错误:数据无效。 查看下面的所有错误消息以更正您的数据 Apex触发generateUniqueBidId导致意外异常,请联系您的管理员:generateUniqueBidId:System.LimitException:SOQL查询太多:101
trigger generateUniqueBidId on Bids__c (before insert) {
Map<String, String> profilePrefixMap = new Map<String, String>();
profilePrefixMap.put('Sales User', 'rds');
profilePrefixMap.put('Super User', 'rds');
profilePrefixMap.put('Standard User','SU');
profilePrefixMap.put('System Administrator','SysAdmin');
String defaultPrefix = ' ';
User user = [SELECT ProfileId FROM User Where Id = :Userinfo.getUserId() LIMIT 1];
Profile profile = [SELECT Name FROM Profile Where Id = :user.ProfileId LIMIT 1];
List<Bids__c> recentBids = [SELECT Id, CreatedById, Bid_unique_label__c From Bids__c WHERE Bid_unique_label__c = NULL];
/**Logics for updating old Bids with correct Bid_id. May be refactored away when all bids are updated
Could cause problems if trigger system becomes to complicated.
for (Bids__c bid : recentBids){
String recentProfileName = [SELECT Profile.Name FROM User Where Id = :bid.CreatedById LIMIT 1].Profile.Name;
String bidId = profilePrefixMap.get(recentProfileName);
bid.Bid_unique_label__c = ((bidId == null) ? defaultPrefix : bidId);
upsert recentBids;
for (Bids__c bid : trigger.new){
String bidId = profilePrefixMap.get(String.valueOf(profile.Name));
bid.Bid_unique_label__c = ((bidId == null) ? defaultPrefix : bidId);
答案 0 :(得分:3)
for (Bids__c bid : recentBids){
String recentProfileName = [SELECT Profile.Name FROM User Where Id = :bid.CreatedById LIMIT 1].Profile.Name;
String bidId = profilePrefixMap.get(recentProfileName);
bid.Bid_unique_label__c = ((bidId == null) ? defaultPrefix : bidId);
upsert recentBids;
List<Bids__c> recentBids = [SELECT Id, CreatedBy.Profile.Name, Bid_unique_label__c
FROM Bids__c
WHERE Bid_unique_label__c = NULL];
for (Bids__c bid : recentBids){
String recentProfileName = bid.CreatedBy.Profile.Name;
String bidId = profilePrefixMap.get(recentProfileName);
bid.Bid_unique_label__c = ((bidId == null) ? defaultPrefix : bidId);
upsert recentBids;
如果是清理坏数据的一次性活动(修复唯一标签) - 请考虑运行数据修复并删除此代码。如果它确实是一个反复出现的情况 - 写一个批处理作业。