
时间:2012-05-20 09:16:51

标签: python



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

这里是一个简单的ERF记录解析器,它返回每个数据包的dict(我只是将它们一起攻击,因此测试得不是很好。并非所有的标志字段都被解码,但那些不是,#n; 39;广泛适用):


  • ERF记录类型:1 = HDLC,2 =以太网,3 = ATM,4 =重新组装的AAL5,5-7多通道变体,此处未处理额外的标题。
  • 如果捕捉长度太短,
  • rlen可能小于wlen+len(header)
  • 插页式丢失计数器是此数据包与之前捕获的数据包之间丢失的数据包数,如Dag数据包处理器在其输入队列溢出时所记录的那样。
  • 如果你不想使用scapy,请注释掉两条scapy线。


import scapy.layers.all as sl

def erf_records( f ):
    Generator which parses ERF records from file-like ``f``
    while True:
        # The ERF header is fixed length 16 bytes
        hdr = f.read( 16 )
        if hdr:
            rec = {}
            # The timestamp is in Intel byte-order
            rec['ts'] = struct.unpack( '<Q', hdr[:8] )[0]
            # The rest is in network byte-order
            rec.update( zip( ('type',  # ERF record type
                              'flags', # Raw flags bit field
                              'rlen',  # Length of entire record
                              'lctr',  # Interstitial loss counter
                              'wlen'), # Length of packet on wire
                             struct.unpack( '>BBHHH', hdr[8:] ) ) )
            rec['iface']  = rec['flags'] & 0x03
            rec['rx_err'] = rec['flags'] & 0x10 != 0
            rec['pkt'] = f.read( rec['rlen'] - 16 )
            if rec['type'] == 2:
                # ERF Ethernet has an extra two bytes of pad between ERF header
                # and beginning of MAC header so that IP-layer data are DWORD
                # aligned.  From memory, none of the other types have pad.
                rec['pkt'] = rec['pkt'][2:]
                rec['pkt'] = sl.Ether( rec['pkt'] )
            yield rec

答案 1 :(得分:2)

ERF记录可以包含可选的扩展标头,它们附加到16字节ERF记录标头。 “类型”字段的高位表示存在扩展标头。我已经为扩展标题添加了对strix示例的测试,以及扩展标题本身的解码。请注意,如果存在扩展标头,则以太网帧的测试也需要稍微改变。


import struct
import scapy.layers.all as sl

def erf_records( f ):
    Generator which parses ERF records from file-like ``f``
    while True:
        # The ERF header is fixed length 16 bytes
        hdr = f.read( 16 )
        if hdr:
            rec = {}
            # The timestamp is in Intel byte-order
            rec['ts'] = struct.unpack( '<Q', hdr[:8] )[0]
            # The rest is in network byte-order
            rec.update( zip( ('type',  # ERF record type
                              'flags', # Raw flags bit field
                              'rlen',  # Length of entire record
                              'lctr',  # Interstitial loss counter
                              'wlen'), # Length of packet on wire
                             struct.unpack( '>BBHHH', hdr[8:] ) ) )
            rec['iface']  = rec['flags'] & 0x03
            rec['rx_err'] = rec['flags'] & 0x10 != 0

            #- Check if ERF Extension Header present.  
            #  Each Extension Header is 8 bytes.
            if rec['type'] & 0x80:
                ext_hdr = f.read( 8 )
                rec.update( zip( (
                        'ext_hdr_signature',     # 1 byte
                        'ext_hdr_payload_hash',  # 3 bytes
                        'ext_hdr_filter_color',  # 1 bye
                        'ext_hdr_flow_hash'),    # 3 bytes
                        struct.unpack( '>B3sB3s', ext_hdr ) ) )
                #- get remaining payload, less ext_hdr
                rec['pkt'] = f.read( rec['rlen'] - 24 )
                rec['pkt'] = f.read( rec['rlen'] - 16 )
            if rec['type'] & 0x02:
                # ERF Ethernet has an extra two bytes of pad between ERF header
                # and beginning of MAC header so that IP-layer data are DWORD
                # aligned.  From memory, none of the other types have pad.
                rec['pkt'] = rec['pkt'][2:]
                rec['pkt'] = sl.Ether( rec['pkt'] )
            yield rec