
时间:2012-12-29 08:39:34

标签: python xml-serialization descriptor


class XPropBase(object):

    DEFAULT_TO = (lambda s, x: str(x))
    DEFAULT_FROM = (lambda s, p: p)

    def __init__(self, path, convert_from=None, convert_to = None, read_only = False, allow_missing=False):
        important bits here are convert_to and convert_from, which do the translation in and out of XML strings in derived classes...
        self.path = path
        self.convert_from = convert_from or self.DEFAULT_FROM
        self.convert_to = convert_to or self.DEFAULT_TO
        self.read_only = read_only
        self.allow_missing = allow_missing

    def _get_xml(self, instance):
        #only a an instance method for convenience...
            #intended to be overridden for different target instances
        return instance.get_element()

class XElement(XPropBase):
    Wraps an xml item whose content is contained in the text  of
    an XML tag, ie:  <tag>Content</tag>. The convert_to and convert_from methods
    will be applied to the text property of the corresponding Element 

    @note this will use the first instance of a given node path that it finds,
    so it is not guaranteed if the supplied path leads to more than one xml tag.

    def __get__(self, instance, owner=None):

        the_xml = self._get_xml(instance)

        if not self.path: 
            return self.convert_from(the_xml.text)        

            underlying = the_xml.find(self.path)            
            return self.convert_from(underlying.text)
        except AttributeError:
            if self.allow_missing:
                return None
                raise XMLWrapperError, "%s has no element named %s" % (instance, self.path)

    def __set__(self, instance, value, owner =None):

        if self.read_only: 
            raise XMLWrapperError('%s is a read-only property' % self.path)        

        the_xml= self._get_xml(instance)
        if not self.path:
            the_xml.text = self.convert_to(value)

            underlying = self._get_xml(instance).find(self.path)
            underlying.text = self.convert_to(value)
        except AttributeError:
            if self.allow_missing:
                SubElement(self._get_xml(instance), self.path, text=self.convert_to(value))
                raise XMLWrapperError, "%s has no element named %s" % (instance, self.path)

class XAttrib(XPropBase):
    Wraps a property in an attribute on the containing xml tag specified by path

    if the supplied attribute is not present, will raise an XMLWrapperError unless the allow_missing flag is set to True

    def __get__(self, instance, owner=None):
            res = self._get_xml(instance).attrib[self.path]      
            return self.convert_from(res)
        except KeyError:
            if self.allow_missing:
                return None
            raise XMLWrapperError, "%s has no attribute named %s" % (instance, self.path)

    def __set__(self, instance, value, owner =None):
        xml = self._get_xml(instance)
        has_element = xml.get(self.path, 'NOT_FOUND')
        if has_element == 'NOT_FOUND' and not self.allow_missing:
            raise XMLWrapperError, "%s has no attribute named %s" % (instance, self.path)
        xml.set(self.path, self.convert_to(value))

    def _get_element(self):
        return None

    def _get_attribute(self):
        return self.path

class XInstance(XPropBase):
    Represents an attribute which is mapped onto a class. The supplied class is specified in the constructor

    @note: As with XElement, this works on the first appropriately named tag it
    finds. If there are multiple path values with the same tag, it will cause

    def __init__(self, path, cls, convert_from=None, convert_to = None, read_only = False, allow_missing=False):        
        self.cls = cls        
        XPropBase.__init__(self, path, convert_from = convert_from , convert_to = convert_to , read_only = read_only, allow_missing=allow_missing)

    def __get__(self, instance, owner=None):
        sub_elem = self._get_xml(instance).find(self.path)
        if not sub_elem and not self.allow_missing:
            XMLWrapperError, "%s has no child named %s" % (instance, self.path) 
        return self.cls(sub_elem)

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        my_element  = self._get_xml(instance)
        original_child = my_element.find(self.path)
        if original_child:

class XInstanceGroup(XInstance):
    Represents a collection of XInstances contained below a particular tag


    def __get__(self, instance, owner=None):
        return [self.cls(item) for item in self._get_xml(instance).findall(self.path)]

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        my_element  = self._get_xml(instance)
        for item in my_element.findall(self.path):
        for each_element in map(self._get_xml, value):

似乎工作(虽然将要进行彻底的测试),但有一个恼人的位。 XInstanceGroup描述符处理这样的情况:

<Object name="dummy">
    <Child name="kid2" blah="dee blah"/>
    <Child name="kid2" blah="zey"/>

class Kid(XMLData):
    Name = XAttribute("name")
    Blah = XAttribute("blah")

class DummyWrapper(XMLData):
    Name = XAttribute("name")
    Kids = XInstanceGroup('Child', Kid)


 #this works
 kids = Dummy_example.Kids
 kids.append(Kid (name = 'marky mark', blah='funky_fresh'))
 Dummy_example.Kids = kids

 #this doesn't
 Dummy_example.Kids.append(Kid(name = 'joey fatone', blah = 'indeed!'))

现在提出问题:有没有办法使用描述符来做到这一点?看起来障碍似乎是描述符实例不能持久保存数据 - 它只能在被调用时知道实例。我不喜欢以某种方式将存储器从描述符注入到实例中的想法(如果没有别的话,它会令人不快地增加耦合)。到目前为止,明显的谷歌搜索没有帮助。

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