
时间:2012-04-24 06:22:21

标签: selenium plone


  • 测试用例准备运行测试的Plone站点环境(安装附加组件,模拟邮件主机,创建示例内容)

  • 如何运行Plone功能测试用例,以便在浏览器中启动Selenium录制以及如何在启用录制的情况下打开浏览器?

  • 以后如何运行Python代码中记录的测试输出?

还有其他与Plone结合的测试记录框架吗?能够对Javascripted UI进行测试是必需的。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




答案 1 :(得分:0)




    Some PSE 2012 Selenium notes

    * https://github.com/plone/plone.seleniumtesting

    * https://github.com/emanlove/pse2012

    Selenium WebDriver API

    * http://code.google.com/p/selenium/source/browse/trunk/py/selenium/webdriver/remote/webdriver.py

    Selenium element match options

    * http://code.google.com/p/selenium/source/browse/trunk/py/selenium/webdriver/common/by.py

    Selenium element API (after find_xxx())

    * http://code.google.com/p/selenium/source/browse/trunk/py/selenium/webdriver/remote/webelement.py

    You can do pdb debugging using ``selenium_helper.selenium_error_trapper()`` if you run
    tests with ``SELENIUM_DEBUG`` turned on::

        SELENIUM_DEBUG=true  bin/test -s testspackage -t test_usermenu

    Then you'll get debug prompt on any Selenium error.


import os

# Try use ipdb debugger if we have one
    import ipdb as pdb
except ImportError:
    import pdb

from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException
from selenium.common.exceptions import WebDriverException
from selenium.webdriver.support.wait import WebDriverWait

from plone.app.testing import selenium_layers


class SeleniumTrapper(object):
    With statement for break on Selenium errors to ipdb if it has been enabled for this test run.

    def __init__(self, driver):
        self.driver = driver

    def __enter__(self):

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        if isinstance(value, WebDriverException) and SELENIUM_DEBUG:
            # This was Selenium exception
            print "Selenium API call failed because of browser state error: %s" % value
            print "Selenium instance has been bound to self.driver"

class SeleniumHelper(object):
    Selenium convenience methods for Plone.

    Command Selenium browser to do common actions.
    This mainly curries and delegates to plone.app.testing.selenium_layers helper methods.

    More info:

    * https://github.com/plone/plone.app.testing/blob/master/plone/app/testing/selenium_layers.py

    def __init__(self, testcase, driver=None):
        :param testcase: Yout test class instance

        :param login_ok_method: Selenium check function to run to see if login success login_ok_method(selenium_helper)
        self.testcase = testcase
        if driver:
            # Use specific Selenium WebDriver instance
            self.driver = driver
            # plone.app.tesrting selenium layer
            self.driver = testcase.layer['selenium']
        self.portal = testcase.layer["portal"]

    def selenium_error_trapper(self):
        Create ``with`` statement context helper which will invoke Python ipdb debugger if Selenium fails to do some action.

        If you run test with SELENIUM_DEBUG env var set you'll get dropped into a debugger on error.
        return SeleniumTrapper(self.driver)

    def reset(self):
        Reset Selenium test browser between tests.

    def login(self, username, password, timeout=15, poll=0.5, login_cookie_name="__ac", login_url=None):
        Perform Plone login using Selenium test browser and Plone's /login_form page.

        submit_button_css = '#login_form input[name=submit]'

        if not login_url:
            # Default Plone login URL
            login_url = self.portal.absolute_url() + '/login_form'

        with self.selenium_error_trapper():
            submit_button = self.open(login_url, wait_until_visible=submit_button_css)

            self.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'input#__ac_name').send_keys(username)
            self.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'input#__ac_password').send_keys(password)


        # Check that we get Plone login cookie before the timeout
        waitress = WebDriverWait(self.driver, timeout, poll)
        matcher = lambda driver: driver.get_cookie(login_cookie_name) not in ["", None]
        waitress.until(matcher, "After login did not get login cookie named %s" % login_cookie_name)

    def logout(self, logout_url=None):
        Perform logout using Selenium test browser.

        :param logout_url: For non-default Plone logout view

        if not logout_url:
            logout_url = self.portal.absolute_url() + "/logout"


    def get_plone_page_heading(self):
        Get Plone main <h1> contents as lowercase.

        XXX: Looks like Selenium API returns uppercase if there is text-transform: uppercase?

        :return: Empty string if there is no title on the page (convenience for string matching)

            title_elem = self.driver.find_element_by_class_name("documentFirstHeading")
        except NoSuchElementException:
            return ""

        if not title_elem:
            return ""

        return title_elem.text.lower()

    def trap_error_log(self, orignal_page=None):
        Read error from the site error log and dump it to output.

        Makes debugging Selenium tests much more fun when you directly see
        the actual errors instead of OHO.

        :param orignal_page: Decorate the traceback with URL we tried to access.

        # http://svn.zope.org/Zope/trunk/src/Products/SiteErrorLog/SiteErrorLog.py?rev=96315&view=auto
        error_log = self.portal.error_log
        entries = error_log.getLogEntries()

        if len(entries) == 0:
            # No errors, yay!

        msg = ""

        if orignal_page:
            msg += "Plone logged an error when accessing page %s\n" % orignal_page

        # We can only fail on traceback
        if len(entries) >= 2:
            msg += "Several exceptions were logged.\n"

        entry = entries[0]

        raise AssertionError(msg + entry["tb_text"])

    def is_error_page(self):
        Check that if the current page is Plone error page.
        return "but there seems to be an error" in self.get_plone_page_heading()

    def is_unauthorized_page(self):
        Check that the page is not unauthorized page.

        ..note ::

             We cannot distingush login from unauthorized

        # require_login <-- auth redirect final target
        return "/require_login/" in self.driver.current_url

    def is_not_found_page(self):
        Check if we got 404
        return "this page does not seem to exist" in self.get_plone_page_heading()

    def find_element(self, by, target):
        Call Selenium find_element() API and break on not found and such errors if running tests in SELENIUM_DEBUG mode.
        with self.selenium_error_trapper():
            return self.driver.find_element(by, target)

    def find_elements(self, by, target):
        Call Selenium find_elements() API and break on not found and such errors if running tests in SELENIUM_DEBUG mode.
        with self.selenium_error_trapper():
            return self.driver.find_elements(by, target)

    def click(self, by, target):
        Click an element.

        :param by: selenium.webdriver.common.by.By contstant

        :param target: CSS selector or such
        with self.selenium_error_trapper():
            elem = self.driver.find_element(by, target)

    def open(self, url, check_error_log=True, check_sorry_error=True, check_unauthorized=True, check_not_found=True, wait_until_visible=None):
        Open an URL in Selenium browser.

        If url does not start with http:// assume it is a site root relative URL.

        :param wait_until_visible: CSS selector which must match before we proceed

        :param check_error_log: If the page has created anything in Plone error log then dump this traceback out.

        :param check_sorry_error: Assert on Plone error response page

        :param check_unauthorized: Assert on Plone Unauthorized page (login dialog)

        :return: Element queried by wait_until_visible or None
        elem = None

        # Convert to abs URL
        if not (url.startswith("http://") or url.startswith("https://")):
            url = self.portal.absolute_url() + url

        selenium_layers.open(self.driver, url)

        if check_error_log:

        if wait_until_visible:
            elem = self.wait_until_visible(By.CSS_SELECTOR, wait_until_visible)

        # XXX: These should be waited also

        if check_sorry_error:
            self.testcase.assertFalse(self.is_error_page(), "Got Plone error page for url: %s" % url)

        if check_unauthorized:
            self.testcase.assertFalse(self.is_unauthorized_page(), "Got Plone Unauthorized page for url: %s" % url)

        if check_not_found:
            self.testcase.assertFalse(self.is_not_found_page(), "Got Plone not found page for url: %s" % url)

        return elem

    def wait_until_visible(self, by, target, message=None, timeout=10, poll=0.5):
        Wait until some element is visible on the page (assume DOM is ready by then).

        Wraps selenium.webdriver.support.wait() API.


        if not message:
            message = "Waiting for element: %s" % target

        waitress = WebDriverWait(self.driver, timeout, poll)
        matcher = lambda driver: driver.find_element(by, target)
        waitress.until(matcher, message)
        elem = self.driver.find_element(by, target)
        return elem
