
时间:2012-08-15 04:29:00

标签: python list list-comprehension timeit generator-expression


>>> lis=[['a','b','c'],['d','e','f']]
>>> 'd' in (y for x in lis for y in x)


>>> lis = [['a','b','c'],['d','e','f']]
>>> 'd' in [j for i in mylist for j in i]


~$ python -m timeit -s "lis=[['a','b','c'],['d','e','f']]" "'d' in (y for x in lis for y in x)"
    100000 loops, best of 3: 2.36 usec per loop
~$ python -m timeit -s "lis=[['a','b','c'],['d','e','f']]" "'d' in [y for x in lis for y in x]"
    100000 loops, best of 3: 1.51 usec per loop




~$ python -m timeit -s "lis=[['a','b','c'],['d','e','f'],[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[10,11,12],[13,14,15],[16,17,18]]" "'d' in (y for x in lis for y in x)"
    100000 loops, best of 3: 2.96 usec per loop

~$ python -m timeit -s "lis=[['a','b','c'],['d','e','f'],[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[10,11,12],[13,14,15],[16,17,18]]" "'d' in [y for x in lis for y in x]"
    100000 loops, best of 3: 7.4 usec per loop

~$ python -m timeit -s "lis=[['a','b','c'],['d','e','f'],[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[10,11,12],[13,14,15],[16,17,18]]" "11 in [y for x in lis for y in x]"
100000 loops, best of 3: 5.61 usec per loop

~$ python -m timeit -s "lis=[['a','b','c'],['d','e','f'],[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[10,11,12],[13,14,15],[16,17,18]]" "11 in (y for x in lis for y in x)"
100000 loops, best of 3: 9.76 usec per loop

~$ python -m timeit -s "lis=[['a','b','c'],['d','e','f'],[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[10,11,12],[13,14,15],[16,17,18]]" "18 in (y for x in lis for y in x)"
100000 loops, best of 3: 8.94 usec per loop

~$ python -m timeit -s "lis=[['a','b','c'],['d','e','f'],[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[10,11,12],[13,14,15],[16,17,18]]" "18 in [y for x in lis for y in x]"
100000 loops, best of 3: 7.13 usec per loop

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:29)




def ge_d():
    return 'd' in (y for x in lis for y in x)
def lc_d():
    return 'd' in [y for x in lis for y in x]

def ge_11():
    return 11 in (y for x in lis for y in x)
def lc_11():
    return 11 in [y for x in lis for y in x]

def ge_18():
    return 18 in (y for x in lis for y in x)
def lc_18():
    return 18 in [y for x in lis for y in x]

for i in xrange(100000):


         5400002 function calls in 2.830 seconds

   Ordered by: standard name

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
   100000    0.158    0.000    0.251    0.000 fop.py:3(ge_d)
   500000    0.092    0.000    0.092    0.000 fop.py:4(<genexpr>)
   100000    0.285    0.000    0.285    0.000 fop.py:5(lc_d)

   100000    0.356    0.000    0.634    0.000 fop.py:8(ge_11)
  1800000    0.278    0.000    0.278    0.000 fop.py:9(<genexpr>)
   100000    0.333    0.000    0.333    0.000 fop.py:10(lc_11)

   100000    0.435    0.000    0.806    0.000 fop.py:13(ge_18)
  2500000    0.371    0.000    0.371    0.000 fop.py:14(<genexpr>)
   100000    0.344    0.000    0.344    0.000 fop.py:15(lc_18)

创建生成器表达式等同于creating a generator function and calling it。这占了<genexpr>的一次通话。然后,在第一种情况下,next被调用4次,直到达到d,总共5次调用(次数100000次迭代= ncalls = 500000)。在第二种情况下,它被称为17次,总共18次呼叫;在第三次,24次,总共25次通话。


>>> .634 - .278 - .333
>>> .806 - .371 - .344



>>> counter = itertools.count()
>>> lol = [[counter.next(), counter.next(), counter.next()] 
           for _ in range(1000000)]
>>> 2999999 in (i for sublist in lol for i in sublist)
>>> 3000000 in (i for sublist in lol for i in sublist)
>>> %timeit 2999999 in [i for sublist in lol for i in sublist]
1 loops, best of 3: 312 ms per loop
>>> %timeit 2999999 in (i for sublist in lol for i in sublist)
1 loops, best of 3: 351 ms per loop
>>> %timeit any([2999999 in sublist for sublist in lol])
10 loops, best of 3: 161 ms per loop
>>> %timeit any(2999999 in sublist for sublist in lol)
10 loops, best of 3: 163 ms per loop
>>> %timeit for i in [2999999 in sublist for sublist in lol]: pass
1 loops, best of 3: 171 ms per loop
>>> %timeit for i in (2999999 in sublist for sublist in lol): pass
1 loops, best of 3: 183 ms per loop

正如您所看到的,当短路无关紧要时,即使对于长达百万项的列表列表,列表推导仍然一致更快。显然,对于in在这些尺度上的实际用途,由于短路,发电机将更快。但对于其他类型的迭代任务而言,项目数量确实是线性的,列表推导几乎总是 更快。如果您需要在列表上执行多个测试,则尤其如此;你可以很快地遍历已经构建的列表理解

>>> incache = [2999999 in sublist for sublist in lol]
>>> get_list = lambda: incache
>>> get_gen = lambda: (2999999 in sublist for sublist in lol)
>>> %timeit for i in get_list(): pass
100 loops, best of 3: 18.6 ms per loop
>>> %timeit for i in get_gen(): pass
1 loops, best of 3: 187 ms per loop


当然,只有在内存耗尽之后,这才会成立。这让我想到了最后一点。使用发生器有两个主要原因:利用短路和节省内存。对于非常大的seqences / iterables,生成器是显而易见的方法,因为它们可以节省内存。但如果短路不是一种选择,那么你几乎从不选择 speed 列表中的生成器。你选择它们来节省记忆,这总是一种权衡。

答案 1 :(得分:13)



回想一下,随着cPython列表的扩展,列表会以4, 8, 16, 25, 35, 46, 58, 72, 88,...的增长模式调整大小。对于更大的列表推导,Python可能会分配比数据大小多4倍的内存。一旦你击中了VM--真的是sloowww!但是,如上所述,列表推导比小数据集的生成器更快。

考虑案例1 ,2x26列表列表:

LoL=[[c1,c2] for c1,c2 in zip(string.ascii_lowercase,string.ascii_uppercase)]  

def lc_d(item='d'):
    return item in [i for sub in LoL for i in sub]

def ge_d(item='d'):
    return item in (y for x in LoL for y in x)    

def any_lc_d(item='d'):
    return any(item in x for x in LoL)    

def any_gc_d(item='d'):
    return any([item in x for x in LoL])     

def lc_z(item='z'):
    return item in [i for sub in LoL for i in sub]

def ge_z(item='z'):
    return item in (y for x in LoL for y in x)    

def any_lc_z(item='z'):
    return any(item in x for x in LoL)    

def any_gc_z(item='z'):
    return any([item in x for x in LoL])               

cmpthese.cmpthese([lc_d,ge_d,any_gc_d,any_gc_z,any_lc_d,any_lc_z, lc_z, ge_z])   


         rate/sec   ge_z   lc_z   lc_d any_lc_z any_gc_z any_gc_d   ge_d any_lc_d
ge_z      124,652     -- -10.1% -16.6%   -44.3%   -46.5%   -48.5% -76.9%   -80.7%
lc_z      138,678  11.3%     --  -7.2%   -38.0%   -40.4%   -42.7% -74.3%   -78.6%
lc_d      149,407  19.9%   7.7%     --   -33.3%   -35.8%   -38.2% -72.3%   -76.9%
any_lc_z  223,845  79.6%  61.4%  49.8%       --    -3.9%    -7.5% -58.5%   -65.4%
any_gc_z  232,847  86.8%  67.9%  55.8%     4.0%       --    -3.7% -56.9%   -64.0%
any_gc_d  241,890  94.1%  74.4%  61.9%     8.1%     3.9%       -- -55.2%   -62.6%
ge_d      539,654 332.9% 289.1% 261.2%   141.1%   131.8%   123.1%     --   -16.6%
any_lc_d  647,089 419.1% 366.6% 333.1%   189.1%   177.9%   167.5%  19.9%       --

现在考虑案例2 ,这表明LC和gen之间存在很大差异。在这种情况下,我们正在寻找100 x 97 x 97列表中的一个元素结构:

       for a in range(100) for b in range(97) for c in range(97)]

def lc_10(item='10'):
    return item in [i for sub in LoL for i in sub]

def ge_10(item='10'):
    return item in (y for x in LoL for y in x)    

def any_lc_10(item='10'):
    return any([item in x for x in LoL])    

def any_gc_10(item='10'):
    return any(item in x for x in LoL)     

def lc_99(item='99'):
    return item in [i for sub in LoL for i in sub]

def ge_99(item='99'):
    return item in (y for x in LoL for y in x)    

def any_lc_99(item='99'):
    return any(item in x for x in LoL)    

def any_gc_99(item='99'):
    return any([item in x for x in LoL])      



          rate/sec  usec/pass       ge_99      lc_99      lc_10  any_lc_99  any_gc_99  any_lc_10   ge_10 any_gc_10
ge_99            3 354545.903          --     -20.6%     -30.6%     -60.8%     -61.7%     -63.5% -100.0%   -100.0%
lc_99            4 281678.295       25.9%         --     -12.6%     -50.6%     -51.8%     -54.1% -100.0%   -100.0%
lc_10            4 246073.484       44.1%      14.5%         --     -43.5%     -44.8%     -47.4% -100.0%   -100.0%
any_lc_99        7 139067.292      154.9%     102.5%      76.9%         --      -2.4%      -7.0% -100.0%   -100.0%
any_gc_99        7 135748.100      161.2%     107.5%      81.3%       2.4%         --      -4.7% -100.0%   -100.0%
any_lc_10        8 129331.803      174.1%     117.8%      90.3%       7.5%       5.0%         -- -100.0%   -100.0%
ge_10      175,494      5.698  6221964.0% 4943182.0% 4318339.3% 2440446.0% 2382196.2% 2269594.1%      --    -38.5%
any_gc_10  285,327      3.505 10116044.9% 8036936.7% 7021036.1% 3967862.6% 3873157.1% 3690083.0%   62.6%        --

正如你所看到的 - 这取决于它是一种权衡......

答案 2 :(得分:9)

与流行的观点相反,列表理解对于中等范围来说非常好。 Iterator协议意味着调用iterator.next(),而Python中的函数调用很昂贵。

当然,在某些时候,生成器内存/ CPU的权衡将开始支付,但对于小型集合,列表理解非常有效。