解析错误:语法错误,第55行的C:\ xampp \ htdocs \ ci_bc \ application \ controllers \ user.php中的意外T_IF

时间:2012-07-17 22:06:42

标签: php if-statement social-networking

我正在创建一个社交网站并尝试创建一个只允许18岁及以上注册该网站的功能。但我收到此错误:解析错误:语法错误,第55行的C:\ xampp \ htdocs \ ci_bc \ application \ controllers \ user.php中的意外T_IF ...任何想法的人?

function registration(){

//sets up captcha for regitration form
$vals = array(
    'img_path' => './captcha/', //Captcha image directory
    'img_url' => base_url().'captcha', //local save directory
    'img_width' => '275', // width of image
    'img_height' => '50', // height of image
    'expiration' => '7200' //Expiration of captcha set to 2 hours

$data['month'] = array(
    '1' => 'January',
    '2' => 'Febuary',
    '3' => 'March',
    '4' => 'April',
    '5' => 'May',
    '6' => 'June',
    '7' => 'July',
    '8' => 'August',
    '9' => 'Septemeber',
    '10' => 'October',
    '11' => 'November',
    '12' => 'December'
$excluded_days = array();
for($x = 1; $x <= 31; ++$x)
    if(!in_array($x, $excluded_days))
        $days[$x] = $x;
$excluded_years = array();
for($x =date('Y')-18; $x >= data('Y')-100; --$x)
    $years[$x] = $x;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


对于if嵌套的if语句,实际上任何control structure也是如此。

for($x = 1; $x <= 31; ++$x)
    { // <----- curly
    if(!in_array($x, $excluded_days))
    { // <----- curly
        $days[$x] = $x;
    } // <----- curly
} // <----- curly