内存分配 - 正确使用删除

时间:2012-05-01 12:18:37

标签: c++ memory new-operator allocation delete-operator

我的所有程序因delete [] meanings;delete [] meanings;delete [] temp_meaning;而崩溃,当我删除这3行时它工作正常,所以可能我错误地使用了删除...可以任何人请在这里赐教我?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

class Expression {

    char *word_with_several_meanings; // like "bank", "class"
    char **meanings; // a pointer to a pointer stores all meanings
    int meanings_ctr; // meanings counter

    void word(const char* = NULL );
    void add_meaning(char * = NULL);
    char* get_word();
    int get_total_number_of_meanings();
    char* get_meaning(int meanx = 0);
    Expression(int mctr = 0); // CTOR
    ~Expression(); // DTOR

Expression::Expression(int mctr ) {
    meanings_ctr = mctr;    // Setting the counter to 0
    meanings = new char * [meanings_ctr]; // Allocate Space for meanings

Expression::~Expression() {

    delete meanings[meanings_ctr];
    delete [] meanings; // Deleting the memory we allocated
    delete [] word_with_several_meanings; // Deleting the memory we allocated

void Expression::word(const char *p2c )

    word_with_several_meanings = new char[strlen(p2c)+1];
    // copy the string, DEEP copy
    strcpy(word_with_several_meanings, p2c);

void Expression::add_meaning( char  * p2c)

    //meanings[ meanings_ctr ] = new char [strlen(p2c) + 1];
    //strcpy(meanings[ meanings_ctr++ ] , p2c);
    // temp 
    if (meanings_ctr < 1){
    meanings[ meanings_ctr ] = new char [strlen(p2c) + 1];
    strcpy(meanings[ meanings_ctr++ ] , p2c);
    else {
int temp_ctr;
    char **temp_meaning;
    temp_meaning = new char * [meanings_ctr-1];
    for(temp_ctr =0; temp_ctr<meanings_ctr;temp_ctr++){
        temp_meaning[temp_ctr] = new char [strlen(meanings[ temp_ctr ]) + 1];
            strcpy(temp_meaning[temp_ctr], meanings[ temp_ctr ]);
    for (temp_ctr =0; temp_ctr<meanings_ctr;temp_ctr++){
            delete meanings[temp_ctr];

    delete [] meanings;

    meanings = new char * [meanings_ctr];
    for(temp_ctr =0; temp_ctr<meanings_ctr;temp_ctr++){
        meanings[ temp_ctr ] = new char [strlen(temp_meaning[temp_ctr]) + 1];
            strcpy(meanings[ temp_ctr ], temp_meaning[temp_ctr]);
    meanings[ meanings_ctr ] = new char [strlen(p2c) + 1];
    strcpy(meanings[ meanings_ctr ] , p2c);
            for (temp_ctr =0; temp_ctr<meanings_ctr;temp_ctr++){
            delete temp_meaning[temp_ctr];
    delete [] temp_meaning;


char * Expression::get_meaning( int meanx )

    return *(meanings+meanx);


char * Expression::get_word()

    return word_with_several_meanings;


int Expression::get_total_number_of_meanings()
    return meanings_ctr;

int main(void) {
    int i;
    Expression expr;
    expr.add_meaning("a place to get money from");
    expr.add_meaning("b place to sit");
    expr.add_meaning("4 letter word");
    expr.add_meaning("Test meaning");
    cout << expr.get_word() << endl;

    for(int i = 0; i<expr.get_total_number_of_meanings(); i++)
            cout << " " << expr.get_meaning(i)  << endl;
    Expression expr2;
    expr2.add_meaning("a school class");
    expr2.add_meaning("a classification for a hotel");
    expr2.add_meaning("Starts with C");
    cout << expr2.get_word() << endl;
    for( i = 0; i<expr2.get_total_number_of_meanings(); i++)
            cout << " " << expr2.get_meaning(i) << endl;

    Expression expr3;
    expr3.word("A very long test");
    char str[] = "Meaning_    ";
    for(int kx =0; kx<31; kx++){
            str[8] = ('A'+kx);

    cout << expr3.get_word() << endl;
    for( int i = 0; i<expr3.get_total_number_of_meanings(); i++)
            cout << " " << expr3.get_meaning(i) << endl;
    return 0;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


    meanings_ctr = mctr;    // Setting the counter to 0
    meanings = new char * [meanings_ctr]; // Allocate Space for meanings

    meanings = new char * [meanings_ctr];


if (meanings_ctr < 1){
   meanings[ meanings_ctr ] = new char [strlen(p2c) + 1];

你实际上在含义[0]上写,而你为它分配了0个字节。由于C中的索引从0开始,对于索引最高的数组max_index,您需要分配max_index+1个元素。对于max_index = 0的数组,您需要分配1个元素。

换句话说,您需要分配meanings = new char * [meanings_ctr + 1]代替new char * [meanings_ctr]temp_meaning = new char * [meanings_ctr]代替new char * [meanings_ctr - 1]

至于deletedelete[]的使用,一般规则是使用new分配的内容应使用delete解除分配,并使用{{1}分配的内容应该用new[]销毁。它上面有一个帖子:delete vs delete[] operators in C++。在how does delete know it is an array的答案中可以找到一些好的背景。





Expression::Expression(int mctr ) {
    meanings_ctr = mctr;    // Setting the counter to 0
    meanings = new char * [meanings_ctr]; // Allocate Space for meanings
    cout << "[debug] allocated " << sizeof(char*)*meanings_ctr << " bytes @" << 
             hex << meanings << dec << endl;


Expression::~Expression() {
    while(meanings_ctr-- > 0){
//       if(meanings[meanings_ctr]) delete [] (meanings[meanings_ctr]);
    cout << "[debug] to deallocate @" << hex << meanings << dec << endl;
//   delete [] meanings; // Deleting the memory we allocated
//    delete [] word_with_several_meanings; // Deleting the memory we allocated

这里令人担忧的是[debug] allocated 0 bytes @0x804c008 [debug] to deallocate @0x804c008 [debug] allocated 4 bytes @0x804c078 ... [debug] allocated 120 bytes @0x804fa78 [debug] to deallocate @0x804fa78 [debug] to deallocate @0x804c260 [debug] to deallocate @0x804c150 。由于add_meanings()中的代码包含:

allocated 0 bytes

它使用未分配的内存@ if (meanings_ctr < 1){ meanings[ meanings_ctr ] = new char [strlen(p2c) + 1]; 并导致损坏。



答案 1 :(得分:3)

你必须来自C世界,你不会在C ++程序中找到任何char*来存储一个单词......你应该看看std::string,它会启发你的一天我可以向你保证。

顺便说一下,在C ++中,我们倾向于摆脱所有deletedelete [],你应该选择一本好的C ++书并学习正确的C ++,而不是使用已经使用过的类的C语言30年前。