如何输出SAS IML值进行打印

时间:2012-12-28 20:02:19

标签: printing sas


我有一些遗留代码使用proc sql来声明稍后调用的宏类型值,例如:


*Get total number of subjects in each group in macro variable;
proc sort data = avg3; by description; run;
proc sql noprint;
select _freq_
into: tot1-:tot4
from avg3;


%print(column = 1, style = bold, just = center, lines = bottom:none);
%print("(N= &tot1)", column = 2, just = center, lines = bottom:none);
%print("(N= &tot2)", column = 3, just = center, lines = bottom:none);
%print("(N= &tot3)", column = 4,  just = center, lines = bottom:none);
%print("(N= &tot4 )", column = 5,  just = center, lines = bottom:none);
%print(column = 6, just = center, lines = bottom:none);



data test ;
input age  type  gender $;
1 1 m
1 1 m
1 1 m
1 1 f
1 1 f
1 2 f
2 1 m
2 1 f
2 2 m
2 2 m
2 2 m
2 2 m
2 2 m
2 2 f
2 2 f
2 2 f

proc freq data = test;
tables type*age /  chisq norow nocol nopercent outexpect out=out1 ;
tables type*gender / chisq norow nocol nopercent outexpect out=out2 ;

options missing=" ";

proc iml;

reset print; 

use out2;
read all var {count} into count;

type1 = count[1:2] ;
type2 = count[3:4] ;

tab = type1 || type2 ;

cols = tab[+,] ;
rows = tab[,+] ;
tot  = sum(tab) ;

perc = round(cols / tot, .01) ;

cell_perc = round(tab / (cols//cols) , .01) ;

expect = (rows * cols) / tot ;
chi_1 = sum((tab - expect)##2/expect) ;
p_chi_1 = 1-CDF('CHISQUARE',chi_1, ((ncol(tab)-1)*(nrow(tab)-1)));

print tab p_chi_1 perc cell_perc;

out_sex = tab || (. // p_chi_1);

print out_sex;

print out_sex[colname={"1","2"} 
              rowname={"f" "m" "p-value"}
              label="Table of Type by Gender"];

call symput(t1_sum, cols[1,1]) ;

%let t2_sum = put(cols[1,2]) ;
%let t1_per = perc[1,1] ;
%let t2_per = perc[1,2] ; 

%let t1_f = tab[1,1] ;
%let t1_m = tab[2,1] ;
%let t2_f = tab[1,2] ;
%let t2_m = tab[2,2] ;

%let t1_f_p = cell_perc[1,1] ;
%let t1_m_p = cell_perc[2,1] ;
%let t2_f_p = cell_perc[1,2] ;
%let t2_m_p = cell_perc[2,2] ;

%let p_val = p_chi_1 ;

*****  is it possible to list output values here for use in table building ???   ;
*  like:    %let t1_f = tab[1,1]
            %let t2_f = tab[2,1]   etc...  ;



%print( "(N=&tab[1,1], column = 1, just=center, lines = bottom:none);
%print( "(N=&tab[1,2], column = 2, just=center, lines = bottom:none);






table with missing IML values

another table with missing IML values


call symput(t1_sum, cols[1,1]) ;

%let t2_sum = put(cols[1,2]) ;
%let t1_per = perc[1,1] ;
%let t2_per = perc[1,2] ; 

%let t1_f = tab[1,1] ;
%let t1_m = tab[2,1] ;
%let t2_f = tab[1,2] ;
%let t2_m = tab[2,2] ;

%let t1_f_p = cell_perc[1,1] ;
%let t1_m_p = cell_perc[2,1] ;
%let t2_f_p = cell_perc[1,2] ;
%let t2_m_p = cell_perc[2,2] ;

... Blerg

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

SAS / IML矩阵必须全部是数字或所有字符,这就是您的尝试不起作用的原因。但是,SAS / IML PRINT语句有几个选项,使您可以标记列和行以及应用格式。见http://blogs.sas.com/content/iml/2011/08/01/options-for-printing-a-matrix/ 与全局SAS OPTIONS声明一起,我认为您可以获得所需的输出。


options missing=" ";


2)您的目标是将列附加到2x2 TAB矩阵。您可以对没有数据的行使用(数字)缺失值:

   out_age = tab || (. // p_chi_1);

3)您现在可以打印此2x3表,并使用COLNAME =和ROWNAME =选项显示行标题:

print out_age[rowname={"1","2"} 
              colname={"f" "m" "p-value"}
              label="Table of Type by Gender"];

如果您真的想使用旧式宏,可以使用SYMPUTX语句将SAS / IML中的值复制到宏变量中,如本文所示:http://blogs.sas.com/content/iml/2011/10/17/does-symput-work-in-iml/

答案 1 :(得分:0)

搜索并找到一些帮助here on SO后,我能够将答案拼凑在一起。

  1. 输出值必须是字符串
  2. 宏变量的名称必须在引号中
  3. 调用必须到symputx以修剪额外的空格(与symput相比时)

  4. 将IML值提取到宏变量的代码

    call symputx('t1_sum', char(cols[1,1])) ;
    call symputx('t2_sum', char(cols[1,2])) ;
    call symputx('t1_per', char(perc[1,1])) ;
    call symputx('t2_per', char(perc[1,2])) ;
    call symputx('t1_f' , char(tab[1,1])) ;
    call symputx('t1_m' , char(tab[2,1])) ;
    call symputx('t2_f' , char(tab[1,2])) ;
    call symputx('t2_m' , char(tab[2,2])) ;
    call symputx('t1_f_p' , char(cell_perc[1,1])) ;
    call symputx('t1_m_p' , char(cell_perc[2,1])) ;
    call symputx('t2_f_p' , char(cell_perc[1,2])) ;
    call symputx('t2_m_p' , char(cell_perc[2,2])) ;
    call symputx('p_val' , char(round(p_chi_1, .001))) ;


    %print("Female",            column = 1,  just = center  );
    %print("&t1_f (&t1_f_p)",   column = 2,  just = center  );
    %print("&t2_f (&t2_f_p)",   column = 3,  just = center  );
    %print(,                    column = 4,  just = center  );
    %print(proc = newrow);
    %print("Male",              column = 1,  just = center  );
    %print("&t1_m (&t1_m_p)",   column = 2,  just = center  );
    %print("&t2_m (&t2_m_p)",   column = 3,  just = center  );
    %print("&p_val",            column = 4,  just = center  );


    table detail with correct numbers

    additional table detail with correct numbers