
时间:2012-07-30 06:12:05

标签: python animation matplotlib


我所拥有的是大量数据文件(100's-10,000)。这些文件中的每一个都有20个我想变成动画的图,其中每个文件代表不同的帧。在尝试让事情发挥作用时,代码变得令人难以置信。有6个子图(3,2,1-6)。它们都共享相同的x轴。在任何给定的子图上,我都有1到6 y的值。他们还需要适当的标签,有些是'symlog'图,因为我想查看正面和负面的对数数据。我希望在不依赖于ffmpeg或mencoder的情况下形成动画,因为在运行代码的计算机上可能无法使用这些动画。看起来这个明显的解决方案在于FuncAnimation,但这真的让我太困惑了。我见过的大多数例子都只是为一个图添加了另一个点。我想在基本上20个图中替换数据。我将仅包括两个子图,并假设我足够聪明,将其推断为6 ...



import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import glob
import os
import re
from StringIO import StringIO
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties

def GetFiles(dir_name, extension):
    fileList = []
    for file in os.listdir(dir_name):
        index = file.find(extension)
        if index != -1:
            dirfile = os.path.join(dir_name, file)
    return fileList

dirString = raw_input('Please enter a directory name: ')
extension = raw_input('Please enter the extension: ')
ClearFiles = raw_input('Remove temporary .png files (Y/N): ')
dataName = GetFiles(dirString, extension)
print dataName  #just make sure right files are being loaded
pngfilelist = []

figure = plt.figure()
fontP = FontProperties()

ax1 = figure.add_subplot(1,2,1)
ax1.grid(True)  # Enable Grid Lines
ax1.legend(loc=9, ncol=6, borderaxespad=0., prop=fontP)
ax1.set_title('Band Diagram')
PsiPlot, = ax1.plot([], [], label='Psi')
EcPlot, = ax1.plot([], [], label='Ec')
EvPlot, = ax1.plot([], [], label='Ev')
ax1.legend(loc=9,ncol=6, borderaxespad=0., prop=fontP)
ax2 = figure.add_subplot(1,2,2, sharex=ax1)
NPlot, = ax2.plot([], [], label='n')
PPLot, = ax2.plot([], [], label='p')
ax2.grid(True)  # Enable Grid Lines
ax2.set_title('Electron/Hole Concentrations')
ax2.legend(loc=9,ncol=2, borderaxespad=0., prop=fontP)
X = []
Psi = []
Ec = []
Ev = []
n = []
p = []

def UpdatePlot(dataFile):
    data = np.genfromtxt(dataFile, autostrip=True, skip_header=4, names=True, usecols=("X", "Psi", "Ec", "Ev", "n", "p"))  #Load the specified data into giant list

    entries = len(data)
    for ctr in range(0,entries):
        X.append(data[ctr][0])  # X-value for all plots
        Psi.append(data[ctr][1])    #plot 1,1
        n.append(data[ctr][4]) # plot 1,2

    figure.suptitle(dataFile, y=0.99)
    PsiPlot.set_data(X, Psi)
    EcPlot.set_data(X, Ec)
    EvPlot.set_data(X, Ev)
    NPlot.set_data(X, n)
    PPlot.set_data(X, p)

    plt.xlabel('Position (cm)')
    plt.ylabel('Energy (eV)')

    plt.xlabel('Position (cm)')
    plt.yscale('symlog', linthreshy=1e10)


    plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2, w_pad=0.2, h_pad=0.2)
    filename = dataFile.replace(extension, '.png')

    return PsiPlot, EcPlot, EvPlot, NPlot, PPlot,

ani = animation.FuncAnimation(figure, UpdatePlot, dataName, interval=500, blit=True)'test.mp4', fps=15)

# remove the temporary png files if wanted.
if ClearFiles == 'y' or ClearFiles == 'Y':
    for fname in pngfilelist:

我意识到的事情: 附加数据不是获取列表中所有X和Y数据的最佳方法。第二组数据还将包括在此片段中编写的第一组数据(寻找删除它的好方法,以后不会引起问题)。当我尝试各种各样的东西时,可能会有比我目前需要的更多的进口,然后将它们切掉。使用这种方法,X / Y比例不会自动设置,因为我尝试做的只是保存到.png文件(我通过plt.plot做所有事情并保存后清除而不是所有这些关于设置数据的东西轴)。例如,我想将最低的Y值设置为最低的Ev,将最高的Y值设置为最高的Psi。此外,在第二个情节似乎没有任何工作。当然,价值非常大。

使用此代码,我收到“未找到标记对象”的警告。还有一个运行时错误,说已经删除了底层C / C ++对象 - 我在正好的情节中没有收到两个错误并保存到.png文件代码。


有什么想法?我厌倦了对Python的抨击 - 我真的需要对我的模拟代码感到头疼。


Data from:
Simulation time: 4.08738e-013
Iteration : 665
Data binning: 5
Point          X            Psi             Ec             Ev          Fermi        Fermi_n            Efp              n              p            n*p            Rho    Ec_Carriers    Ev_Carriers      Light_Gen  Generation_Th Recomb_Thermal      SRH_Rate1      SRH_Rate2      SRH_Rate3      SRH_Rate4           Jn_x           Jp_x
0       4.9e-006           3.58      -0.500001      -0.500001           -0.5           -0.5      -0.500001   2.72507e+021   2.72507e+021   7.42603e+042              0   2.67057e+008   2.67057e+008              0              0              0              0              0              0              0        4577.65              0
1      9.95e-006           3.58           -0.5           -0.5           -0.5      -0.499999           -0.5   2.72508e+021   2.72508e+021   7.42603e+042              0   8.17523e+006   8.17523e+006              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0        -114441
2     1.015e-005        3.61356      0.0255559       -1.09444       -0.95916       -0.95916      -0.830208              0   1.08799e+015              0      -0.132665              0       0.971429              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0        -114441
3     1.025e-005        3.62841      0.0404132       -1.07959      -0.944094      -0.944094      -0.844848              0   2.89096e+015              0      -0.132656              0        3.02857              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0        -119019
4     1.035e-005        3.64199      0.0539899       -1.06601      -0.930857      -0.930857      -0.854293              0   9.46844e+015              0      -0.131488              0        10.3143              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0        -114441
5     1.045e-005         3.6543      0.0662974        -1.0537      -0.919519      -0.919519      -0.867723              0   2.36441e+016              0      -0.129511              0        21.6571              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0        -123596
6     1.055e-005        3.66535      0.0773546       -1.04265      -0.909748      -0.909748      -0.873209              0   4.47623e+016              0      -0.125061              0        48.4286              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0       -96130.6
7     1.065e-005         3.6752      0.0872047        -1.0328      -0.901449      -0.901449      -0.876584              0    6.9861e+016              0        -0.1222              0        66.2857              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0        -146485
8     1.075e-005        3.68388      0.0958752       -1.02412      -0.895041      -0.895041      -0.880708              0   1.18029e+017              0      -0.113068              0        124.286              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0       -86975.3
9     1.085e-005        3.69145       0.103454       -1.01655      -0.889233      -0.889233      -0.879943              0   1.57625e+017              0      -0.111058              0        136.829              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0        -137329
10     1.095e-005        3.69796       0.109961       -1.01004      -0.885743      -0.885743      -0.881837              0   2.16895e+017              0     -0.0941347              0        240.457              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0       -22888.2
788     0.00998975        4.19373       0.605734      -0.514266        -0.3792        -0.3792      -0.287991              0   5.78298e+015              0      -0.131942              0        5.48571              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0          77820
789     0.00998985        4.17975       0.591751      -0.528249      -0.393181      -0.393181      -0.292558              0   2.27746e+015              0      -0.132404              0            1.6              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0        68664.7
790      0.0099904           4.08  -1.45745e-006  -1.45745e-006   3.16863e-016   4.06816e-008  -7.67735e-007   2.72507e+021   2.72507e+021   7.42603e+042              0   2.72507e+007   2.72507e+007              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0              0
791     0.00999545           4.08  -1.45745e-006  -1.45745e-006   3.16863e-016   4.06816e-008  -7.67735e-007   2.72507e+021   2.72507e+021   7.42603e+042              0   2.47982e+008   2.47982e+008              0   6.27943e+027              0              0              0              0              0              0              0


import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.use( "agg" )
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import os
from StringIO import StringIO
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties

def GetFiles(dir_name, extension):
    fileList = []
    for file in os.listdir(dir_name):
        index = file.find(extension)
        if index != -1:
            dirfile = os.path.join(dir_name, file)
    return fileList

def UpdatePlot(dataFile):
    global MinX, MaxX, ax1MinY, ax1MaxY, ax2MinY, ax2MaxY, first
    print 'loading data for ', dataFile
    data = np.genfromtxt(dataFile, autostrip=True, skip_header=4, names=True, usecols=("X", "Psi", "Ec", "Ev", "n", "p"))  #Load the specified data into giant list

    # get new bounds on limits for graphs

    tempMin = data['X'].min()
    tempMax = data['X'].max()
    if tempMax > MaxX or first == True:
        MaxX = tempMax + (tempMax - tempMin) * 0.01
        ax1.set_xlim(MinX, MaxX)
        ax2.set_xlim(MinX, MaxX)
    if tempMin < MinX or first == True:
        MinX = tempMin - (tempMax - tempMin) * 0.01
        ax1.set_xlim(MinX, MaxX)
        ax2.set_xlim(MinX, MaxX)

    tempMin = data['Psi'].min()
    tempMax = data['Psi'].max()
    if tempMax > ax1MaxY or first == True:
        ax1MaxY = tempMax + (tempMax - tempMin) * 0.5
        ax1.set_ylim(ax1MinY, ax1MaxY)

    tempMin = data['Ev'].min()
    tempMax = data['Ev'].max()
    if tempMin < ax1MinY or first == True:
        ax1MinY = tempMin - (tempMax - tempMin) * 0.2
        ax1.set_ylim(ax1MinY, ax1MaxY)

    tempMax = data['n'].max()
    if tempMax > ax1MaxY or first == True:
        ax2MaxY = tempMax * 2    # This is basically a log plot...
        ax2.set_ylim(ax2MinY, ax2MaxY)

    tempMax = data['p'].max()
    if tempMax > ax1MaxY or first == True:
        ax2MaxY = tempMax * 2    # This is basically a log plot...
        ax2.set_ylim(ax2MinY, ax2MaxY)

    # Now update all the data for the plots

    PsiPlot.set_data(data['X'], data['Psi'])
    EcPlot.set_data(data['X'], data['Ec'])
    EvPlot.set_data(data['X'], data['Ev'])
    NPlot.set_data(data['X'], data['n'])
    PPlot.set_data(data['X'], data['p'])

    plt.draw()  # need to update the figure regardless because the title changes
    if GeneratePNG == 'Y' or GeneratePNG == 'y':
        filename = dataFile.replace(extension, '.png')

    first = False


dirString = raw_input('Please enter a directory name: ')
extension = raw_input('Please enter the extension: ')
GeneratePNG = raw_input('Generate .png files of each file (Y/N): ')
framesps = raw_input('Frames per second: ')
outname = raw_input('Output file name (no extension): ')
outname = outname + '.mp4'
dataName = GetFiles(dirString, extension)
# print dataName

MinX = 0
MaxX = 0
ax1MinY = 0
ax1MaxY = 0
ax2MinY = 0
ax2MaxY = 0
first = True

figure = plt.figure()
fontP = FontProperties()
titleText = figure.suptitle('Title', y=0.99)  # must do this way to allow title to be changed later

ax1 = figure.add_subplot(1,2,1)
ax1.grid(True)  # Enable Grid Lines
ax1.set_title('Band Diagram')
plt.xlabel('Position (cm)')
plt.ylabel('Energy (eV)')
PsiPlot, = ax1.plot([], [], label='Psi')
EcPlot, = ax1.plot([], [], label='Ec')
EvPlot, = ax1.plot([], [], label='Ev')
ax1.legend(loc=9,ncol=6, borderaxespad=0., prop=fontP)

ax2 = figure.add_subplot(1,2,2, sharex=ax1)
plt.xlabel('Position (cm)')
plt.yscale('symlog', linthreshy=1e10)
ax2.grid(True)  # Enable Grid Lines
ax2.set_title('Electron/Hole Concentrations')
NPlot, = ax2.plot([], [], label='n')
PPlot, = ax2.plot([], [], label='p')
ax2.legend(loc=9,ncol=2, borderaxespad=0., prop=fontP)

plt.tight_layout(pad=0.5, w_pad=0.5, h_pad=0.5)

ani = mpl.animation.FuncAnimation(figure, UpdatePlot, dataName, init_func=None, interval=500, blit=True), fps=framesps, codec='mpeg4')


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


首先,如果发生错误,请始终尝试提供完整的回溯。在这种情况下,错误相当好的可谷歌(*),并引导我到例如RuntimeError: underlying C/C++ object has been deleted when saving and afterwards closing a pyplot figure。这表明pyqt存在问题;显然,这是你的默认后端。


import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.use( "agg" )

由于您只是保存文件,因此无论如何都不需要交互式后端。 “agg”是一个非交互式的,所以没有带有情节的弹出窗口,你只能保存到磁盘。 这可以解决RuntimeError。我并没有真正困扰标签错误,虽然我猜你正试图在实际数据不存在的地块上放置标签。也许这是未使用的第6个情节(因为我没有看到任何地方的第6个情节)?

在阅读数据时:您现在似乎下一组数据附加到当前数据。那是正确的?或者你想替换它? 如果更换,只需执行以下操作:

Psi = data['Psi']


PsiPlot.set_data(data['X'], data['Psi'])


Psi = nparray([])


Psi = np.concatenate((Psi, data['Psi']))



global X, Psi, Ec, Ev, n, p


