如何检查Async Task是否已在运行

时间:2012-09-02 14:50:55

标签: android android-asynctask




4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:91)



答案 1 :(得分:33)


LoadMusicInBackground lmib = new LoadMusicInBackground();

if(lmib.getStatus() == AsyncTask.Status.PENDING){
    // My AsyncTask has not started yet

if(lmib.getStatus() == AsyncTask.Status.RUNNING){
    // My AsyncTask is currently doing work in doInBackground()

if(lmib.getStatus() == AsyncTask.Status.FINISHED){
    // My AsyncTask is done and onPostExecute was called

答案 2 :(得分:6)

我设法用某种Singleton模式处理这个问题。 希望它有所帮助。

// fill the places database from a JSON object
public class myAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Void,Integer,Integer> {

    Activity mContext = null;
    static AsyncTask<Void,Integer,Integer> myAsyncTaskInstance = null; 

    // Private Constructor: can't be called from outside this class
    private myAsyncTask(Activity iContext) {
        mContext = iContext; 

    public static AsyncTask<Void, Integer, Integer> getInstance(Activity iContext) {
        // if the current async task is already running, return null: no new async task 
        // shall be created if an instance is already running
        if (myAsyncTaskInstance != null && myAsyncTaskInstance.getStatus() == Status.RUNNING) {
            // it can be running but cancelled, in that case, return a new instance
            if (myAsyncTaskInstance.isCancelled()) {
                myAsyncTaskInstance = new myAsyncTask(iContext);
            } else {
                // display a toast to say "try later"
                Toast.makeText(iContext, "A task is already running, try later", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();    

                return null;

        //if the current async task is pending, it can be executed return this instance
        if (myAsyncTaskInstance != null && myAsyncTaskInstance.getStatus() == Status.PENDING) {
            return myAsyncTaskInstance;

        //if the current async task is finished, it can't be executed another time, so return a new instance
        if (myAsyncTaskInstance != null && myAsyncTaskInstance.getStatus() == Status.FINISHED) {
            myAsyncTaskInstance = new myAsyncTask(iContext);

        // if the current async task is null, create a new instance
        if (myAsyncTaskInstance == null) {
            myAsyncTaskInstance = new myAsyncTask(iContext);
        // return the current instance
        return myAsyncTaskInstance;

    protected Integer doInBackground(Void... iUnUsed) {
        // ...

答案 3 :(得分:3)

我认为您应该检查ApplicationAndroid的概念。 http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Application.html




。所有Application的{​​{1}}始终相同 这意味着您已离开Activities/Services.并再次打开它,有两种情况可能:

  1. 系统已杀死您的应用程序。在这种情况下,Activity已经死了,开始一个新的
  2. 是安全的
  3. AsyncTask仍然存在,因此Application可能仍在运行。
  4. 在第二种情况下,我建议使用一些静态变量,指向此AsyncTask或它的状态。如果您的应用程序在第二次打开时仍处于活动状态 - 所有静态引用仍然有效,因此您可以成功运行。

    PS:顺便说一句,在当前的方法中,请注意您的应用程序可以随时被系统终止。所以AsyncTask可以随时中断。它对你不好 - 请检查AsyncTask - 专为背景操作目的而设计的组件。 http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/IntentService.html
