
时间:2012-07-04 18:24:40

标签: c# datetime


根据我看过的其他问题,知道我可以从System.Environment.TickCount属性(或其他东西)获得相同的数字,如何推断出与我收到的TickCount相对应的DateTime对象? / p>

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

如果没有更多信息,你就不可能(即便如此,它也可能含糊不清)。 Environment.TickCount返回:



...除非你能从某个地方找到计算机启动的时间,否则你运气不好。您可以使用注册表项或系统调用来查找上次启动时间,但我不了解它们。当然,您可以尽可能快地在Environment.TickCountDateTime.UtcNow之后(或之前)获得近似值,并找出两者之间的差异:< / p>

public static DateTime UnreliableDateTimeFromTickCount(int tickCount)
    DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
    DateTime boot = now - TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Environment.TickCount);
    return boot + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(tickCount);

然而,即使 with ,该值也会每24.9天循环一次,因此如果计算机已经打开的时间超过了这个值,那么计数就不明确了。

我建议尽可能避免使用Environment.TickCount,基本上 - 这完全在你的控制之下吗?

答案 1 :(得分:2)

我知道这是一个非常老的问题,但是由于这是我搜索时Google的第一个热门产品,因此我认为其他人可能会来到这里。 @JonSkeet答案中的所有要点都是有效的,请务必阅读它们并充分理解它适用于您的位置。对于我的具体情况,我知道我需要转换的滴答计数值将在最近几天之内,但是存在捕获的值是在TickCount溢出之前进行转换的风险。下面是我编写的方法,该方法应该处理TickCount溢出的情况,并将给定的滴答计数转换为DateTime,只要它在过去49天内即可。


/// <summary>
/// Converts the given tick count into a DateTime. Since TickCount rolls over after 24.9 days, 
/// then every 49.7 days, it is assumed that the given tickCount occurrs in the past and is 
/// within the last 49.7 days.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tickCount">A tick count that has occurred in the past 49.7 days</param>
/// <returns>The DateTime the given tick count occurred</returns>
private DateTime ConvertTickToDateTime(int tickCount)
    // Get a reference point for the current time
    int nowTick = Environment.TickCount;
    DateTime currTime = DateTime.Now;
    Int64 mSecElapsed = 0;

    // Check for overflow condition
    if( tickCount < nowTick) // Then no overflow has occurred since the recorded tick
        // MIN|--------------TC---------------0------------Now-------------|MAX
        mSecElapsed = nowTick - tickCount;
    else // tickCount >= currTick; Some overflow has occurred since the recorded tick
        // MIN|--------------Now---------------0------------TC-------------|MAX
        mSecElapsed = Convert.ToInt64((int.MaxValue - tickCount) + (nowTick + Math.Abs(Convert.ToDouble(int.MinValue))));   // Time BEFORE overflow + time since the overflow

    DateTime tickCountAsDateTime = currTime - TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(mSecElapsed);
    return tickCountAsDateTime;        


static void Main(string[] args)
    Console.WriteLine("Test Start Time: {0}", DateTime.Now);

    // 10 seconds ago
    int tc0 = CalculateTC(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
    Console.WriteLine("Expect 10 seconds ago: {0}", ConvertTickToDateTime(tc0));

    // 10 minutes ago
    int tc1 = CalculateTC(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10));
    Console.WriteLine("Expect 10 minutes ago: {0}", ConvertTickToDateTime(tc1));

    // 10 hours ago
    int tc2 = CalculateTC(TimeSpan.FromHours(10));
    Console.WriteLine("Expect 10 hours ago: {0}", ConvertTickToDateTime(tc2));

    // 1 Day ago
    int tc3 = CalculateTC(TimeSpan.FromDays(1));
    Console.WriteLine("Expect 1 Day ago: {0}", ConvertTickToDateTime(tc3));

    // 10 Day ago
    int tc4 = CalculateTC(TimeSpan.FromDays(10));
    Console.WriteLine("Expect 10 Days ago: {0}", ConvertTickToDateTime(tc4));

    // 30 Day ago
    int tc5 = CalculateTC(TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
    Console.WriteLine("Expect 30 Days ago: {0}", ConvertTickToDateTime(tc5));

    // 48 Day ago
    int tc6 = CalculateTC(TimeSpan.FromDays(48));
    Console.WriteLine("Expect 48 Days ago: {0}", ConvertTickToDateTime(tc6));

    // 50 Day ago (Should read as a more recent time because of the Environment.TickCount wrapping limit - within a day or two)
    int tc7 = CalculateTC(TimeSpan.FromDays(50));
    Console.WriteLine("Expect to not see 50 Days ago: {0}", ConvertTickToDateTime(tc7));

    // 10 Seconds ahead (Should read as a very old date - around 50 days ago)
    int tc8 = Convert.ToInt32(Environment.TickCount + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10).TotalMilliseconds);
    Console.WriteLine("Expect to not see 10 seconds from now: {0}", ConvertTickToDateTime(tc8));    

private static int CalculateTC(TimeSpan timespan)
    int nowTick = Environment.TickCount;
    double mSecToGoBack = timespan.TotalMilliseconds;

    int tc;

    if (Math.Abs(nowTick - int.MinValue) >= mSecToGoBack) // Then we don't have to deal with an overflow
        tc = Convert.ToInt32(nowTick - mSecToGoBack);
    else // Deal with the overflow wrapping
        double remainingTime = nowTick + Math.Abs(Convert.ToDouble(int.MinValue));
        remainingTime = mSecToGoBack - remainingTime;

        tc = Convert.ToInt32(int.MaxValue - remainingTime);
    return tc;


Test Start Time: 5/3/2019 4:30:05 PM
Expect 10 seconds ago: 5/3/2019 4:29:55 PM
Expect 10 minutes ago: 5/3/2019 4:20:05 PM
Expect 10 hours ago: 5/3/2019 6:30:05 AM
Expect 1 Day ago: 5/2/2019 4:30:05 PM
Expect 10 Days ago: 4/23/2019 4:30:05 PM
Expect 30 Days ago: 4/3/2019 4:30:05 PM
Expect 48 Days ago: 3/16/2019 4:30:05 PM
Expect to not see 50 Days ago: 5/3/2019 9:32:53 AM
Expect to not see 10 seconds from now: 3/14/2019 11:27:28 PM


答案 2 :(得分:1)

不是滴答计数为// Set up the network to use HttpURLConnection as the HTTP client. Network network = new BasicNetwork(new HurlStack()); // Instantiate the RequestQueue with the cache and network. requestQueue = new RequestQueue(cache, network); // Start the queue requestQueue.start();


  • 系统正常运行时间为int
  • 系统启动时间为TimeSpan


下面是一个使用Windows Management Instrumentation获取这些属性的代码示例。


答案 3 :(得分:0)


    // TimeSpan result

    var approxUpTime = TryApproximateUpTime();

    private static TimeSpan? TryApproximateUpTime()
        TimeSpan? retVal;

        var envTickCountInMs =

            retVal = 
                envTickCountInMs > 0
                        new DateTime()
                            .AddMilliseconds(Environment.TickCount) -
                        new TimeSpan(
                            new DateTime(
                                ((long)int.MaxValue + (envTickCountInMs & int.MaxValue)) * 10 * 1000).Ticks);
        catch (Exception)
            // IGNORE
            retVal = null;

        return retVal;