
时间:2012-11-19 05:49:03

标签: generics haskell ghc type-families




{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

class Sources s where
    type Joined s
    newJoinedChan :: IO (s, Messages (Joined s)) -- NOT EXPORTED

--output and input sides of channel:
data Messages a  -- NOT EXPORTED
data Mailbox a

instance Sources (Mailbox a) where
    type Joined (Mailbox a) = a
    newJoinedChan = undefined

instance (Sources a, Sources b)=> Sources (a,b) where
    type Joined (a,b) = (Joined a, Joined b)
    newJoinedChan = undefined

-- and so on for tuples of 3,4,5...


example = do
    (mb ,        msgsA) <- newJoinedChan
    ((mb1, mb2), msgsB) <- newJoinedChan
    --say that: msgsA, msgsB :: Messages (Int,Int)
    --and:      mb :: Mailbox (Int,Int)
    --          mb1,mb2 :: Mailbox Int


newtype Behavior a = Behavior (a -> IO (Behavior a))
runBehaviorOn :: Behavior a -> Messages a -> IO ()  -- NOT EXPORTED

这样我们就可以在Behavior (Int,Int)msgsA上运行msgsB,在第二种情况下,它收到的元组中的Int个实际上都来了单独Mailbox es。


spawn :: (Sources s) => Behavior (Joined s) -> IO s



我希望用户能够创建Behavior任意产品类型(而不仅仅是元组),因此我们可以在上面的示例Behavior (Pair Int Int)上运行Messages 。我希望GHC.Generics使用Sources同时使用多态spawn :: (Sources s, Generic (Joined s), Rep (Joined s) ~ ??) => Behavior (Joined s) -> IO s ,但无法使其正常工作。


API中实际公开的上述示例部分是newJoinedChan操作的BehaviorrunBehaviorOn s,因此可接受的解决方案可以修改其中一个或全部sndnewJoinedChan的{​​{1}}。

我还将上面的API扩展到支持总和(尚未实现),如Behavior (Either a b),所以我希望GHC.Generics能为我工作。


  1. 我是否有办法扩展上述API以支持任意Generic a=> Behavior a

  2. 如果不使用GHC的Generics,还有其他方法可以获得我想要的API,同时最小化最终用户的痛苦(即他们只需要在其类型中添加派生子句)吗?例如与Data.Data

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, DeriveGeneric, DefaultSignatures, TypeOperators, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances #-}

import Control.Arrow
import GHC.Generics

class Sources s where
    type Joined s
    newJoinedChan :: IO (s, Messages (Joined s)) -- NOT EXPORTED
    default newJoinedChan :: (Generic s, SourcesG (Rep s)) => IO (s, Messages (JoinedG (Rep s)))
    newJoinedChan = fmap (first to) newJoinedChanG

class SourcesG g where
    type JoinedG g
    newJoinedChanG :: IO (g a, Messages (JoinedG g))

--output and input sides of channel:
data Messages a  -- NOT EXPORTED
data Mailbox a

instance Sources (Mailbox a) where
    type Joined (Mailbox a) = a
    newJoinedChan = undefined

instance (Sources a, Sources b)=> Sources (a,b) where
    type Joined (a,b) = (Joined a, Joined b)
    newJoinedChan = undefined

instance (SourcesG a, SourcesG b) => SourcesG (a :*: b) where
    type JoinedG (a :*: b) = (JoinedG a, JoinedG b)
    newJoinedChanG = undefined

instance (SourcesG a, Datatype c) => SourcesG (M1 D c a) where
    type JoinedG (M1 D c a) = JoinedG a
    newJoinedChanG = fmap (first M1) newJoinedChanG

instance (SourcesG a, Constructor c) => SourcesG (M1 C c a) where
    type JoinedG (M1 C c a) = JoinedG a
    newJoinedChanG = fmap (first M1) newJoinedChanG

instance (SourcesG a, Selector c) => SourcesG (M1 S c a) where
    type JoinedG (M1 S c a) = JoinedG a
    newJoinedChanG = fmap (first M1) newJoinedChanG

instance Sources s => SourcesG (K1 i s) where
    type JoinedG (K1 i s) = Joined s
    newJoinedChanG = fmap (first K1) newJoinedChan

newtype Behavior a = Behavior (a -> IO (Behavior a))

runBehaviorOn :: Behavior a -> Messages a -> IO ()
runBehaviorOn = undefined

spawn :: (Sources s) => Behavior (Joined s) -> IO s
spawn = undefined

data Pair a b = Pair a b deriving (Generic)

instance (Sources a, Sources b) => Sources (Pair a b) where
    type Joined (Pair a b) = JoinedG (Rep (Pair a b))