我正在尝试使用JPA Criteria API编写以下SQL查询
SELECT * FROM roles WHERE roles.name IN (SELECT users.role FROM users where name="somename");
对我来说有点太多了(我刚刚开始学习Criteria API)。我有这样的事情:
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = manager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<RoleEntity> criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(RoleEntity.class);
Root<RoleEntity> root = criteriaQuery.from(RoleEntity.class);
Subquery<UserEntity> subquery = criteriaQuery.subquery(UserEntity.class);
Root<UserEntity> subqueryRoot = subquery.from(UserEntity.class);
subquery.where(criteriaBuilder.equal(subqueryRoot.get(UserEntity_.username), username));
祝你好运, 鲍尔泰克
答案 0 :(得分:4)
// Get the criteria builder from the entity manager
CriteriaBuilder cb = manager.getCriteriaBuilder();
// Create a new criteria instance for the main query, the generic type indicates overall query results
CriteriaQuery<RoleEntity> c = cb.createQuery(RoleEntity.class);
// Root is the first from entity in the main query
Root<RoleEntity> role = criteriaQuery.from(RoleEntity.class);
// Now setup the subquery (type here is RETURN type of subquery, should match the users.role)
Subquery<RoleEntity> sq = cb.subquery(RoleEntity.class);
// Subquery selects from users
Root<UserEntity> userSQ = sq.from(UserEntity.class);
// Subquery selects users.role path, NOT the root, which is users
.where(cb.equal(userSQ.get(UserEntity_.username), username)); // test for name="somename"
// Now set the select list on the criteria, and add the in condition for the non-correlated subquery
.where(cb.in(role).value(sq)); // can compare entities directly, this compares primary key identities automatically