Postgres COPY命令 - 带逗号的字段,引用双引号

时间:2012-11-01 18:53:27

标签: postgresql csv copy

我搜索过并发现了一些与postgres csv导入相关的帖子,但没有解决我当前问题的任何帖子。

我一直使用postgres copy 命令将来自异构数据源的数据导入我们的系统。目前正在努力使用1亿行.csv文件,逗号分隔。问题是这样的行:

009098,0981098094,"something","something else",""this one, well, is a problem"", "another thing"


"ERROR:  extra data after last expected column" 


copy mytable from '/path/to/file.csv' csv header quote '"'

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


"where","is ""pancakes""","house?"


  • where
  • is "pancakes"
  • house?


009098,0981098094,"something","something else",""this one, well, is a problem"", "another thing"
                                               ^^                            ^^ 

我认为COPY无法对此做任何事情,因为正确的版本不明确:它应该是"this one, well, is a problem"还是应该是"""this one, well, is a problem"""


出于参考目的,我在CSV标准中看到的最接近的事情是RFC 4180,第二部分就是这样说的:

5.  Each field may or may not be enclosed in double quotes (however
    some programs, such as Microsoft Excel, do not use double quotes
    at all).  If fields are not enclosed with double quotes, then
    double quotes may not appear inside the fields.  For example:

    "aaa","bbb","ccc" CRLF
7.  If double-quotes are used to enclose fields, then a double-quote
    appearing inside a field must be escaped by preceding it with
    another double quote.  For example:


答案 1 :(得分:2)

以下是基于Kernighan和Plauger的The Practice of Programming的CSV代码的代码,该代码已经过调整以处理您奇怪的格式错误的CSV数据。 (这不是很难做到的;我已经让主代码工作和打包了,所以我只需添加CSV输出函数并修改advquoted()函数来处理这个奇怪的格式问题


@(#)File:           $RCSfile: csv2.h,v $
@(#)Version:        $Revision: 2.1 $
@(#)Last changed:   $Date: 2012/11/01 22:23:07 $
@(#)Purpose:        Scanner for Comma Separated Variable (CSV) Data
@(#)Author:         J Leffler
@(#)Origin:         Kernighan & Pike, 'The Practice of Programming'


#ifndef CSV2_H
#define CSV2_H

#ifdef  __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#ifndef lint
/* Prevent over-aggressive optimizers from eliminating ID string */
const char jlss_id_csv2_h[] = "@(#)$Id: csv2.h,v 2.1 2012/11/01 22:23:07 jleffler Exp $";
#endif /* lint */
#endif /* MAIN_PROGRAM */

#include <stdio.h>

extern char  *csvgetline(FILE *ifp);    /* Read next input line */
extern char  *csvgetfield(size_t n);    /* Return field n */
extern size_t csvnfield(void);          /* Return number of fields */
extern void   csvreset(void);           /* Release space used by CSV */

extern int    csvputfield(FILE *ofp, const char *field);
extern int    csvputline(FILE *ofp, char **fields, int nfields);
extern void   csvseteol(const char *eol);

#ifdef  __cplusplus

#endif /* CSV2_H */


@(#)File:           $RCSfile: csv2.c,v $
@(#)Version:        $Revision: 2.1 $
@(#)Last changed:   $Date: 2012/11/01 22:23:07 $
@(#)Purpose:        Scanner for Comma Separated Variable (CSV) Data
@(#)Modification:   Deal with specific malformed CSV
@(#)Author:         J Leffler
@(#)Origin:         Kernighan & Pike, 'The Practice of Programming'


#ifndef lint
/* Prevent over-aggressive optimizers from eliminating ID string */
const char jlss_id_csv2_c[] = "@(#)$Id: csv2.c,v 2.1 2012/11/01 22:23:07 jleffler Exp $";
#endif /* lint */

** See RFC 4180 (
** Specific malformed CSV - see SO 13183644 (
** Data contains malformed CSV fields like: OK,""this is a problem"",OK
** Two (but not three) field quotes at the start extract as "this is a problem" (with the quotes).

#include "csv2.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

enum { NOMEM = -2 };

static char *line = 0;      /* Input line */
static char *sline = 0;     /* Split line */
static size_t maxline = 0;  /* Size of line[] and sline[] */
static char **field = 0;    /* Field pointers */
static size_t maxfield = 0; /* Size of field[] */
static size_t nfield = 0;   /* Number of fields */

static char fieldsep[]= ",";    /* Field separator characters */
static char fieldquote = '"';   /* Quote character */

static char eolstr[8] = "\n";

void csvreset(void)
    line = 0;
    sline = 0;
    field = 0;
    maxline = maxfield = nfield = 0;

static int endofline(FILE *ifp, int c)
    int eol = (c == '\r' || c == '\n');
    if (c == '\r')
        c = getc(ifp);
        if (c != '\n' && c != EOF)
            ungetc(c, ifp);

/* Modified to deal with specific malformed CSV */
static char *advquoted(char *p)
    size_t i;
    size_t j;
    if (p[0] == fieldquote && (p[1] != *fieldsep && p[1] != fieldquote))
        /* Malformed CSV: ""some stuff"" --> "some stuff" */
        /* Find "\"\"," or "\"\"\0" to mark end of field */
        /* If we don't find it, drop through to 'regular' case */
        char *eof = strstr(&p[2], "\"\"");
        if (eof != 0 && (eof[2] == *fieldsep || eof[2] == '\0'))
            p[eof + 1 - p] = '\0';
            return(eof + 2);
    for (i = j = 0; p[j] != '\0'; i++, j++)
        if (p[j] == fieldquote && p[++j] != fieldquote)
            size_t k = strcspn(p+j, fieldsep);
            memmove(p+i, p+j, k);  // 1 -> i fixing transcription error
            i += k;
            j += k;
        p[i] = p[j];
    p[i] = '\0';
    return(p + j);

static int split(void)
    char *p;
    char **newf;
    char *sepp;
    int sepc;

    nfield = 0;
    if (line[0] == '\0')
    strcpy(sline, line);
    p = sline;

        if (nfield >= maxfield)
            maxfield *= 2;
            newf = (char **)realloc(field, maxfield * sizeof(field[0]));
            if (newf == 0)
                return NOMEM;
            field = newf;
        if (*p == fieldquote)
            sepp = advquoted(++p);
            sepp = p + strcspn(p, fieldsep);
        sepc = sepp[0];
        sepp[0] = '\0';
        field[nfield++] = p;
        p = sepp + 1;
    } while (sepc == ',');


char *csvgetline(FILE *ifp)
    size_t i;
    int    c;

    if (line == NULL)
        /* Allocate on first call */
        maxline = maxfield = 1;
        line = (char *)malloc(maxline);     /*=C++=*/
        sline = (char *)malloc(maxline);    /*=C++-*/
        field = (char **)malloc(maxfield*sizeof(field[0])); /*=C++=*/
        if (line == NULL || sline == NULL || field == NULL)
            return(NULL);   /* out of memory */
    for (i = 0; (c = getc(ifp)) != EOF && !endofline(ifp, c); i++)
        if (i >= maxline - 1)
            char  *newl;
            char  *news;
            maxline *= 2;
            newl = (char *)realloc(line, maxline);  /*=C++=*/
            news = (char *)realloc(sline, maxline); /*=C++-*/
            if (newl == NULL || news == NULL)
                return(NULL);   /* out of memory */
            line = newl;
            sline = news;
        line[i] = c;
    line[i] = '\0';
    if (split() == NOMEM)
    return((c == EOF && i == 0) ? NULL : line);

char *csvgetfield(size_t n)
    if (n >= nfield)

size_t csvnfield(void)

int csvputfield(FILE *ofp, const char *ofield)
    const char escapes[] = "\",\r\n";
    if (strpbrk(ofield, escapes) != 0)
        size_t len = strlen(ofield) + 2;
        const char *pos = ofield;
        while ((pos = strchr(pos, '"')) != 0)
        char *space = malloc(len+1);
        if (space == 0)
            return EOF;
        char *cpy = space;
        pos = ofield;
        *cpy++ = '"';
        char c;
        while ((c = *pos++) != '\0')
            if (c == '"')
                *cpy++ = c;
            *cpy++ = c;
        *cpy++ = '"';
        *cpy = '\0';
        int rc = fputs(space, ofp);
        return rc;
        return fputs(ofield, ofp);

int csvputline(FILE *ofp, char **fields, int nfields)
    for (int i = 0; i < nfields; i++)
        if (i > 0)
            putc(',', ofp);
        if (csvputfield(ofp, fields[i]) == EOF)
            return EOF;
    return(fputs(eolstr, ofp));

void csvseteol(const char *eol)
    size_t nbytes = strlen(eol);
    if (nbytes >= sizeof(eolstr))
        nbytes = sizeof(eolstr) - 1;
    memmove(eolstr, eol, nbytes);
    eolstr[nbytes] = '\0';

#ifdef TEST

int main(void)
    char *in_line;

    while ((in_line = csvgetline(stdin)) != 0)
        size_t n = csvnfield();
        char *fields[n];        /* C99 VLA */
        printf("line = '%s'\n", in_line);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
            printf("field[%zu] = '%s'\n", i, csvgetfield(i));
            printf("field[%zu] = [", i);
            csvputfield(stdout, csvgetfield(i));
            fputs("]\n", stdout);
            fields[i] = csvgetfield(i);
        printf("fields[0..%zu] = ", n-1);
        csvputline(stdout, fields, n);


#endif /* TEST */

使用-DTEST编译代码以使用示例main()函数创建程序。你需要一个C99编译器; main()中的代码使用VLA(可变长度数组)。您可以通过动态内存分配或悲观(过度杀伤)内存分配来避免这种情况(如今几千个指针的数组并不能杀死大多数系统,但很少有CSV文件每行会有几千个字段)



009098,0981098094,"something","something else",""this one, well, is a problem"", "another thing"
123458,1234561007,"anything","nothing else",""this one, well, is a problem"","dohicky
503458,1234598094,"nothing","everything else","""this one, well, it isn't a problem""","abelone"
610078,1236100794,"everything","anything else","this ""isn't a problem"", he said.","Orcas Rule"


line = '009098,0981098094,"something","something else",""this one, well, is a problem"", "another thing"'
field[0] = '009098'
field[0] = [009098]
field[1] = '0981098094'
field[1] = [0981098094]
field[2] = 'something'
field[2] = [something]
field[3] = 'something else'
field[3] = [something else]
field[4] = '"this one, well, is a problem"'
field[4] = ["""this one, well, is a problem"""]
field[5] = ' "another thing"'
field[5] = [" ""another thing"""]
fields[0..5] = 009098,0981098094,something,something else,"""this one, well, is a problem"""," ""another thing"""
line = '123458,1234561007,"anything","nothing else",""this one, well, is a problem"","dohicky'
field[0] = '123458'
field[0] = [123458]
field[1] = '1234561007'
field[1] = [1234561007]
field[2] = 'anything'
field[2] = [anything]
field[3] = 'nothing else'
field[3] = [nothing else]
field[4] = '"this one, well, is a problem"'
field[4] = ["""this one, well, is a problem"""]
field[5] = 'dohicky'
field[5] = [dohicky]
fields[0..5] = 123458,1234561007,anything,nothing else,"""this one, well, is a problem""",dohicky
line = '503458,1234598094,"nothing","everything else","""this one, well, it isn't a problem""","abelone"'
field[0] = '503458'
field[0] = [503458]
field[1] = '1234598094'
field[1] = [1234598094]
field[2] = 'nothing'
field[2] = [nothing]
field[3] = 'everything else'
field[3] = [everything else]
field[4] = '"this one, well, it isn't a problem"'
field[4] = ["""this one, well, it isn't a problem"""]
field[5] = 'abelone'
field[5] = [abelone]
fields[0..5] = 503458,1234598094,nothing,everything else,"""this one, well, it isn't a problem""",abelone
line = '610078,1236100794,"everything","anything else","this ""isn't a problem"", he said.","Orcas Rule"'
field[0] = '610078'
field[0] = [610078]
field[1] = '1236100794'
field[1] = [1236100794]
field[2] = 'everything'
field[2] = [everything]
field[3] = 'anything else'
field[3] = [anything else]
field[4] = 'this "isn't a problem", he said.'
field[4] = ["this ""isn't a problem"", he said."]
field[5] = 'Orcas Rule'
field[5] = [Orcas Rule]
fields[0..5] = 610078,1236100794,everything,anything else,"this ""isn't a problem"", he said.",Orcas Rule
