
时间:2012-08-12 12:46:21

标签: iphone objective-c c memory-management


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以下代码使用this FFT来帮助开始检测。当方法被调用一次时,一切正常,我得到一个很好的值记录。当第二次调用该方法时,我得到nan或垃圾。有什么想法吗?

    NSLog(@"Running onset.");
    NSMutableArray *mutableArrayOfFlags = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    OnsetsDS  *ods = malloc(sizeof *ods); 
    float* odsdata = (float*) malloc(onsetsds_memneeded(ODS_ODF_RCOMPLEX, 512, 11));
    onsetsds_init(ods, odsdata, ODS_FFT_FFTW3_HC, ODS_ODF_RCOMPLEX, 512, 11, 44100);
    int i;
    int x;
    bool onset; 

    for (i = 0; i < vocalBuffer.numFrames; i=i+512){

        // convert vocal int to double 
        double (*vocalData)[2] =  malloc(2 * 512 * sizeof(double));
        for (x = 0; x < 512; x++){
            *vocalData[x] = (double)vocalBuffer.buffer[i+x]; 

        // init malloc output double 
        double (*outPutDoubleFFTData)[2];
        outPutDoubleFFTData =  malloc(2 * 512 * sizeof(double)); 
        fft(512, vocalData, outPutDoubleFFTData);

        int z;
        // init malloc float fft data
        float *floatFFTData; 
        floatFFTData = malloc(512 * sizeof(float));
        for (z = 0; z < 512; z++){
            floatFFTData[z] = (float)*outPutDoubleFFTData[z];
            if (i==512*20) {
                // NSLog(@"PRE POST %f - %f",*vocalData[z], floatFFTData[z]);
                NSLog(@"PRE POST FLOAT %f - %f - %f",*vocalData[z], (*outPutDoubleFFTData)[z], floatFFTData[z]);


        onset = onsetsds_process(ods, floatFFTData);


        if (onset){
            printf("onset --> %i\n", i);
            NSNumber *integer = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt:i];
            [mutableArrayOfFlags addObject:integer];

    free(ods->data); // Or free(odsdata), they point to the same thing in this case
    return [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:mutableArrayOfFlags];    


2012-10-20 11:22:19.625 XX[4125:1903] PRE POST FLOAT 4.000000 - 7979.000000 - 7979.000000
2012-10-20 11:22:19.628 XX[4125:1903] PRE POST FLOAT 25.000000 - 0.000000 - 861.794861
2012-10-20 11:22:19.635 XX[4125:1903] PRE POST FLOAT 32.000000 - 861.794875 - 248.516144
2012-10-20 11:22:19.640 XX[4125:1903] PRE POST FLOAT 22.000000 - 92.284860 - -190.525833
2012-10-20 11:22:19.645 XX[4125:1903] PRE POST FLOAT 23.000000 - 248.516141 - 37.045593
2012-10-20 11:22:19.648 XX[4125:1903] PRE POST FLOAT 30.000000 - -33.565115 - 7.444437


2012-10-20 11:22:36.353 XX[4125:3e07] PRE POST FLOAT 4.000000 - 7979.000000 - 7979.000000
2012-10-20 11:22:36.358 XX[4125:3e07] PRE POST FLOAT 25.000000 - 53979063281237364484736793729327605401034441222848177467876829146104162439787488863720409331484927794377967278456986000075570355992521879340404128702782598833969629491268820332191001022225312452183861587484411698307560976546539765760.000000 - inf
2012-10-20 11:22:36.364 XX[4125:3e07] PRE POST FLOAT 32.000000 - 

7 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

 OnsetsDS  *ods = malloc(sizeof *ods); 


 OnsetsDS  *ods = malloc(sizeof OnsetsDS); 

我知道如果你用C或C ++这样做,* ods可能会做很多事情之一,所有这些都取决于你的编译器。它可能尚未初始化,指向NULL,指向带有垃圾数据的随机内存地址,甚至是其他内容。


 OnsetsDS ods;

并且在很多情况下只传递变量,至少在C ++中。我仍然在学习目标-C,我承认。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


答案 2 :(得分:0)

你正在混合指针:*doubleFFTData[b]double (*doubleFFTData)[2]不匹配。


int b; double (*doubleFFTData)[2]; 
doubleFFTData[0] =  calloc(1 , 2 * 512 * sizeof(double)); // initialize the array to 0       
doubleFFTData[1] = doubleFFTData[0] + 512;  

for (b = 0; b < 512;b++){    
    NSLog(@"results: %f", doubleFFTData[0][b]);
/*and : */

for (b = 0; b < 512;b++){ 
    NSLog(@"results: %f", doubleFFTData[1][b]); 

答案 3 :(得分:0)

double (*doubleFFTData)[2]doubleFFTData定义为指向2 doubles数组的指针。


由于doubleFFTData指向2 doubles数组的指针,doubleFFTData[b] b - 2 doubles的数组。

b - 第2个doublesdoubleFFTData[b]的数组衰减到指针,指向第2个{{1}数组的第0个元素的指针}。当您使用doubles取消引用此指针时,您将获得这两个中的第一个*



但是你并没有将doubleFFTData[b][0]分配的内存初始化。 malloc()不会将分配的内存设置为任何预定值,因为C语言标准不需要它。因此,该内存可以包含从先前执行的代码遗留下来的任何数据,或者如果在PC启动后尚未使用内存,则它可能只是纯垃圾。

您不想使用未初始化的变量。除非,您正在实施pseudo-random number generator for SSL等。

答案 4 :(得分:0)

/// my comments are with ///

- (void)objcMallocEx
    NSLog(@"Running onset.");
    // an obj-c allocation
    NSMutableArray *mutableArrayOfFlags = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

/// i would prefer to see this, followed by &ods in the call below, and get rid of the free at the bottom
/// OnsetsDS  *ods = malloc(sizeof *ods); 
    OnsetsDS    ods = NULL;

/// Q: is onsetsds_init() expecting odsdata as a buffer it can fill?
///   or is it expecting you to be providing it with the address to a pointer that it will fill?
///   if the former, then you've done the right thing below.  if the latter, then
///    what you really need is
///     float* odsdata = NULL;
///   and then pass the &odsdata as the 2nd arg to onsetsds_init() on the next line.
    float* odsdata = (float*) malloc(onsetsds_memneeded(ODS_ODF_RCOMPLEX, 512, 11));

/// onsetsds_init(ods, odsdata, ODS_FFT_FFTW3_HC, ODS_ODF_RCOMPLEX, 512, 11, 44100);
    onsetsds_init(&ods, odsdata, ODS_FFT_FFTW3_HC, ODS_ODF_RCOMPLEX, 512, 11, 44100);

    int i;
    int x;
    bool onset; 

    for (i = 0; i < vocalBuffer.numFrames; i=i+512){

/// in the assignment for the loop, you are declaring that you want an array
/// of 2 double* .  but the malloc assignment is more like a single array
/// of 1024 double items.  it seems like what you really want is 2 arrays of
/// 512 double items.
///     // convert vocal int to double 
///     double (*vocalData)[2] =  malloc(2 * 512 * sizeof(double));
        double vocalData[2][512];

/// if you absolutely insist on using allocation for this, the closest
/// semantically declaration would be
///     double* vocalData[2] = { malloc(512) * sizeof(double)), malloc(512) * sizeof(double) }
/// or
///     double* vocalData[] = (double*)malloc(2 * sizeof(double*));
///     vocalData[0] = malloc(512) * sizeof(double);
///     vocalData[1] = malloc(512) * sizeof(double);

/// now, according to your original declaration, you have an array of two pointer-to-double,
/// but in the loop below, c++ operator precedence means it will operate on [x] first, and then on
/// * .  so ... you are getting what's at the xth pointer-to-double, and then getting the value of
/// of that.  if x is 100, and sizeof(double)==8 and sizeof(pointer-to-double)==4, then you the
/// code below is acting as though it wants to get what's at the memory 400 bytes from vocalData,
/// but if you want the 100th double, you should be getting what's at the memory 800 bytes from
/// vocalData.
///     for (x = 0; x < 512; x++){
///         *vocalData[x] = (double)vocalBuffer.buffer[i+x]; 
///     }
        for (x = 0; x < 512; x++)
            vocalData[0][x] = (double)vocalBuffer.buffer[i+x];
/// or      (*vocalData)[x] = (double)vocalBuffer.buffer[i+x];

/// if you absolutely insist on using pointer arithmetic for this, the closest 
/// semantically correct code would be
///     for (x = 0; x < 512; x++)
///         *(vocalData+(sizeof(double)*x)) = (double)vocalBuffer.buffer[i+x];

/// again, with outPutDoubleFFTData, you are declaring that you want an array
/// of 2 double*, but the malloc assignment is more like a single array of
/// 1024 double items.
/// some of what is correct depends upon what the arg signature of fft() is ...

        // init malloc output double 
///     double (*outPutDoubleFFTData)[2];
///     outPutDoubleFFTData =  malloc(2 * 512 * sizeof(double)); 

        double outPutDoubleFFTData[2][512];

/// if you absolutely insist on using allocation for this, the closest
/// semantically equivalent declaration would be
///     double* outPutDoubleFFTData[2] = { malloc(512) * sizeof(double), malloc(512) * sizeof(double) }
/// or
///     double* outPutDoubleFFTData[] = (double*)malloc(2 * sizeof(double*));
///     outPutDoubleFFTData[0] = malloc(512) * sizeof(double);
///     outPutDoubleFFTData[1] = malloc(512) * sizeof(double);

        fft(512, vocalData, outPutDoubleFFTData);

        int z;
        // init malloc float fft data
        float *floatFFTData; 
        floatFFTData = malloc(512 * sizeof(float));
        for (z = 0; z < 512; z++){

/// and, again, according to the original declaration, below, if z == 100 and
/// sizeof(double)==8 and sizeof(double*)==4, then you'll be accessing the memory
/// at the location 400 away from outPutDoubleFFTData when what you really want is
/// the memory that's 800 away from outPutDoubleFFTData.
///         floatFFTData[z] = (float)*outPutDoubleFFTData[z];
            floatFFTData[z] = (float)((*outPutDoubleFFTData)[z]);

            if (i==512*20) {
                // NSLog(@"PRE POST %f - %f",*vocalData[z], floatFFTData[z]);
/// here, you got the pointer arithmetic into outPutDoubleFFTData correct !!
/// the trouble is, what you stored there is unknown because of the calculations above !!!
                NSLog(@"PRE POST FLOAT %f - %f - %f",*vocalData[z], (*outPutDoubleFFTData)[z], floatFFTData[z]);


        onset = onsetsds_process(ods, floatFFTData);

/// the following isn't going to free what you allocated
///     free((*outPutDoubleFFTData));
/// to do that, you should have
///     free(outPutDoubleFFTData);
/// but best of all is to use the 2-d array in the stack, and then you won't need the heep 

/// also don't need the following if using the simple array declaration instead
///     free(vocalData);

        if (onset){
            printf("onset --> %i\n", i);
            NSNumber *integer = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt:i];
            [mutableArrayOfFlags addObject:integer];

/// here, since you did a malloc into odsdata, the best thing to do would be to free
/// the same variable as well.
    free(ods->data); // Or free(odsdata), they point to the same thing in this case

/// this isn't necessary if you use the code i've replaced above, rather than what
/// you had that is now commented out.
///  free(ods);

    return [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:mutableArrayOfFlags];    

答案 5 :(得分:0)

我认为使用显式二维数组表示法来访问和操作数据要比在您引用的fft代码示例中更简单,更安全。声明为double (*x)[2],然后使用x = malloc(2 * N * sizeof(double))分配为单个块,旨在实现这一目标,同时保持数据在数值工作中的最佳本地化。



答案 6 :(得分:0)

float *floatFFTData; 
 floatFFTData = malloc(512 * sizeof(float));
 for (z = 0; z < 512; z++){
   floatFFTData[z] = (float)*outPutDoubleFFTData[z];
   if (i==512*20) {
     // NSLog(@"PRE POST %f - %f",*vocalData[z], floatFFTData[z]);
     NSLog(@"PRE POST FLOAT %f - %f - %f",*vocalData[z], (*outPutDoubleFFTData)[z], floatFFTData[z]);
