尝试在C ++中比较两个.text图像时发生错误

时间:2012-12-09 11:38:13

标签: c++ image matrix heap







这可能是由于堆的损坏,这表明存在错误   Assignment1.exe或它加载的任何DLL。



#ifndef MATRIX_H
#define MATRIX_H

class Matrix
    int M;
    int N; 
    double* data;
    Matrix(){M = 0; N = 0;data = 0;}                                                //Constructor to avoid error


    Matrix(int sizeR, int sizeC, double* input_data);                               //Constructor
    Matrix(int sizeR, int sizeC);
    ~Matrix();                                                                      //Destructor
    Matrix(const Matrix& existingMatrix);                                           //Copy Constructor
    double get (int i , int j)  const;                                              //Returns value at specified location
    const void set(int i, int j, double& val);                                      //Changes value at specified location
    int getM() const;                                                               //Return value of M
    int getN() const;                                                               //Return value of N
    Matrix getBlock(int startRow, int endRow, int startColumn, int endColumn);      //Return section of Matrix
    Matrix operator + (const Matrix& B);
    Matrix operator = (const Matrix& B);
    Matrix operator - (const Matrix& B);
    Matrix operator * (const Matrix& B);
    Matrix operator / (const Matrix& B);
    Matrix operator ++ ();
    double operator () (int i, int j);
    void out();
    double sum();

class BinaryImage
    :public Matrix

    BinaryImage(int sizeR, int sizeC, double* input_data, double thresh);
    BinaryImage(const Matrix& rhs, double thresh);
    BinaryImage(const BinaryImage& existingBinIm);
    const void set(int i, int j, double& val);



using namespace std;

void shuffledLogo();
double* readTXT(char* fileName, int sizeR, int sizeC);
void writePGM(char* fileName, Matrix& toWrite, int Q);

int main()
    int selection;

    cout<<"Select a program to run:"<<endl<<"1 - Logo Reorganisation"<<endl<<"2 - Where's Wally"<<endl<<"Selection: ";
    case 1:
        cout<<"Logo Reorganisation Commencing..."<<endl;
    case 2:
        cout<<"Where's Wally Commencing..."<<endl;
        cout<<"Selection invalid"<<endl;

    return 0;

Matrix::Matrix(int sizeR, int sizeC, double* inputData)
    M = sizeR;
    N = sizeC;
    data = new double [M*N];
    for (int ii = 0; ii < M*N; ii++)
        data[ii] = inputData[ii];

Matrix::Matrix(int sizeR, int sizeC)
    M = sizeR;
    N = sizeC;
    data = new double [M*N];

    for (int ii = 0; ii < M*N; ii++)
        *(data+ii) = 0;

    delete [] data;

//Copy Constructor
Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix& existingMatrix)
    M = existingMatrix.getM();
    N = existingMatrix.getN();
    data = new double[M*N];

    for (int ii = 0; ii < M; ii++)
        for (int jj = 0; jj < N; jj++)
            int k = ii*N+jj;
            data[k] = existingMatrix.get(ii,jj);

//Pass by constant value
double Matrix::get (int i , int j)  const   
    int k = i*N + j;
    return data[k];

//Pass by Refrence
const void Matrix::set(int i, int j, double& val)
    int k = i*N + j;
    val = data[k];

//Return Value of M
int Matrix::getM() const
    return M;

//Return Value of N
int Matrix::getN() const
    return N;

//Return Section of the Matrix.
Matrix Matrix::getBlock(int startRow, int endRow, int startColumn, int endColumn)
    int Row = endRow-startRow;
    int Column =  endColumn - startColumn;
    double* block = new double[(Row)*(Column)];
    int n = endColumn-startColumn;
    for (int ii = startRow; ii < endRow; ii++)
        for (int jj = startColumn; jj < endColumn; jj++)
            int k = ii*n+jj;
            block[k] = data[ii*N+jj];
    Matrix t(Row,Column,block);
    delete [] block;
    return t;

//Allows for addion of Matricies, Operation Overloading.
Matrix Matrix::operator +(const Matrix& B)
    Matrix C = Matrix(M, N, 0);
    double temp;
    for (int ii = 0; ii < M; ii++)
        for (int jj = 0; jj < N; jj++)
            temp = data[ii*N+jj] + B.get(ii,jj);
            C.set(ii,jj, temp);

    return C;

//Makes x and y equal, Opperation Overloading.
Matrix Matrix::operator =(const Matrix& B)
    if (this == &B)
        return *this;

        M = B.getM();
        N = B.getN();
        delete [] data;
        data = new double [M*N];
        for (int ii = 0; ii < M; ii++)
            for (int jj = 0; jj < N; jj++)
                data[ii*N+jj] = B.get(ii,jj);   
        return *this;

//Allows for subtraction of matricies, Operation Overloading.
Matrix Matrix::operator -(const Matrix& B)
    Matrix C = Matrix(M, N);
    double temp;
    for (int ii = 0; ii < M-1; ii++)
        for (int jj = 0; jj < N-1; jj++)
            temp = data[ii*N+jj] - B.get(ii,jj);
            C.set(ii,jj, temp);

    return C;

//Allows for multiplication of Matricies, Operation Overloading.
Matrix Matrix::operator *(const Matrix& B)
    Matrix C = Matrix(M, B.getN());
    double temp;
    for (int ii = 0; ii < M; ii++)
        for (int jj = 0; jj < N; jj++)
            temp = data[ii*N+jj] * B.get(ii,jj);
            C.set(ii,jj, temp);

    return C;

//Allows for addition of Matricies, Operation Overloading.
Matrix Matrix::operator /(const Matrix& B)
    Matrix C = Matrix(M, B.getN(), 0);
    double temp;
    for (int ii = 0; ii < M; ii++)
        for (int jj = 0; jj < N; jj++)
            temp = data[ii*N+jj] / B.get(ii,jj);
            C.set(ii,jj, temp);

    return C;

//Incrmentation of all values in Matrix by 1, Operation Overloading.
Matrix Matrix::operator ++()
    for (int ii = 0; ii < M*N; ii++)
        data[ii] = data[ii]++;

    return *this;

//Allows calling of "get" function indirectly.
double Matrix::operator() (int i, int j)
    return data[i*N+j];

double Matrix::sum()
    double total = 0.0;
    for (int ii = 0; ii < M*N; ii++)
        total = total + data[ii];

    return total;

void Matrix::out()
    for (int ii = 0; ii < M*N; ii++)
        if(data[ii] == 255)
            cout<<"1 ";
        cout<<data[ii]<<" ";

BinaryImage ::BinaryImage(int sizeR, int sizeC, double*input_data, double thresh)
    :Matrix(sizeR, sizeC, input_data)
    for(int ii = 0; ii < M*N; ii++)
        if (data[ii] > thresh)
            data[ii] = 1;

            data[ii] = 0;

BinaryImage::BinaryImage(const Matrix& rhs, double thresh)
    for(int ii = 0; ii < M*N; ii++)
        if (data[ii] > thresh)
            data[ii] = 1;

            data[ii] = 0;


BinaryImage::BinaryImage(const BinaryImage& rhs)
    M = rhs.getM();
    N = rhs.getN();
    data = new double[M*N];
    for (int ii = 0; ii<M; ii++){
        for (int jj = 0; jj<N; jj++){
            data[ii] = rhs.get(ii, jj);

const void BinaryImage::set(int i, int j, double& val)
    int k = i*N + j;
    val = data[k];

void shuffledLogo()
    char* filePath2 = "E:\\logo_shuffled.txt";
    double* basIm2 = readTXT(filePath2, 512, 512);
    Matrix logoWithNoise(512, 512, basIm2);

    //Reads in the Shuffled Image
    char* filePath = "E:\\logo_shuffled.txt";
    double* basIm = readTXT(filePath, 512, 512);
    Matrix logoShuffled(512, 512, basIm);

    Matrix logoUnshuffled(512,512);
    double Score = 0.0;                                                     //Current "Pixels" score
    double bestScore = 0.0;                                                     //Best "Pixel" score
    int bestX, bestY = 0;

    //For Loop to begin Sum of Squared Differences
    for (int x = 0; x < 480; x+=32)
        for (int y = 0; y < 480; y += 32)
            Matrix subWithNoise = logoWithNoise.getBlock(x,(x+32),y,(y+32));
            bestScore = 70000.0;
            for (int xx = 0; xx< 480; xx+=32)
                for (int yy = 0; yy < 480; yy+=32)
                    //Calculating the Score starts here
                    cout<<"loop started"<<endl;
                    int t = yy+32;
                    int l = xx+32;
                    Matrix subShuffled = logoShuffled.getBlock(xx,l, yy, t);
                    Matrix diff = subWithNoise - logoWithNoise;
                    Matrix product = diff*diff;
                    Score = diff.sum();
                    if (Score < bestScore)
                        bestScore = Score;
                        bestX = xx;
                        bestY = yy;
                    cout<<"loop ended"<<endl;

            //For loop to put the best option into the final Matrix
            for (int ii = bestX; ii < (bestX+=32); ii++)
                for (int jj = bestY; jj < (bestY+=32); jj++)
                    double temp = logoShuffled.get(ii,jj);
    //Creates file
    char* newFile = "finished.pgm";
    writePGM(newFile, logoUnshuffled, 1);


//Reads in file and from specified location and builds it
double* readTXT(char* fileName, int sizeR, int sizeC)
    double* input_data = new double[sizeR*sizeC];
    int i =0;
    ifstream currentFile(fileName);
    if (currentFile.is_open())
            if (i>sizeR*sizeC-1) break;
            currentFile >> *(input_data+i);

        cout<<"File path not found"<<endl;

    return input_data;
    delete [] input_data;


void writePGM(char* fileName, Matrix& toWrite, int Q)
    int x = toWrite.getM();
    int y = toWrite.getN();
    unsigned char *image;
    ofstream myfile;

    image = (unsigned char *) new unsigned char [x*y];

    // convert the integer values to unsigned char

    for(int i = 0; i<x; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j<y; j++)
            image[i*y+j]=(unsigned char)toWrite.get(i,j);

    myfile.open(fileName, ios::out|ios::binary|ios::trunc);

    if (!myfile) 
        cout << "Can't open file: " << fileName << endl;

    myfile << "P5" << endl;
    myfile << y << " " << x << endl;
    myfile << Q << endl;

    myfile.write( reinterpret_cast<char *>(image), (x*y)*sizeof(unsigned char));

    if (myfile.fail()) 
        cout << "Can't write image " << fileName << endl;


    delete [] image;


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