
时间:2012-09-27 12:10:09

标签: generics haskell template-haskell scrap-your-boilerplate

我正在开发人工生命实验的框架。框架 只要每个物种都是一个实例,就可以支持多个物种 代理类。我将每个Agent包装在AgentBox中,以便我可以读取,写入和 在不知道基础类型的情况下使用它们。

这很好用,但是用户有一个小的样板功能 框架必须写。我很想知道是否有办法 避免这个。我不能提供该函数的默认实现 Agent类,因为函数的类型签名没有提到 类型变量。我可以忍受样板,但我很好奇 如果有更好的方法。

以下是我所谈论的最低工作示例。 getRock 最后的功能是我想避免强迫我的用户使用的功能 写。类Agent的每个实例都需要提供一个函数 读取代理并将其包装在一个框中,实现将始终 看起来和getRock完全一样。

{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, DeriveGeneric #-}

import qualified Data.Serialize as DS (Get, Serialize, get, put)
import Data.Serialize.Put (PutM)
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isNothing)
import GHC.Generics ( Generic )

class Agent a where
  agentId :: a -> String
  speciesId :: a -> String
  -- other functions to be added

-- This wrapper allows me to use Agents without knowing their type.
data AgentBox = forall a. (DS.Serialize a, Agent a) => AgentBox a

-- Instructions for deserialising an agent
data ReaderSpec = ReaderSpec { tag :: String, getter :: DS.Get AgentBox }

-- Serialise an AgentBox by putting the species tag, then the agent.
putAgentBox :: AgentBox -> PutM ()
putAgentBox (AgentBox a) = do
  DS.put $ speciesId a
  DS.put a

-- Deserialise an agent by getting the species tag, looking up the getter
-- for that species of agent, and then getting the agent itself.
getAgentBox :: [ReaderSpec] -> DS.Get (Either String AgentBox)
getAgentBox xs = do
  s <- DS.get :: DS.Get String
  let a = find (\x -> tag x == s) xs
  if isNothing a
     then return $ Left $ "No getter found for " ++ s
     else do
        let d = (getter . fromJust) a
        t <- d
        return $ Right t

-- Everything above this line is provided by the framework.
-- The user of the framework would create their own instances of the class
-- Agent, by writing something like this:

data Rock = Rock String Int deriving (Show, Generic)

rockTag :: String
rockTag = "Rock"

readerSpec :: ReaderSpec
readerSpec = ReaderSpec rockTag getRock

instance Agent Rock where
  agentId (Rock name _) = name
  speciesId _ = rockTag
  -- other functions to be added

instance DS.Serialize Rock

-- | Get the agent and wrap it in a box.
getRock :: DS.Get AgentBox
getRock = do
  t <- DS.get :: DS.Get Rock
  return $ AgentBox t

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


-- Create a 'ReaderSpec' that deserializes objects of type 'a'
mkReaderSpec :: (DS.Serialize a, Agent a) => String -> ReaderSpec


-- Create a 'ReaderSpec' that deserializes objects of type 'a'
mkReaderSpec :: (DS.Serialize a, Agent a) => String -> a -> ReaderSpec
mkReaderSpec tag dummy = ReaderSpec tag getter
    getter = do {t <- DS.get; return $ AgentBox (t `asTypeOf` dummy)}


readerSpec = mkReaderSpec "Rock" (undefined :: Rock)