
时间:2013-01-14 01:07:38

标签: hibernate entity hql one-to-many


class Book {
    private int id;
    private Map<Integer, Author> authors = new HashMap<Integer, Author>();

    public int getId() {
        return this.id;

    @JoinTable(name="book_author", joinColumns= {@JoinColumn(name="id_book")},
            inverseJoinColumns = {@JoinColumn(name="id_author", table="author")})
    public Map<Integer, Author> getAuthors() {
        return authors;


class Author {

    private int id;
    private String lastname;
    private String firstname;

    public int getId() {
        return id;

    public String getLastname() {
        return lastname;

    public String getFirstname() {
        return firstname;




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一对多关系在数据库端工作,表作者的书名为id。通过在getBookID()中创建getter Author,在Java中提供此ID。然后您可以使用HQL语句

from Book b inner join Author a 
   where b.id  = a.bookId
      and a.lastname = :ln
      and a.firstname = :fn

from Book b where b.id in (select bookId from Author a
                              where a.lastname = :ln
                              and a.firstname = :fn)

第二:现在你可能更喜欢一个作者可以有很多书。然后你有一个多对多的关系。为此,建议引入包含多对多关系的交叉表。此交叉表仅包含两列,即书籍ID和作者ID,书籍和作者都具有一对多的关系(并且作者不再拥有bookId)。 HQL语句与第一种情况类似,只是它们超过三个表。

编辑:使用您的Book_Author表格: 对于您的选择,您必须创建一个类BookAuthor,它映射到该表。 然后您可以使用HQL语句

from Book b inner join BookAuthor ba inner join Author a 
   where b.id  = ba.bookId
      and ba.authorId = a.id
      and a.lastname = :ln
      and a.firstname = :fn

from Book b where b.id in (select ba.bookId from BookAuthor ba, Author a
                              where ba.authorId = a.id
                                 and a.lastname = :ln
                                 and a.firstname = :fn)