
时间:2013-02-10 18:02:51

标签: freetype


alpha = glyph->bitmap.buffer[pixelIndex(x, y)] * 255



目标纹理的尺寸为glyph->bitmap.width * glyph->bitmap.rows。我已经能够使用

索引灰度字形(仅使用FT_Load_Char(face, glyphChar, FT_LOAD_RENDER)加载)
glyph->bitmap.buffer[(glyph->bitmap.width * y) + x]



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

基于this thread I started on Gamedev.net,我提出了以下函数来获取(x,y)处像素的填充/空状态:

bool glyphBit(const FT_GlyphSlot &glyph, const int x, const int y)
    int pitch = abs(glyph->bitmap.pitch);
    unsigned char *row = &glyph->bitmap.buffer[pitch * y];
    char cValue = row[x >> 3];

    return (cValue & (128 >> (x & 7))) != 0;

答案 1 :(得分:0)



目标纹理的尺寸为glyph->bitmap.width * glyph->bitmap.rows


通常,您可以在每个字形的位置进行循环。然后循环从0到glyph->bitmap.rows的每一行。然后循环从0到unsigned char的行中的每个字节(glyph->pitch)。通过处理glyph->bitmap.buffer[pitch * row + i]得到字节的位置(i是内循环索引,行是外部索引)。例如:

if(s[i] == ' ') left += 20; else
    for (int row = 0; row < g->bitmap.rows; ++row) {
            for(int b = 0; b < pitch; b++){
                if(data[left + 64*(strSize*(row + 64 -  g->bitmap_top)) + b] + g->bitmap.buffer[pitch * row + b] < UCHAR_MAX)
                    data[left + 64*(strSize*(row + 64 -  g->bitmap_top)) + b] += g->bitmap.buffer[pitch * row + b];
                    data[left + 64*(strSize*(row + 64 -  g->bitmap_top)) + b] = UCHAR_MAX;
            } else
        std::memcpy(data + left + 64*(strSize*(row + 64 -  g->bitmap_top)) , g->bitmap.buffer + pitch * row, pitch);
    left += g->advance.x >> 6;

此代码与8位位图(标准FT_Load_Char(face, glyphChar, FT_LOAD_RENDER))相关。 现在我尝试使用单色标志,这给我带来了麻烦。所以我的答案不是你问题的解决方案。如果您只想显示该字母,那么您应该看到我的question

答案 2 :(得分:0)



def unpack_mono_bitmap(bitmap):
    Unpack a freetype FT_LOAD_TARGET_MONO glyph bitmap into a bytearray where each
    pixel is represented by a single byte.
    # Allocate a bytearray of sufficient size to hold the glyph bitmap.
    data = bytearray(bitmap.rows * bitmap.width)

    # Iterate over every byte in the glyph bitmap. Note that we're not
    # iterating over every pixel in the resulting unpacked bitmap --
    # we're iterating over the packed bytes in the input bitmap.
    for y in range(bitmap.rows):
      for byte_index in range(bitmap.pitch):

        # Read the byte that contains the packed pixel data.
        byte_value = bitmap.buffer[y * bitmap.pitch + byte_index]

        # We've processed this many bits (=pixels) so far. This determines
        # where we'll read the next batch of pixels from.
        num_bits_done = byte_index * 8

        # Pre-compute where to write the pixels that we're going
        # to unpack from the current byte in the glyph bitmap.
        rowstart = y * bitmap.width + byte_index * 8

        # Iterate over every bit (=pixel) that's still a part of the
        # output bitmap. Sometimes we're only unpacking a fraction of a byte
        # because glyphs may not always fit on a byte boundary. So we make sure
        # to stop if we unpack past the current row of pixels.
        for bit_index in range(min(8, bitmap.width - num_bits_done)):

          # Unpack the next pixel from the current glyph byte.
          bit = byte_value & (1 << (7 - bit_index))

          # Write the pixel to the output bytearray. We ensure that `off`
          # pixels have a value of 0 and `on` pixels have a value of 1.
          data[rowstart + bit_index] = 1 if bit else 0

    return data