C链表searchNode / freeList方法(seg fault)

时间:2013-02-08 17:49:21

标签: c search linked-list free nodes

我一直在从Java过渡到学习C。当前的练习是为LinkedList实现removeAtFront(),searchNode()和freeList()方法。理论上我理解它是如何工作的 - 我用Java快速完成它,我只是试了好几个小时而且不明白为什么下面的代码不起作用。

remove方法似乎有效,产生正确的修改列表,直到删除节点后调用搜索方法。然后总是产生seg故障11。 free方法也总是产生seg错误。


给定的Node *结构是:

typedef struct Node
  char  *word;
  struct Node  *next;
} Node;


void insertAtFront( Node **head, char * key )
    Node *new =  malloc( sizeof(Node) );
    if (!new)  fatal("Malloc of new Node failed");
    new->word = key;
    new->next = *head;
    *head = new;

void insertAtTail( Node **head, char * word )
    if (!(*head)) insertAtFront(head, word);    
    else insertAtTail(&(*head)->next, word);

void removeAtFront( Node ** head )
    Node *tmp = *head;
    if (!tmp) return;

    *head = tmp->next;
    free (tmp); 

void removeNode( Node ** head, char * key )
    Node *tmp = searchNode(*head, key);
    if (tmp) removeAtFront (&tmp);

Node * searchNode ( Node * head, char * key )
    if (!head || (strcmp(head->word, key) == 0)) return head;
    return searchNode(head->next, key);

void freeList(  Node ** head )
    if (!head) return;
if (&(*head)->next) freeList (&(*head)->next);


Node *searchNode( Node * head, char * key );
void insertAtFront( Node **head, char * key );  // ALREADY WRITTEN FOR YOU 
void insertAtTail( Node **head, char * key );
void removeAtFront( Node ** head );
void removeNode( Node **head, char * key );
void freeList( Node **head );
void printList( Node * head ); // ALREADY WRITTEN FOR YOU
void fatal( char * msg ); // ALREADY WRITTEN FOR YOU

#define BUFFER_CAP 20

int main() 
  Node *head = NULL;

  while (1)
    char option;
    printf("\nChoose 'H'ead Insert, 'T'ail insert, 'R'emove, 'S'earch, F'ree,     'Q'uit " );
    fflush( stdout );
    int result = scanf(" %c%*[^\n]", &option); getchar();  // MAGIC BULLET TO CORRECTLY READ A SINGLE CHAR FROM STDIN
    if (result <1) fatal("failure reading from stdin\n");

    if (option == 'H' )
        char * word=malloc(BUFFER_CAP);  // DONT ENTER ANY LONG WORDS!
        printf("Enter a word to insertAtFront: " );
        fflush( stdout );
        char * result = fgets( word, BUFFER_CAP, stdin );
        if (result==NULL) fatal("failure reading from stdin\n");
        strtok(word,"\n"); // overwrites '\n' with  '\0'
        insertAtFront( &head, word ); /* shallow copy string into list   */
        printList( head );
    if (option == 'T' )
        char * word=malloc(BUFFER_CAP);  // DONT ENTER ANY LONG WORDS!
        printf("Enter a word to insertAtTail: " );
        fflush( stdout );
        char * result = fgets( word, BUFFER_CAP, stdin );
        if (result==NULL) fatal("failure reading from stdin\n");
        strtok(word,"\n"); // overwrites '\n' with  '\0'
        insertAtTail( &head, word ); /* shallow copy string into list   */
        printList( head );
        if (option == 'R' )
        char * word=malloc(BUFFER_CAP);  // DONT ENTER ANY LONG WORDS!
        printf("Enter a word to remove: " );
        fflush( stdout );
        char * result = fgets( word, BUFFER_CAP, stdin );
        if (result==NULL) fatal("failure reading from stdin\n");
        strtok(word,"\n"); // overwrites '\n' with  '\0'
        removeNode( &head, word );
        printList( head );
        free( word ); // we were just using it for matching
    if (option == 'S' )
        char * word=malloc(BUFFER_CAP);  // DONT ENTER ANY LONG WORDS!
        printf("Enter a word to find: " );
        fflush( stdout );
        char * result = fgets( word, BUFFER_CAP, stdin );
        if (result==NULL) fatal("failure reading from stdin\n");
        strtok(word,"\n"); // overwrites '\n' with  '\0'
        if (searchNode( head, word ))
            fprintf(stderr, "%s FOUND\n",word );
            fprintf(stderr, "%s NOT FOUND\n",word );
        printList( head );
        free( word ); // we were just using it for matching
    if (option == 'F' ) // free the entire list (remember to set head to NULL)
        freeList( &head );
        printList( head );
    else if (option == 'Q' )
        exit( 0 );

return 0;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

当您使用Node *new = malloc( sizeof(Node) );为节点分配内存时,您将为指针分配内存,但不为数据分配内存。你的确为char分配内存也像:( 它只是一个想法

new->word= malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(key) + 1));
strcpy(new->word, key)

除此之外,您必须动态地为key分配内存。 (因为你做free(tmp->word);


答案 1 :(得分:0)
