boost :: asio中的动态线程池示例

时间:2012-06-20 13:56:41

标签: multithreading boost boost-asio

我将使用单个io_serviceHTTP Server 3 example)使用线程池实现boost :: asio服务器。 io_service将绑定到unix域套接字,并将从此套接字上的连接传递的请求传递给不同的线程。为了减少资源消耗,我想让线程池动态化。




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


  • boost::asio::io_service并非旨在派生或重新实现。注意缺少虚函数。
  • 如果您的线程库无法查询线程的状态,则需要单独管理状态信息。



  • deadline_timer设置为从现在开始3秒。
  • 异步等待deadline_timer。处理程序将在3设置后的deadline_timer秒内准备好运行。
  • 在异步处理程序中,检查相对于计时器设置为过期的当前时间。如果它大于2秒,则io_service队列正在备份,因此将一个线程添加到线程池。


#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <iostream>

class thread_pool_checker
  : private boost::noncopyable

  thread_pool_checker( boost::asio::io_service& io_service,
                       boost::thread_group& threads,
                       unsigned int max_threads,
                       long threshold_seconds,
                       long periodic_seconds )
    : io_service_( io_service ),
      timer_( io_service ),
      threads_( threads ),
      max_threads_( max_threads ),
      threshold_seconds_( threshold_seconds ),
      periodic_seconds_( periodic_seconds )


  void schedule_check();
  void on_check( const boost::system::error_code& error );


  boost::asio::io_service&    io_service_;
  boost::asio::deadline_timer timer_;
  boost::thread_group&        threads_;
  unsigned int                max_threads_;
  long                        threshold_seconds_;
  long                        periodic_seconds_;

void thread_pool_checker::schedule_check()
  // Thread pool is already at max size.
  if ( max_threads_ <= threads_.size() )
    std::cout << "Thread pool has reached its max.  Example will shutdown."
              << std::endl;

  // Schedule check to see if pool needs to increase.
  std::cout << "Will check if pool needs to increase in " 
            << periodic_seconds_ << " seconds." << std::endl;
  timer_.expires_from_now( boost::posix_time::seconds( periodic_seconds_ ) );
    boost::bind( &thread_pool_checker::on_check, this,
                 boost::asio::placeholders::error ) );

void thread_pool_checker::on_check( const boost::system::error_code& error )
  // On error, return early.
  if ( error ) return;

  // Check how long this job was waiting in the service queue.  This
  // returns the expiration time relative to now.  Thus, if it expired
  // 7 seconds ago, then the delta time is -7 seconds.
  boost::posix_time::time_duration delta = timer_.expires_from_now();
  long wait_in_seconds = -delta.seconds();

  // If the time delta is greater than the threshold, then the job
  // remained in the service queue for too long, so increase the
  // thread pool.
  std::cout << "Job job sat in queue for " 
            << wait_in_seconds << " seconds." << std::endl;
  if ( threshold_seconds_ < wait_in_seconds )
    std::cout << "Increasing thread pool." << std::endl;
      boost::bind( &boost::asio::io_service::run,
                   &io_service_ ) );

  // Otherwise, schedule another pool check.

// Busy work functions.
void busy_work( boost::asio::io_service&,
                unsigned int );

void add_busy_work( boost::asio::io_service& io_service,
                    unsigned int count )
    boost::bind( busy_work,
                 boost::ref( io_service ),
                 count ) );

void busy_work( boost::asio::io_service& io_service,
                unsigned int count )
  boost::this_thread::sleep( boost::posix_time::seconds( 5 ) );

  count += 1;

  // When the count is 3, spawn additional busy work.
  if ( 3 == count )
    add_busy_work( io_service, 0 );
  add_busy_work( io_service, count );

int main()
  using boost::asio::ip::tcp;

  // Create io service.
  boost::asio::io_service io_service;

  // Add some busy work to the service.
  add_busy_work( io_service, 0 );

  // Create thread group and thread_pool_checker.
  boost::thread_group threads;
  thread_pool_checker checker( io_service, threads,
                               3,   // Max pool size.
                               2,   // Create thread if job waits for 2 sec.
                               3 ); // Check if pool needs to grow every 3 sec.

  // Start running the io service.;


  return 0;


Will check if pool needs to increase in 3 seconds.
Job job sat in queue for 7 seconds.
Increasing thread pool.
Will check if pool needs to increase in 3 seconds.
Job job sat in queue for 0 seconds.
Will check if pool needs to increase in 3 seconds.
Job job sat in queue for 4 seconds.
Increasing thread pool.
Will check if pool needs to increase in 3 seconds.
Job job sat in queue for 0 seconds.
Will check if pool needs to increase in 3 seconds.
Job job sat in queue for 0 seconds.
Will check if pool needs to increase in 3 seconds.
Job job sat in queue for 0 seconds.
Will check if pool needs to increase in 3 seconds.
Job job sat in queue for 3 seconds.
Increasing thread pool.
Thread pool has reached its max.  Example will shutdown.