
时间:2012-09-12 03:52:40

标签: cuda standard-deviation


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

Here is a Thrust example一次性计算一些汇总统计信息,包括mean和std。偏差。

#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/host_vector.h>
#include <thrust/transform_reduce.h>
#include <thrust/functional.h>
#include <thrust/extrema.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>

// This example computes several statistical properties of a data
// series in a single reduction.  The algorithm is described in detail here:
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algorithms_for_calculating_variance#Parallel_algorithm
// Thanks to Joseph Rhoads for contributing this example

// structure used to accumulate the moments and other 
// statistical properties encountered so far.
template <typename T>
struct summary_stats_data
    T n;
    T min;
    T max;
    T mean;
    T M2;
    T M3;
    T M4;

    // initialize to the identity element
    void initialize()
      n = mean = M2 = M3 = M4 = 0;
      min = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
      max = std::numeric_limits<T>::min();

    T variance()   { return M2 / (n - 1); }
    T variance_n() { return M2 / n; }
    T skewness()   { return std::sqrt(n) * M3 / std::pow(M2, (T) 1.5); }
    T kurtosis()   { return n * M4 / (M2 * M2); }

// stats_unary_op is a functor that takes in a value x and
// returns a variace_data whose mean value is initialized to x.
template <typename T>
struct summary_stats_unary_op
    __host__ __device__
    summary_stats_data<T> operator()(const T& x) const
         summary_stats_data<T> result;
         result.n    = 1;
         result.min  = x;
         result.max  = x;
         result.mean = x;
         result.M2   = 0;
         result.M3   = 0;
         result.M4   = 0;

         return result;

// summary_stats_binary_op is a functor that accepts two summary_stats_data 
// structs and returns a new summary_stats_data which are an
// approximation to the summary_stats for 
// all values that have been agregated so far
template <typename T>
struct summary_stats_binary_op 
    : public thrust::binary_function<const summary_stats_data<T>&, 
                                     const summary_stats_data<T>&,
                                           summary_stats_data<T> >
    __host__ __device__
    summary_stats_data<T> operator()(const summary_stats_data<T>& x, const summary_stats_data <T>& y) const
        summary_stats_data<T> result;

        // precompute some common subexpressions
        T n  = x.n + y.n;
        T n2 = n  * n;
        T n3 = n2 * n;

        T delta  = y.mean - x.mean;
        T delta2 = delta  * delta;
        T delta3 = delta2 * delta;
        T delta4 = delta3 * delta;

        //Basic number of samples (n), min, and max
        result.n   = n;
        result.min = thrust::min(x.min, y.min);
        result.max = thrust::max(x.max, y.max);

        result.mean = x.mean + delta * y.n / n;

        result.M2  = x.M2 + y.M2;
        result.M2 += delta2 * x.n * y.n / n;

        result.M3  = x.M3 + y.M3;
        result.M3 += delta3 * x.n * y.n * (x.n - y.n) / n2; 
        result.M3 += (T) 3.0 * delta * (x.n * y.M2 - y.n * x.M2) / n;

        result.M4  = x.M4 + y.M4;
        result.M4 += delta4 * x.n * y.n * (x.n * x.n - x.n * y.n + y.n * y.n) / n3;
        result.M4 += (T) 6.0 * delta2 * (x.n * x.n * y.M2 + y.n * y.n * x.M2) / n2;
        result.M4 += (T) 4.0 * delta * (x.n * y.M3 - y.n * x.M3) / n;

        return result;

template <typename Iterator>
void print_range(const std::string& name, Iterator first, Iterator last)
    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type T;

    std::cout << name << ": ";
    thrust::copy(first, last, std::ostream_iterator<T>(std::cout, " "));  
    std::cout << "\n";

int main(void)
    typedef float T;

    // initialize host array
    T h_x[] = {4, 7, 13, 16};

    // transfer to device
    thrust::device_vector<T> d_x(h_x, h_x + sizeof(h_x) / sizeof(T));

    // setup arguments
    summary_stats_unary_op<T>  unary_op;
    summary_stats_binary_op<T> binary_op;
    summary_stats_data<T>      init;


    // compute summary statistics
    summary_stats_data<T> result = thrust::transform_reduce(d_x.begin(), d_x.end(), unary_op, init, binary_op);

    std::cout <<"******Summary Statistics Example*****"<<std::endl;
    print_range("The data", d_x.begin(), d_x.end());

    std::cout <<"Count              : "<< result.n << std::endl;
    std::cout <<"Minimum            : "<< result.min <<std::endl;
    std::cout <<"Maximum            : "<< result.max <<std::endl;
    std::cout <<"Mean               : "<< result.mean << std::endl;
    std::cout <<"Variance           : "<< result.variance() << std::endl;
    std::cout <<"Standard Deviation : "<< std::sqrt(result.variance_n()) << std::endl;
    std::cout <<"Skewness           : "<< result.skewness() << std::endl;
    std::cout <<"Kurtosis           : "<< result.kurtosis() << std::endl;

    return 0;

答案 1 :(得分:2)

这超出了我的专业领域,但是存在用于计算标准偏差的单程迭代算法,其可以转换为减少。特别是,我正在考虑Welford的算法,如Knuth,TAOCP,vol。 2.一个缺点是它需要在每一步都进行划分,但这很可能与必要的存储器访问很好地平衡。该算法的可用在线参考似乎是:


答案 2 :(得分:0)

我已经在CUDA中解决了这个用于数据挖掘的问题。我没有使用任何库。但是,它给了我很好的结果。问题是找到128 * 100万个样本的标准偏差和平均值。这就是我所做的。

  1. 我的设备有16KB的共享内存。而且,我正在使用花车。因此,共享内存可容纳4,000个元素。我的设备的每个块的最大线程数是512.所以,我可以有8个块。如果我将16KB分成8个块,我将获得2,000KB(即1个线程的1个浮点数)。一般来说,这不会匹配。如果你有更好的设备,你需要再次进行数学运算。

  2. 要查找标准差,每个块有512个元素。你可以使用一个线程找到square(element-mean)。

  3. 接下来的挑战是添加这个并找到这些元素的总和。尝试使用相同的方法找到平均值。适用于512个元素。将结果复制到全局内存。

  4. 迭代。找到结果的平方根。

  5. PS:相应地进行规划,以便全局内存调用最小化。均值和标准差经常从内存中调用数据。

答案 3 :(得分:0)

答案很晚,但我在代码中使用thrust::transform_reduce解决了这个问题(在GTX 1070上使用100k浮点数进行测试):

#include <thrust/transform_reduce.h>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/functional.h>

#include <functional>
#include <cmath>

 * @struct varianceshifteop
 * @brief a unary function that shifts input data
 * by their mean and computes the squares of them
struct varianceshifteop
    : std::unary_function<float, float>
    varianceshifteop(float m)
        : mean(m)
    { /* no-op */ }

    const float mean;

    __device__ float operator()(float data) const
        return ::pow(data - mean, 2.0f);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    thrust::device_vector<float> data{ ... };

    // sum elements and divide by the number of elements
    float mean = thrust::reduce(
        thrust::plus<float>()) / data.size();

    // shift elements by mean, square, and add them
    float variance = thrust::transform_reduce(
            thrust::plus<float>()) / (data.size() - 1);

    // standard dev is just a sqrt away
    float stdv = std::sqrtf(variance);

    return 0;