(我知道你可以使用“Name {get; set}”例如,但是我有一些问题定义,下面是我的2个类,我的顶级王牌级别(10个顶级王牌是后来创建的)和一个玩家类。

        //Top trumps class, layout of top trump card defined in here
    public class TopTrumps 
        public int height;
        public int length;
        public int speed;
        public int CardID;

        public TopTrumps(int a, int b, int c, int d)  
            this.height = a;   
            this.length = b;
            this.speed = c;

    // The player class, Containing player name, Score etc.
    public class Player

        public string Name;
        public int Score;
        public bool Turn;
   //     public List<TopTrumps> PlayerDeck = new List<TopTrumps>();

        public Player(string a, int b, bool c)
            this.Name = a;
            this.Score = b;
            this.Turn = c;
     //       this.PlayerDeck = d;


        // Create computer card deck

        Player Computer = new Player("Computer", 0, true);  //Create new player

        List<TopTrumps> ComputerDeck = new List<TopTrumps>();

        ComputerDeck = Trumps.GetRange(5, 5);

        for (int i = 0; i <ComputerDeck.Count; i++)
                listBox3.Items.Add("COMP Card [" + i + "] : " + ComputerDeck[i].height);

然而,当我尝试访问与该功能之外的播放器有关的任何内容时            “public void DealCards_Click(object sender,EventArgs e)” 以上代码所在的是什么,然后我将始终收到无法访问的错误。例如,我在下面发布的按钮上给出错误“错误1当前上下文中不存在名称'计算机'”

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Player1.Name = PlayerName.Text;


- 汤姆

public partial class Game : Form

    //Top trumps class, layout of top trump card defined in here
    public class TopTrumps 
        public int height;
        public int length;
        public int speed;
        public int CardID;

        public TopTrumps(int a, int b, int c, int d)  //Pass height length and speed as arguements to class, Example 'TopTrumps(10,10,20);'
            this.height = a;   // Set objects height to the parsed value of a
            this.length = b;
            this.speed = c;
            this.CardID = d;


    // The player class, Containing player name, Score etc.
    public class Player

        public string Name;
        public int Score;
        public bool Turn;
   //     public List<TopTrumps> PlayerDeck = new List<TopTrumps>();

        public Player(string a, int b, bool c)
            this.Name = a;
            this.Score = b;
            this.Turn = c;
     //       this.PlayerDeck = d;

    public Player player1 = new Player("New Player", 0, true);  //Create new player

    public Game()

    private void Hide_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Form1 MainScreen = new Form1();


    public void DealCards_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        List<TopTrumps> Trumps = new List<TopTrumps>(); //Create a list of deck of top trumps
        // We can now easily access each top trump card variables, For example 'Trumps[1].height = 5', will modify the 2nd cards height

        Trumps.Add(new TopTrumps(10, 20, 50,1));   //Add each top trump card (10 of them) to the newly created list
        Trumps.Add(new TopTrumps(15, 50, 40,2));      //Format = (height, Length, speed, CardID)
        Trumps.Add(new TopTrumps(6, 4, 20,3));
        Trumps.Add(new TopTrumps(11, 20, 30,4));
        Trumps.Add(new TopTrumps(10, 70, 25,5));
        Trumps.Add(new TopTrumps(10, 14, 35,6));
        Trumps.Add(new TopTrumps(20, 80, 40,7));
        Trumps.Add(new TopTrumps(10, 44, 45,8));
        Trumps.Add(new TopTrumps(13, 67, 30,9));
        Trumps.Add(new TopTrumps(14, 12, 20,10));

        //Shuffle routine

        Random random = new Random(); //Create new random number
        int n = Trumps.Count;   //Create variable of Trump decks length 
        //    listBox1.Items.Add(n);

        while (n > 1)
            n--;    //n immedietely decreased
            int k = random.Next(n + 1);  //Create a random number between 0 and 9 (The adressable range of the list)
            TopTrumps nth_value = Trumps[k];     //Store random number index contents, in temp storage 
            Trumps[k] = Trumps[n];           //Swap the random number index with the nth index (On 1st loop, Random number index will swap values with 10th card)
            Trumps[n] = nth_value;       //Set the nth card to the random numbers index contents

        for (int i = 0; i < Trumps.Count; i++)
            listBox2.Items.Add("Card [" + i + "] : " + Trumps[i].CardID);

        // Create player 1 card deck

        List<TopTrumps> PlayerDeck = new List<TopTrumps>();
        PlayerDeck = Trumps.GetRange(0, 5);

        for (int i = 0; i < PlayerDeck.Count; i++)
            listBox1.Items.Add("PLAYER Card [" + i + "] : " + PlayerDeck[i].height);

        // Create computer card deck

        Player Computer = new Player("Computer", 0, true);  //Create new player

        List<TopTrumps> ComputerDeck = new List<TopTrumps>();

        ComputerDeck = Trumps.GetRange(5, 5);

        for (int i = 0; i <ComputerDeck.Count; i++)
                listBox3.Items.Add("COMP Card [" + i + "] : " + ComputerDeck[i].height);

        //Initial deck set up

        CardID.Text = "Card ID: " + PlayerDeck[0].CardID;
        Height.Text = "Height: " + PlayerDeck[0].height;
        Length.Text = "Length: " + PlayerDeck[0].length;
        Speed.Text = "Speed: " + PlayerDeck[0].speed;


        listBox1.Items.Add("Card Number: "+PlayerDeck[0].CardID);

        listBox1.Items.Add("Height: " + PlayerDeck[0].height);
        listBox1.Items.Add("length: " + PlayerDeck[0].length);
        listBox1.Items.Add("speed: " + PlayerDeck[0].speed);


    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Computer.Name = PlayerName.Text;

    private void PlayCard_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        bool PlayerWon = false;

        if (Height.Checked)
        //    PlayerDe




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


将您的代码划分为“模型”类以及属于您的UI的所有内容,这将使很多事情变得更加容易。 重构您的模型,以便它保存所有不是UI特定的模型。在你的情况下,我猜这样的事情是有道理的:

  • A MyCardGame
  • Player模型(计算机或人类现在对模型无关紧要)
  • 您的TopTrump班级

你的MyCardGame课程应该引用其玩家,显然,玩家应该能够知道他的牌等。 可以这样想:您希望整个游戏模型能够在控制台窗口,WinForms项目或Web应用程序中运行。这听起来有点矫枉过正,但它会有所回报。



答案 1 :(得分:0)



  • 以小写字母开头命名变量
  • 在同一个地方定义所有的类成员/属性(更容易找到)
  • 使用一些表示法将类成员与局部范围变量分开(我通常以m_为成员
  • 启动它们