创建文件名长度> = 255个字符的文件

时间:2012-05-22 21:42:03

标签: perl filesystems

我正在为其文件名包含> = 255个字符的文件创建目录。我尝试创建文件时出现问题。我在Windows上,所以MAX_PATH是260个字符。我已经看到你可以使用前缀'\\?\'(Source)来扩展最大路径。我只是不确定如何使用它来创建Windows中具有长名称的文件。我在创建它时尝试在目录前面附加前缀以及文件,但到目前为止我尝试的内容似乎没有用。

use strict;
use warnings;
use Win32::Unicode::File;
use Cwd; 

my $fh = Win32::Unicode::File->new;

my $prefix = "\\\\?\\";
#current directory
my $currDir = &cwd;
#puts the prefix in front of the current directory
chdir($prefix.$currDir."/testFolder")or die "Unable to enter dir $!\n";

#the long name string plus the prefix appended before it
my $longName="$prefix";
#longName iterator

my $j=1;
#while length of the long file name is <=255,
#concatenate that with the current j and then
#iterate j
    $longName = $longName.$j;
#print $longName,"\n";

#file iterator
my $i=1;
#Makes  files with no extensions.
#Concatenates the file iterator to the long file name
#so that we can have 5 different files.
    $fh->open('>', "$longName$i") or die "Length of specified path too long \n\t$!\n";


Undefined subroutine &Errno::ERROR_FILE_EXISTS called at C:/Perl64/site/lib/Win32/Unicode/Error.pm line 31.

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