Python范围问题 - 在函数范围内苦苦挣扎

时间:2015-12-15 18:01:51

标签: python recursion scope local-variables traveling-salesman


因此,我正在尝试用Python制作一个递归的旅行推销员解决方案,因为我需要从最短的路径开始#39; a'指出' b',我想要一个针对任何数量的城镇的一般解决方案。在a和b之间。


实际代码相当长且相互关联,所以这里是简化版本(我已经完全忽略了我为'路径',' cure_dist'以及其他一些内容找到的值变量):

def tsp_recursive(count, minim, path):    # line 1
    if count == 0:
        path = [1, 2, 3, 4]            # there is code to evaluate path; line 3
        curr_dist = 0                  # there is code to evaluate curr_dist
        if curr_dist < minim:          # this is an unimportant statement; line 5
            minim = curr_dist          # line 6. minim should be the same as on lines 1, 5 and 11
            path = ["Some other list"] # line 7. path should be the same as on lines 1, 3 and 11
        for i in range(5):
            tsp_recursive(count - 1, minim, path) # line 11




def dist_adder(array, indexes):
    total = 0
    for i in range(len(indexes)-1):
        total += array[indexes[i]][indexes[i+1]]
    return total

def tsp_recursive(count, distances, start, finish, indexes, minim, path):
    :param count:       int  | number of times to for-loop, this is len(distances-2)
    :param distances:   [[]] | list of lists of distances from a to b, i.e:
    distances = [[-1, 3, 5, 40],
                 [3, -1, 2, 6],
                 [5, 2, -1, 1],
                 [40, 6, 1, -1]]
    :param start:       int  | index of the starting point in distances
    :param finish:      int  | index of the finishing point in distances
    :param indexes:     []   | list of the indexes of all the for loops; len(indexes) == len(distances) and for i in indexes: i = -1 at start
    :param minim:       int  | the minimum path length, starts out at 'infinity'
    :param path:        list | a list of the shortest path, in order, by the number of the different points
    assert isinstance(count, int)
    assert isinstance(distances, list)
    assert isinstance(indexes, list)
    if count == 0:
        path = [start, finish]
        path[1:1] = indexes
        curr_dist = dist_adder(distances, path)

        if curr_dist < minim:
            minim = curr_dist           # this line
            path = indexes.copy()       # and this line are where the problem is
        for i in range(len(distances)):
            if i not in indexes and i != start and i != finish:
                indexes[len(indexes) - count] = i
                tsp_recursive(count - 1, distances, start, finish, indexes, minim, path)

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