使用KDD cup 99数据集和机器学习与R

时间:2012-05-25 23:04:38

标签: r machine-learning


KDD杯99数据集由大约4百万个例子组成,这些例子在4种不同类别的攻击+“正常”类中分开。首先,我将数据集分成5个文件(每个类一个,“普通”类一个),我将非数字数据转换为数字数据。目前,我正在研究“远程到本地”(r2l)这个类。我根据有关该主题的论文结果选择了一些功能。之后,我采样了一些等于r2l实例数的“正常”实例,以避免类别偏斜的问题。我还用标签“攻击”替换了不同类型的r2l攻击的所有标签,所以我可以训练一个两类分类器。然后我将样本连接到一个新数据集中的r2l实例。最后,我应用10倍交叉验证来评估我使用SVM构建的模型,我在机器学习的历史中得到了最糟糕的结果...... :(


r2l <- read.table("kddcup_r2l.data",sep=",",header=T)
#u2r <- read.table("kddcup_u2r.data",sep=",",header=T)
#probe_original <- read.table("kddcup_probe.data",sep=",",header=T)
#dos <- read.table("kddcup_dos.data",sep=",",header=T)
normal <- read.table("kddcup_normal.data",sep=",",header=T)

#probe <- probe_original[sample(1:dim(probe_original)[1],10000),]

#   Features selected by the three algorithms svm, lgp and mars
#   for the different classes of attack

features.r2l.svm <- c("srv_count","service","duration","count","dst_host_count")
features.r2l.lgp <- c("is_guest_login","num_access_files","dst_bytes","num_failed_logins","logged_in")
features.r2l.mars <- c("srv_count","service","dst_host_srv_count","count","logged_in")
features.r2l.combined <- unique(c(features.r2l.svm,features.r2l.lgp,features.r2l.mars))

#       Sample the training set containing the normal labels
#       for each class of attack in order to have the same number 
#       of training data belonging to the "normal" class and the 
#       "attack" class

normal_sample.r2l <- normal[sample(1:dim(normal)[1],dim(r2l)[1]),]

# This part was useful before the separation normal/attack because 
# attack was composed of different types for each class

normal.r2l.Y <- matrix(normal_sample.r2l[,c("label")]) 

#       Class of attack Remote to Local (r2l)

#   Select the features according to the algorithms(svm,lgp and mars)
#   for this particular type of attack. Combined contains the 
#   combination of the features selected by the 3 algorithms  
#features.r2l.svm <- c(features.r2l.svm,"label")
r2l_svm <- r2l[,features.r2l.svm]
r2l_lgp <- r2l[,features.r2l.lgp]
r2l_mars <- r2l[,features.r2l.mars]
r2l_combined <- r2l[,features.r2l.combined]
r2l_ALL <- r2l[,colnames(r2l) != "label"]

r2l.Y <- matrix(r2l[,c("label")])
r2l.Y[,1] = "attack"

#   Merge the "normal" instances and the "r2l" instances and shuffle the result

r2l_svm.tr <- rbind(normal_sample.r2l[,features.r2l.svm],r2l_svm)
r2l_svm.tr <- r2l_svm.tr[sample(1:nrow(r2l_svm.tr),replace=F),]
r2l_lgp.tr <- rbind(normal_sample.r2l[,features.r2l.lgp],r2l_lgp)
r2l_lgp.tr <- r2l_lgp.tr[sample(1:nrow(r2l_lgp.tr),replace=F),]
r2l_mars.tr <- rbind(normal_sample.r2l[,features.r2l.mars],r2l_mars)
r2l_mars.tr <- r2l_mars.tr[sample(1:nrow(r2l_mars.tr),replace=F),]
r2l_ALL.tr <- rbind(normal_sample.r2l[,colnames(normal_sample.r2l) != "label"],r2l_ALL)
r2l_ALL.tr <- r2l_ALL.tr[sample(1:nrow(r2l_ALL.tr),replace=F),]

r2l.Y.tr <- rbind(normal.r2l.Y,r2l.Y)
r2l.Y.tr <- matrix(r2l.Y.tr[sample(1:nrow(r2l.Y.tr),replace=F),])

#       10-fold CROSS-VALIDATION to assess the models accuracy

# CV for Remote to Local
cv(r2l_svm.tr, r2l_lgp.tr, r2l_mars.tr, r2l_ALL.tr, r2l.Y.tr)


cv <- function(svm.tr, lgp.tr, mars.tr, ALL.tr, Y.tr){  

Jcv.svm_mean <- NULL

#Compute the size of the cross validation
# =======================================

Jcv.svm <- NULL

#Start 10-fold Cross validation
# =============================
for (i in 1:10) {
    #   if m is the size of the training set 
    #   (nr of rows in svm.tr for example)
    #   take n observations for test and (m-n) for training
    #   with n << m (here n = m/10)
    # ===================================================

    Y.tr.tr <- as.factor(Y.tr[i.tr])    
    Y.tr.ts <- as.factor(matrix(Y.tr[i.ts],ncol=1))

    svm.tr.tr <- svm.tr[i.tr,]
    svm.tr.ts <- svm.tr[i.ts,]  

    # Get the model for the algorithms 
    # ==============================================

    model.svm <- svm(Y.tr.tr~.,svm.tr.tr,type="C-classification")

    # Compute the prediction 
    # ==============================================
    Y.hat.ts.svm <- predict(model.svm,svm.tr.ts)

    # Compute the error 
    # ==============================================

    h.svm <- NULL

    h.svm <- matrix(Y.hat.ts.svm,ncol=1)

    Jcv.svm <- c(Jcv.svm ,sum(!(h.svm == Y.tr.ts))/size.CV)


Jcv.svm_mean <- c(Jcv.svm_mean, mean(Jcv.svm))

d <- 10
print(paste("Jcv.svm_mean: ", round(Jcv.svm_mean,digits=d) ))   



h.svm(攻击)&amp; Y.tr.ts(攻击) - &gt; 42个实例

h.svm(攻击)&amp; Y.tr.ts(正常。) - &gt; 44个实例

h.svm(正常。)&amp; Y.tr.ts(攻击) - &gt; 71个实例

h.svm(正常。)&amp; Y.tr.ts(正常。) - &gt; 68个实例



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

无法确定这是否是您的问题,但该数据集存在已知问题。 http://www.bruggerink.com/~zow/GradSchool/KDDCup99Harmful.html 抱歉,我无法帮助代码,我不知道R:/