
时间:2012-12-03 16:12:58

标签: .net z3

最近,我将使用.NET API的应用程序从Z3 4.1升级到4.3版。但是,我注意到MkSolver()中的某些更改现在导致我在4.1中返回unsat的一些查询现在在4.3中返回unknown。特别是,我一直使用Context选项ELIM_QUANTIFIERS设置为true,根据我在尝试使用求解器时收到的错误消息已弃用:

QUANT_ELIM option is deprecated, please consider using the 'qe' tactic.

如果未启用此选项,我的某些查询可能会收到未知。我已尝试在4.3中使用各种策略,包括量词消除qe,但不幸的是,我无法找出与Z3 4.1中的MkSolver创建的等效策略集。例如,以下内容不起作用(即,对于4.1中我不满意的查询,我仍然在4.3中未知):

Context z3 = new Context();
Params p = z3.MkParams();
p.Add("produce-models", true);
p.Add("candidate-models", true);
p.Add("mbqi", true);
p.Add("auto-config", false);
p.Add("ematching", true);
p.Add("pull-nested-quantifiers", true);
Tactic tqe = z3.With(z3.MkTactic("qe"), p);
Tactic tsmt = z3.With(z3.MkTactic("smt"), p);
Tactic t = z3.Repeat(tqe, tsmt);
Solver s = t.Solver;
... // assert and check assertions

如果在4.3中对于MkSolver中创建的MBQI = true中存在等效的求解策略,那么它是什么或者如何才能搞清楚?我在4.1中使用了各种其他上下文选项,我尝试在4.3中使用适当的策略,例如:AUTO_CONFIG = falseELIM_NLARITH_QUANTIFIERS = trueEMATCHING = trueMACRO_FINDER = truePI_PULL_QUANTIFIERS = truePULL_NESTED_QUANTIFIERS = trueDISTRIBUTE_FORALL = truePULL_NESTED_QUANTIFIERS = trueunknown

这是一个示例查询,现在返回unsat,之前返回LB(注意它只有一些额外的断言,这很长,但这是断言的格式)现在给出了未知。LSvminvmaxLS = 7都是真正的常量[断言将它们等同于常量值,例如q ],x是一个从整数到位向量的函数,next是一个从整数到实数的函数,last是一个从整数到整数的函数,delta * t_1是一个函数。整数,同样对于它们的引导版本;同样,请注意它的一部分是非线性的,例如delta * t_2(set-option :auto-config false) ;(set-option :elim-quantifiers true) (set-option :elim-nlarith-quantifiers true) (set-option :mbqi true) (set-option :produce-models true) (set-option :proof-mode 1) (declare-const LB Real) (declare-const LS Real) (declare-const vmin Real) (declare-const vmax Real) (declare-const Base (_ BitVec 2)) (declare-const N Int) (declare-fun q (Int) (_ BitVec 2)) (declare-fun |q'| (Int) (_ BitVec 2)) (declare-fun x (Int) Real) (declare-fun |x'| (Int) Real) (declare-fun next (Int) Int) (declare-fun |next'| (Int) Int) (declare-const last Int) (declare-const |last'| Int) (declare-const t_1 Real) (declare-const t_2 Real) (declare-const delta Real) (assert (= Base #b01)) (assert (= vmin 1.0)) (assert (= vmax 2.0)) (assert (= LS 7.0)) (assert (= LB 28.0)) (assert (not (=> (and (forall ((i Int) (j Int)) (=> (and (>= i 1) (<= i N) (>= j 1) (<= j N)) (=> (and (not (= i j)) (= (q i) Base) (= (q j) Base) (= (next j) i)) (>= (- (x i) (x j)) LS)))) (exists ((t_1 Real)) (and (>= t_1 0.0) (forall ((h Int)) (=> (and (>= h 1) (<= h N)) (and (exists ((delta Real)) (forall ((t_2 Real)) (=> (and (>= t_2 0.0) (<= t_2 t_1)) (and true true (or (not (= (q h) Base)) (and (<= (+ (x h) (* delta t_2)) LB) (or (not (>= (+ (x h) (* delta t_2)) LB)) (= t_1 t_2)) (= (|x'| h) (+ (x h) (* delta t_1))) (>= delta vmin) (<= delta vmax))) true)))) (= (q h) (|q'| h)) (= (next h) (|next'| h)) (= last |last'|))))))) (forall ((i Int) (j Int)) (or (not (and (>= i 1) (<= i N) (>= j 1) (<= j N))) (not (and (not (= i j)) (= (|q'| i) Base) (= (|q'| j) Base) (= (|next'| j) i))) (>= (+ (|x'| i) (* (- 1.0) (|x'| j))) LS)))))) (check-sat) ; toggles between unknown and sat when toggling elim-nlarith-quantifiers ):



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