在现实生活中,这将是一个I / O操作。在PartitionKey上查询Azure表存储,以便它可以有效并行。
请参阅方法GetAllTPL(),因为它有我编写的简单TPL。它通过了这个非常简单的测试用例。 TPL是错的,我只是不知道吗?我能做得更好吗?当它是一个真正的Table查询时,任何可能使这个简单测试用例失败的东西都会失败?
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem和TPL都为这个非常有限的测试用例提供了相同的正确答案。将秒表放在更大(但仍然简化)的测试用例上,TPL只是ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem的两倍。 TPL似乎以3个为一组排队,而ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem则以2个为一组,仅在具有超线程的P4上运行。因为thread.sleep不是真正的工作,并没有告诉我很多。
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem来自.NET 3.5代码示例(TPL之前)。我很确定TPL有更好的选择,但我是TPL的新手。感谢
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace WaitForConsole
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string[] partitionKey = new string[] { "one", "two", "three", "four" };
IEnumerable<string> commonRowKeys = GetAllQWI(partitionKey);
foreach (string commonRowKey in commonRowKeys) Console.WriteLine(commonRowKey);
commonRowKeys = GetAllTPL(partitionKey);
foreach (string commonRowKey in commonRowKeys) Console.WriteLine(commonRowKey);
public static IEnumerable<string> GetAllQWI(string[] partitionKey)
// this a a code sample from .NET 3.5 and it runs on 4.0
IEnumerable<string> finalResults = null;
ManualResetEvent[] resetEvents = new ManualResetEvent[partitionKey.Length];
HashSet<string>[] rowKeys = new HashSet<string>[partitionKey.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < rowKeys.Length; i++)
resetEvents[i] = new ManualResetEvent(false);
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback((object index) =>
Console.WriteLine("GetAllQWI " + ((int)index).ToString());
rowKeys[(int)index] = TableQueryGetRowKeys(partitionKey[(int)index]);
}), i);
Console.WriteLine("WaitAll done");
finalResults = (IEnumerable<string>)rowKeys[0];
foreach (var thisRowKeys in rowKeys)
finalResults = finalResults.Intersect(thisRowKeys);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("WaitAll ex " + ex.Message);
return finalResults;
public static IEnumerable<string> GetAllTPL(string[] partitionKey)
// this is the conversion of the ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem to TPL
// seems to be working but is this optimal
IEnumerable<string> finalResults = null;
HashSet<string>[] rowKeys = new HashSet<string>[partitionKey.Length];
// how to do this in TPL
Parallel.For(0, partitionKey.Length, i =>
Console.WriteLine("GetAllTPL " + i.ToString());
rowKeys[i] = TableQueryGetRowKeys(partitionKey[i]);
// Do I need to do anything special to wait for all the tasks to finish?
// Interesting that i is not necessarily in order but it does not need to be
finalResults = (IEnumerable<string>)rowKeys[0];
foreach (var thisRowKeys in rowKeys)
finalResults = finalResults.Intersect(thisRowKeys);
return finalResults;
public static HashSet<string> TableQueryGetRowKeys(string partitionKey)
// in real life this is an Azure table query to get all rowKeys for a partitionKey
if (DateTime.Now.Millisecond % 2 == 0)
return new HashSet<string> { "alph", "beta", "gamma", "delta" };
return new HashSet<string> { "beta", "gamma", "delta", "epsilon" };
有关TPL和Azure的不规则结果的SO帖子,但最终无法重现。 Can Parallel.ForEach be used safely with CloudTableQuery
Azure团队的另一篇文章指出TPL和Azure没问题Windows Azure: Parallelization of the code