Matlab编辑文本框 - 显示提示?

时间:2012-05-05 21:28:21

标签: matlab user-interface

使用Matlab GUI时,是否有办法提示"提示"在编辑文本框中?也就是说,一旦用户开始输入,文本就会消失?我在Android中使用了类似的功能,但我对其他GUI并不熟悉,所以我不确定这个功能的普及程度。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

这在Matlab中是可行的,但你必须定义一个自定义MouseClickCallback,只能由Yair Altman使用findjobj访问(使用链接从Matlab文件交换中下载并保存在某个地方)在您的Matlab路径上。)


enter image description here

function setInitialHelp(hEditbox,helpText)
%SETINITIALHELP adds a help text to edit boxes that disappears when the box is clicked
% SYNOPSIS: setInitialHelp(hEditbox,helpText)
% INPUT hEditbox: handle to edit box. The parent figure cannot be docked, the edit box cannot be part of a panel.
%       helpText: string that should initially appear as help. Optional. If empty, current string is considered the help.
% SEE ALSO uicontrol, findjobj
%           fh = figure;
%           % define uicontrol. Set foregroundColor, fontAngle, before 
%           % calling setInitialHelp
%           hEditbox = uicontrol('style','edit','parent',fh,...
%             'units','normalized','position',[0.3 0.45 0.4 0.15],...
%             'foregroundColor','r');
%           setInitialHelp(hEditbox,'click here to edit')

% check input
if nargin < 1 || ~ishandle(hEditbox) || ~strcmp(get(hEditbox,'style'),'edit')
    error('please supply a valid edit box handle to setInitialHelp')

if nargin < 2 || isempty(helpText)
    helpText = get(hEditbox,'string');

% try to get java handle
jEditbox = findjobj(hEditbox,'nomenu');
if isempty(jEditbox)
    error('unable to find java handle. Figure may be docked or edit box may part of panel')

% get current settings for everything we'll change
color = get(hEditbox,'foregroundColor');
fontAngle = get(hEditbox,'fontangle');

% define new settings (can be made optional input in the future)
newColor = [0.5 0.5 0.5];
newAngle = 'italic';

% set the help text in the new style

% add the mouse-click callback

% define the callback "clearBox" as nested function for convenience
    function clearBox
        %CLEARBOX clears the current edit box if it contains help text

        currentText = get(hEditbox,'string');
        currentColor = get(hEditbox,'foregroundColor');

        if strcmp(currentText,helpText) && all(currentColor == newColor)
            % delete text, reset color/angle
            % this is not help text anymore - don't do anything

    end % nested function

end % main fcn