
时间:2012-12-06 09:15:13

标签: c math


#define MAXLOG 1001
double myloglut[MAXLOG];
void MyLogCreate()
    int i;
    double exp, expinc;
    expinc = (2.0 - 0.1) / MAXLOG;
    for (i = 0, exp = 0.1; i <= MAXLOG; ++i, exp += expinc)
            myloglut[i] = log(exp);
    myloglut[478] = 0; // this one need to be precise

double MyLog(double v)
    int idx = (int)((MAXLOG*(v - 0.1)) / (2.0 - 0.1));
    return myloglut[idx];

正如您所看到的,我只对范围0.1 - 2.0感兴趣。但是,我需要更加精确0。如何实现非线性计算?还有什么方法可以在这个函数中使用一些插值来获得更好的精度?

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


#include <stdio.h>                  // for input/output.
#include <math.h>                   // for mathmatic functions (log, pow, etc.)

// Values
#define MAXELM 1000                 // Array size
#define MINVAL 0.1                  // Minimum x value
#define MAXVAL 1.9                  // Maximum x value
#define EXPVAR 1.4                  // Exponent which makes the variation non linear. If set to 1, the variation will be linear.
#define ACRTPT (MINVAL + MAXVAL)/2  // Accurate point. This value is used to know where to compute with maximum accuracy. Can be set to a fixed value.
// Behavior
#define STRICT 0                    // if TRUE: Return -1 instead of the floored (or closest if out of range) offset when (x) hasn't been calculated for this value.
#define PNTALL 0                    // if TRUE: Print all the calculated values.
#define ASKFOR 1                    // if TRUE: Ask for a x value then print the calculated ln value for it.

// Global vars
double results[MAXELM];             // Array to store computed values.

// Func: offset to var conversion
double getvar(int offset)
    double x = (double)MINVAL + ((double)MAXVAL - (double)MINVAL) * (double)offset / (double)MAXELM;

    if(x >= (double)ACRTPT)
        x = pow(x - (double)ACRTPT, (double)EXPVAR) + (double)ACRTPT;
        x = -pow((double)ACRTPT - x, (double)EXPVAR) + (double)ACRTPT;
    // This ^ is the equation used when NONLIN = 1; to have a non linear repartition. Feel free to change it. The inverse equation is in `int getoffset(double)`.
    return x;

// Func: var to offset conversion
int getoffset(double var)
    double x = var;

    if(x >= (double)ACRTPT)
        x = pow(x - (double)ACRTPT, 1.0/(double)EXPVAR) + (double)ACRTPT;
        x = -pow((double)ACRTPT - x, 1.0/(double)EXPVAR) + (double)ACRTPT;
    // This ^ is the equation used when NONLIN = 1; to calculate offset with a non linear repartition. Feel free to change it (but it must be the inverse of the one in
    // `double getvar(int)` for this to work.). These equations are tied, so you cannot modify one without modifying the other. They are here because
    // `pow(negative, non-integer)` always returns `-nan` instead of the correct value. This 'trick' uses the fact that (-x)^(1/3) == -(x^(1/3)) to cicumvent the
    // limitation.

    int offset = (x - (double)MINVAL) * (double)MAXELM / ((double)MAXVAL - (double)MINVAL);
    if(getvar(offset) != var)
        return -1;
    return (offset < 0)?-1:(offset > (MAXELM - 1))?-1:offset;
    return (offset < 0)?0:(offset > (MAXELM - 1))?MAXELM - 1:offset;

// Func: main.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    int offset;
    for(offset = 0; offset < MAXELM; offset++)
        results[offset] = log(getvar(offset));

    for(offset = 0; offset < MAXELM; offset++)
        printf("[log(%lf) = %lf] ", getvar(offset), results[offset]);
        if(!((offset + 1) % 6))

    double x;
    printf("log(x) for x = ");
    scanf("%lf", &x);
    if((offset = getoffset(x)) < 0)
        printf("ERROR: Value for x = %lf hasn't been calculated\n", x);
        printf("results[%d]: log(%lf) = %lf\n", offset, getvar(offset), results[offset]);

    return 0;


  • 使用固定大小的数组。
  • 仅计算存储的值(不会为一个阵列单元计算多个值)。
  • 使用函数从offset中获取值和值的偏移量,因此您不必存储已计算log的值。


  • 不使用cbrt,而是使用pow
  • 允许在编译时指定微积分变量的增长。 (因此,这些值或多或少地围绕准确点(ACRTPT))
  • 进行分组


#include <stdio.h>                  // for input/output.
#include <math.h>                   // for mathmatic functions (log, pow, etc.)

// Values
#define MAXELM 1000                 // Array size
#define MINVAL 0.1                  // Minimum x value
#define MAXVAL 1.9                  // Maximum x value
#define ACRTPT (MINVAL + MAXVAL)/2  // Accurate point. This value is used to know where to compute with maximum accuracy. Can be set to a fixed value.
// Behavior
#define NONLIN 1                    // if TRUE: Calculate log values with a quadratic distribution instead of linear distribution.
#define STRICT 1                    // if TRUE: Return -1 instead of the floored (or closest if out of range) offset when (x) hasn't been calculated for this value.
#define PNTALL 0                    // if TRUE: Print all the calculated values.
#define ASKFOR 1                    // if TRUE: Ask for a x value then print the calculated ln value for it.

// Global vars
double results[MAXELM];             // Array to store computed values.

// Func: offset to var conversion
double getvar(int offset)
    double x = (double)MINVAL + ((double)MAXVAL - (double)MINVAL) * (double)offset / (double)MAXELM;
    x = pow((x - ACRTPT), 3) + ACRTPT;
    // This ^ is the equation used when NONLIN = 1; to have a non linear repartition. Feel free to change it. The inverse equation is in `int getoffset(double)`.
    return x;

// Func: var to offset conversion
int getoffset(double var)
    int offset = ((
        cbrt(var - ACRTPT) + ACRTPT
    // This ^ is the equation used when NONLIN = 1; to calculate offset with a non linear repartition. Feel free to change it (but it must be the inverse of the one in
    // `double getvar(int)` for this to work.)
                    ) - (double)MINVAL) * (double)MAXELM / ((double)MAXVAL - (double)MINVAL);
    int offset = (var - (double)MINVAL) * (double)MAXELM / ((double)MAXVAL - (double)MINVAL);
    if(getvar(offset) != var)
        return -1;
    return (offset < 0)?-1:(offset > (MAXELM - 1))?-1:offset;
    return (offset < 0)?0:(offset > (MAXELM - 1))?MAXELM - 1:offset;

// Func: main.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    int offset;
    for(offset = 0; offset < MAXELM; offset++)
        results[offset] = log(getvar(offset));

    for(offset = 0; offset < MAXELM; offset++)
        printf("[log(%lf) = %lf] ", getvar(offset), results[offset]);
        if(!((offset + 1) % 6))

    double x;
    printf("log(x) for x = ");
    scanf("%lf", &x);
    if((offset = getoffset(x)) < 0)
        printf("ERROR: Value for x = %lf hasn't been calculated\n", x);
        printf("results[%d]: log(%lf) = %lf\n", offset, getvar(offset), results[offset]);

    return 0;




  • 使用固定大小的数组。
  • 仅计算存储的值(不会为一个阵列单元计算多个值)。
  • 使用函数从offset中获取值和值的偏移量,因此您不必存储已计算log的值。



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

#define MIN_INC 0.001    // This is the minimum increment. If its set to 0, when tmp will be equal to avg, it will never leave this state, since INC_MUL * (tmp - avg)^2 will be 0.
#define INC_MUL 0.2      // This is a number which influences the precision you will get. The smaller it is, the more precise you will be, and the greater will be your result array cardinality.

typedef struct {
    double offset;
    double value;    // value = log(offset). Since the results are not linarly widespread, this is pretty important.
} logCalc;

// Here, we need to use a pointer on a logCalc pointer, since we want to actually SET the address of the logCalc pointer, not the address of one of its copies.
int MyLogCreate(logCalc** arr, double min, double max)
    if((*arr) != NULL)
        return 0;
    unsigned int i = 0;
    double tmp, avg = (max + min) / 2.0;
    for( ; min < avg; min += (INC_MUL * ((avg - min) * (avg - min)) + MIN_INC))
        (*arr) = (logCalc*)realloc((*arr), sizeof(logCalc) * (i + 1));
        (*arr)[i].offset  = min;
        (*arr)[i++].value = log(min);
    for(tmp = avg ; tmp < max; tmp += (INC_MUL * ((tmp - avg) * (tmp - avg)) + MIN_INC))
        (*arr) = (logCalc*)realloc((*arr), sizeof(logCalc) * (i + 1));
        (*arr)[i].offset  = tmp;
        (*arr)[i++].value = log(tmp);
    return i;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    logCalc *myloglut = NULL;
    unsigned int i,
        t = MyLogCreate(&myloglut, .1, 1.9);
    for(i = 0; i < (t-1); i++)
        printf("[log(%lf) = %lf], ", myloglut[i].offset, myloglut[i].value);
        if(!((i+1)%6))         // Change 6 to what's best for your terminal $COLUMNS
    return 0;


计算的线性来自于您使用线性增量的事实。在for循环的每次迭代中,您将exp增加(2.0 - 0.1) / MAXLOG


  1. 定义更大的范围 - 更大的数组 - (能够在0附近存储更多值)
  2. 使用非线性增量。此增量可能取决于i(或exp,具体取决于您的操作方式),因此您准确知道您要计算的数字的“偏移量”(以及您的数量)需要增加exp。当然,您将在0附近计算更多结果。
  3. 这是我目前的实施方式:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #define CALCULATE_UNTIL 2.0
    #define PRECISE_UNTIL   1.0
    typedef struct {
        double offset;
        double value;
    } logCalc;
    logCalc *myloglut = NULL;
    int MyLogCreate()
        double exp = 0.1;
        int i;
        for (i = 0; exp <= CALCULATE_UNTIL; exp += (exp < PRECISE_UNTIL)?0.0001898:0.001898)
            myloglut = realloc(myloglut, sizeof(logCalc) * (i + 1));
            myloglut[i].offset = exp;
            myloglut[i++].value = (i == 4780)?0:log(exp);
        return i; // So you know how big the array is. Don't forget to free(myloglut); at the end of your code.
    int main(int argc, char** argv)
        int i,
        t = MyLogCreate();
        for(i = 0; i < t; i++)
            printf("[log(%lf) = %lf], ", myloglut[i].offset, myloglut[i].value);
            if(!(i%6))    // For formatting purposes.
        return 0;


    更新:我不确定你想做什么。你想在log(x)= 0或x = 0附近精确吗?在第一种情况下,我可能需要重新编写代码才能使其按您的需要工作。此外,您是否希望结果在接近0时更精确,或者您希望结果在给定范围内更精确(就像现在一样)?

答案 1 :(得分:0)


 for (i=-478;i<523;i++) {
     double j = 1.0 + (double)i / 523.0;
     myloglut[i+478] = log(j);

此函数恰好选择两点:1.0和2.0为1.0 +(523.0 / 523.0)== 2.0。


myloglut[0] = log(0.0860420650095602);

更“自然”的大小是973,这将使除数512(确切地),第一个条目将是51/512 = ~0.099609375。

答案 2 :(得分:0)


我不认为你可以在[0.1,2]上得到任何非常准确的东西,无论你何时想要一个日志或使用一个巨大的表并且引起所有缓存和不可预测的内存访问问题而不进行更多的算术运算。但如果你有足够的时间,请考虑做一个分段的切比雪夫近似。 (如果您希望我向您展示使用Chebyshev近似的代码,请通过评论告诉我,我将更新此帖。)


double mylog(double x) {
  static double logtwo = log(2);
  static double tbls[4][5] = {{0,0,0,0,0},
  if (x>1) return -mylog(1/x);
  int expo,e2;
  x = 1-frexp(x, &expo);
  double y = frexp(x, &e2);
  if (e2 < -3) e2 = -3;
  double *tbl = tbls[-e2];
  return expo*logtwo + tbl[0]+x*(tbl[1]+x*(tbl[2]+x*(tbl[3]+x*tbl[4])));


如果您希望精度非常接近1,则可以更改if (e2 < -3) e2 = -3并将行{0,-1,-.5,-1/3.,-.25}添加到对应于Taylor近似的tbls的末尾。如果你想要它更快,计算一个更好的三次近似log(x)在1/2和3/4之间,并将它存储在tbls的第一行。