
时间:2012-10-18 20:58:32

标签: c# .net vb.net xna collision-detection

我一直在寻找适合寻找两个线段(每组2个x,y组合)的截距的合适方法的年龄。我见过很多(包括:How do you detect where two line segments intersect?),但我见过的所有人都有瑕疵。主要是如果线条平行但彼此重叠,它们不会检测到碰撞。


如果有人能指出我正确的方向,我会非常感激,因为我显然是在吮吸几何。 :(

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)



l0 : { (x0, y0), (x1, y1) }
l1 : { (x2, y2), {x3, y3) }


l0 : m0 * x + b0
l1 : m1 * x + b1

如果(m0 != m1)行不平行。要找到潜在交叉点解决l0 = l1

x = (b1 - b0) / (m0 - m1)
y = m0 * x + b0

当且仅当(x, y)位于两个片段上时,片段才会相交。请注意,只检查x坐标就足够了,因为我们已经确定(x, y)在两行上都是:


(x0 <= x <= x1) AND (x2 <= x <= x3) AND (y0 <= y <= y1) AND (y2 <= y <= y3)

min(x0, x1) <= x <= max(x0, x1) AND min(x2, x3) <= x <= max(x2, x3)



答案 1 :(得分:2)


Public Class LineData
    Public Property Point1() As Point
    Public Property Point2() As Point
    Public ReadOnly Property Slope() As Double
            # 0=Horizontal Line, NaN=Vertical Line
            Return If(Me.Point1.X = Me.Point2.X, Double.NaN, (Me.Point1.Y - Me.Point2.Y) / (Me.Point1.X - Me.Point2.X))
        End Get
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property YIntercept() As Double
            Return If(Double.IsNaN(Me.Slope), Double.NaN, Me.Point1.Y - Me.Slope * Me.Point1.X)
        End Get
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property Angle() As Double
            Return If(Double.IsNaN(Me.Slope), Math.PI / 2, Math.Atan(Me.Slope))
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Sub New(pt1 As Point, pt2 As Point)
        Me.Point1 = pt1
        Me.Point2 = pt2
    End Sub
    Public Sub New(x1 As Double, y1 As Double, x2 As Double, y2 As Double)
        Me.Point1 = New Point(x1, y1)
        Me.Point2 = New Point(x2, y2)
    End Sub
    Public Sub New(ln As Line)
        Me.New(ln.X1, ln.Y1, ln.X2, ln.Y2)
    End Sub

    Public Function GetParallel(spacing As Double) As LineData
        Return Me.GetParallel(spacing, ParallelPosition.Below)
    End Function

    Public Function GetParallel(spacing As Double, pos As ParallelPosition) As LineData
        If Me.Slope = 0 Then # Horizontal Line
            If pos = ParallelPosition.Above OrElse pos = ParallelPosition.Left Then : Return If(Me.Point2.X > Me.Point1.X, New LineData(Me.Point1.X - spacing, Me.Point1.Y - spacing, Me.Point2.X + spacing, Me.Point2.Y - spacing), New LineData(Me.Point1.X + spacing, Me.Point1.Y - spacing, Me.Point2.X - spacing, Me.Point2.Y - spacing))
            Else : Return If(Me.Point2.X > Me.Point1.X, New LineData(Me.Point1.X - spacing, Me.Point1.Y + spacing, Me.Point2.X + spacing, Me.Point2.Y + spacing), New LineData(Me.Point1.X + spacing, Me.Point1.Y + spacing, Me.Point2.X - spacing, Me.Point2.Y + spacing))
            End If
        ElseIf Double.IsNaN(Me.Slope) Then # Vertical Line
            If pos = ParallelPosition.Above OrElse pos = ParallelPosition.Left Then : Return If(Me.Point2.Y > Me.Point1.Y, New LineData(Me.Point1.X - spacing, Me.Point1.Y - spacing, Me.Point2.X - spacing, Me.Point2.Y + spacing), New LineData(Me.Point1.X - spacing, Me.Point1.Y + spacing, Me.Point2.X - spacing, Me.Point2.Y - spacing))
            Else : Return If(Me.Point2.Y > Me.Point1.Y, New LineData(Me.Point1.X + spacing, Me.Point1.Y - spacing, Me.Point2.X + spacing, Me.Point2.Y + spacing), New LineData(Me.Point1.X + spacing, Me.Point1.Y + spacing, Me.Point2.X + spacing, Me.Point2.Y - spacing))
            End If
        Else #Sloped Line
            Dim verticalshift As Double = Math.Abs(spacing / Math.Cos(-Me.Angle))
            Dim horizontalshift As Double = Math.Abs(spacing / Math.Sin(-Me.Angle))
            If Math.Sign(Me.Slope) = -1 Then
                If Me.Point2.X > Me.Point1.X Then
                    If pos = ParallelPosition.Above OrElse pos = ParallelPosition.Left Then : Return New LineData(Me.Point1.X - horizontalshift, Me.Point1.Y, Me.Point2.X, Me.Point2.Y - verticalshift)
                    Else : Return New LineData(Me.Point1.X, Me.Point1.Y + verticalshift, Me.Point2.X + horizontalshift, Me.Point2.Y)
                    End If
                    If pos = ParallelPosition.Above OrElse pos = ParallelPosition.Left Then : Return New LineData(Me.Point1.X, Me.Point1.Y - verticalshift, Me.Point2.X - horizontalshift, Me.Point2.Y)
                    Else : Return New LineData(Me.Point1.X + horizontalshift, Me.Point1.Y, Me.Point2.X, Me.Point2.Y + verticalshift)
                    End If
                End If
                If Me.Point2.X > Me.Point1.X Then
                    If pos = ParallelPosition.Above OrElse pos = ParallelPosition.Right Then : Return New LineData(Me.Point1.X, Me.Point1.Y - verticalshift, Me.Point2.X + horizontalshift, Me.Point2.Y)
                    Else : Return New LineData(Me.Point1.X - horizontalshift, Me.Point1.Y, Me.Point2.X, Me.Point2.Y + verticalshift)
                    End If
                    If pos = ParallelPosition.Above OrElse pos = ParallelPosition.Right Then : Return New LineData(Me.Point1.X + horizontalshift, Me.Point1.Y, Me.Point2.X, Me.Point2.Y - verticalshift)
                    Else : Return New LineData(Me.Point1.X, Me.Point1.Y + verticalshift, Me.Point2.X - horizontalshift, Me.Point2.Y)
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End Function

    Public Function CalculateX(y As Double) As Double
        If Me.Slope = 0 Then # Horizontal Line
            If y = Me.Point1.Y OrElse y = Me.Point2.Y Then Return 0 Else Return Double.NaN
        ElseIf Double.IsNaN(Me.Slope) Then # Vertical Line
            Return Me.Point1.X
            Return (y - Me.YIntercept) / Me.Slope
        End If
    End Function
    Public Function CalculateY(x As Double) As Double
        If Me.Slope = 0 Then # Horizontal Line
            Return Me.Point1.Y
        ElseIf Double.IsNaN(Me.Slope) Then # Vertical Line
            If x = Me.Point1.X OrElse x = Me.Point2.X Then Return 0 Else Return Double.NaN
            Return Me.Slope * x + Me.YIntercept
        End If
    End Function

    Public Function GetIntersection(ln As LineData) As Point
        If Me.Slope = ln.Slope OrElse (Double.IsNaN(Me.Slope) AndAlso Double.IsNaN(ln.Slope)) Then : Return Nothing
            If Double.IsNaN(Me.Slope) Then : Return New Point(Me.Point1.X, ln.CalculateY(Me.Point1.X))
            ElseIf Double.IsNaN(ln.Slope) Then : Return New Point(ln.Point1.X, Me.CalculateY(ln.Point1.X))
            ElseIf Me.Slope = 0 Then : Return New Point(ln.CalculateX(Me.Point1.Y), Me.Point1.Y)
            ElseIf ln.Slope = 0 Then : Return New Point(Me.CalculateX(ln.Point1.Y), ln.Point1.Y)
                Dim x As Double = (Me.YIntercept - ln.YIntercept) / (ln.Slope - Me.Slope)
                Return New Point(x, Me.CalculateY(x))
            End If
        End If
    End Function

    Public Function GetLine() As Line
        Dim templine As New Line
        templine.X1 = Me.Point1.X
        templine.Y1 = Me.Point1.Y
        templine.X2 = Me.Point2.X
        templine.Y2 = Me.Point2.Y
        Return templine
    End Function
End Class

Public Enum ParallelPosition As Byte
End Enum
