答案 0 :(得分:1)
如果您不想使用任何外部库,则需要自己实现整个BMP文件格式,因此BMP specification将是一个很好的起点。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
; Program to draw lines to 1000x1000 Bitmap File
; Compile with:
; nasm -f elf64 -o drawLines64.o drawLines64.asm
; Link with:
; ld -m elf_x86_64 -o drawLines64 drawLines64.o
; Run with:
; ./drawLines64
; Author : Rommel Samanez
; https://github.com/rsamanez/assemblerx64
global _start
section .data
fileName: db "lines.bmp",0
fileFlags: dq 0102o ; create file + read and write mode
fileMode: dq 00600o ; user has read write permission
fileDescriptor: dq 0
bitmapImage: times 3000000 db 0
section .rodata ; read only data section
bmpWidth equ 1000
bmpHeight equ 1000
bmpSize equ 3 * bmpWidth * bmpHeight
headerLen equ 54
header: db "BM" ; BM Windows 3.1x, 95, NT, ... etc.
bfSize: dd bmpSize + headerLen ; The size of the BMP file in bytes
dd 0 ; reserved
bfOffBits: dd headerLen ; The offset, i.e. starting address, of the byte where the bitmap image data (pixel array) can be found
biSize: dd 40 ; header size, min = 40
biWidth: dd bmpWidth
biHeight: dd bmpHeight
biPlanes: dw 1 ; must be 1
biBitCount: dw 24 ; bits per pixel: 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, or 32
biCompression: dd 0 ; uncompressed = 0
biSizeImage: dd bmpSize ; Image Size - may be zero for uncompressed images
hresolution: dd 0
vresolution: dd 0
palettecolors: dd 0
importantcolors: dd 0
section .text
; drawPixel(x,y,color{RGB}) ( R8,R9,R10)
push rax
push rbx
mov rax,3000
mul r9
push rax
mov rax,3
mul r8
pop rbx
add rax,rbx ; offset: rax = 3*x+3000*y
push r10
pop rbx
mov word[bitmapImage+rax],bx
shr rbx,16
mov byte[bitmapImage+rax+2],bl
pop rbx
pop rax
; drawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2,color) color = R10 x1=r8 y1=r9 x2=r11 y2=r12
push rax
push rbx
push rcx ; line y = M*x/1000 M=w*1000/q w=y2-y1 q=x2-x1
push rdx
mov rax,r12 ; rax <- y2
sub rax,r9 ; rax <- y2 - y1
mov rbx,1000
mul rbx ; rax <- rax*1000
mov rbx,r11 ; rbx <- x2
sub rbx,r8 ; rbx <- x2 - x1
xor rdx,rdx ; rdx = 0
div rbx ; RAX / RBX RAX= value M
push rax
pop rcx ; rcx <- M
mov rbx,r8 ; rbx <- x1
push r8
push r9
mov rax,rbx ; rbx = x
mul rcx ; rax = M*x
push rcx
xor rdx,rdx
mov rcx,1000
div rcx ; rax = M*x/1000
pop rcx
mov r8,rbx ; r8 <- x
mov r9,rax ; r9 <- y
call drawPixel
inc rbx
cmp rbx,r11
jnz nextPixel
pop r9
pop r8
pop rdx
pop rcx
pop rbx
pop rax
mov r8,0
mov r9,0
mov r10,0xff0000 ; color RED
mov r11,900
mov r12,900
call drawLine
mov rax,2 ; sys_open
mov rdi,fileName ; const char *filename
mov rsi,[fileFlags] ; int flags
mov rdx,[fileMode] ; int mode
mov [fileDescriptor],rax
; write the header to file
mov rax,1 ; sys_write
mov rdi,[fileDescriptor]
mov rsi,header
mov rdx,54
call drawLines
; write the Image to file
mov rax,1 ; sys_write
mov rdi,[fileDescriptor]
mov rsi,bitmapImage
mov rdx,3000000
; close file Descriptor
mov rax,3 ; sys_close
mov rdi,[fileDescriptor]
; EXIT to OS sys_exit
mov rax,60
mov rdi,0