chart.p {IQCC}更改标题

时间:2012-02-01 23:41:27

标签: r title

我使用cchart.p {IQCC}函数生成P图表,但标题显示为“标准化p图表(第二阶段)” 我想更改此标题,x标签和y标签。



#get arguments
args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
pdfname <- args[1]
datafile <- args[2]

tasks <- read.csv(datafile , header = T,sep=",")
p <- cchart.p(x1 = tasks$x, n1 = tasks$y,phat = 0.02)



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


cchart.p2 <- function (x1 = NULL, n1 = NULL, type = "norm", p1 = NULL, x2 = NULL, 
                       n2 = NULL, phat = NULL, p2 = NULL) 
  if ((!is.null(n1)) && (!is.null(x1) || !is.null(p1))) 
    OK1 = TRUE
  else OK1 = FALSE
  if (!is.null(n2) && (!is.null(x2) || !is.null(p2)) && (OK1 || 
    OK2 = TRUE
  else OK2 = FALSE
  if (!OK1 && !OK2) {
    if (is.null(x1) && is.null(n1) && is.null(p1)) 
      return("Phase I data and samples sizes are missing")
    else {
      if (is.null(n1)) 
        return("Phase I samples sizes not specified")
      else return("Phase I data is missing")
  if (!OK2) {
    if (is.null(n2) && (!is.null(x2) || !is.null(p2))) 
      return("Phase II samples sizes not specified")
    if (!is.null(n2) && (is.null(x2) && is.null(p2))) 
      return("Phase II data is missing")
    if (!is.null(x2) && !is.null(n2) && !is.null(p2)) 
      return("Information about phase I is missing")
  if (OK1 && !OK2) {
    if (!is.null(x1)) {
      m1 <- length(x1)
      if (length(n1) != length(x1)) 
        return("The arguments x1 and n1 must have the same length")
    if (!is.null(p1)) {
      m1 <- length(p1)
      if (length(n1) != length(p1)) 
        return("The arguments p1 and n1 must have the same length")
    if (is.null(p1)) 
      p1 <- x1/n1
    if (is.null(x1)) 
      x1 <- p1 * n1
    phat <- mean(p1)
    l <- matrix(nrow = m1, ncol = 1)
    if (type == "norm") {
      u <- matrix(nrow = m1, ncol = 1)
      for (i in 1:m1) {
        UCL <- phat + (3 * sqrt((phat * (1 - phat))/n1[i]))
        u[i, ] <- UCL
        LCL <- phat - (3 * sqrt((phat * (1 - phat))/n1[i]))
        l[i, ] <- LCL
      ############## Customized title and axes labels ############################
      return(qcc(x1, type = "p", n1, limits = c(l, u), center = phat, 
          title = "Custom Title", xlab = "Custom X", ylab = "Custom Y"))

    if (type == "CF") {
      u <- matrix(nrow = m1, ncol = 1)
      for (i in 1:m1) {
        UCL <- phat + (3 * sqrt((phat * (1 - phat))/n1[i])) + 
          (4 * (1 - 2 * phat)/(3 * n1[i]))
        u[i, ] <- UCL
        LCL <- phat - (3 * sqrt((phat * (1 - phat))/n1[i])) + 
          (4 * (1 - 2 * phat)/(3 * n1[i]))
        l[i, ] <- LCL
      qcc(x1, type = "p", n1, limits = c(l, u), center = phat, 
          title = "Cornish-Fisher p-chart (phase I)")
    if (type == "std") {
      for (i in 1:m1) {
        z <- (p1[i] - phat)/sqrt((phat * (1 - phat))/n1[i])
        l[i, ] <- z
      std <- l * n1
      qcc(std, type = "p", n1, center = 0, limits = c(-3, 
                                                      3), title = "Standardized p-chart (phase I)")
  if (OK2) {
    if (!is.null(x2)) {
      m2 <- length(x2)
      if (length(n2) != length(x2)) 
        return("The arguments x2 and n2 must have the same length")
    if (!is.null(p2)) {
      m2 <- length(p2)
      if (length(n2) != length(p2)) 
        return("The arguments p2 and n2 must have the same length")
    if (is.null(p2)) 
      p2 <- x2/n2
    if (is.null(x2)) 
      x2 <- p2 * n2
    if (is.null(phat)) {
      if (is.null(p1)) 
        p1 <- x1/n1
      phat <- mean(p1)
    l <- matrix(nrow = m2, ncol = 1)
    if (type == "norm") {
      u <- matrix(nrow = m2, ncol = 1)
      for (i in 1:m2) {
        UCL <- phat + (3 * sqrt((phat * (1 - phat))/n2[i]))
        u[i, ] <- UCL
        LCL <- phat - (3 * sqrt((phat * (1 - phat))/n2[i]))
        l[i, ] <- LCL
      qcc(x2, type = "p", n2, limits = c(l, u), center = phat, 
          title = "Shewhart p-chart (phase II)")
    if (type == "CF") {
      u <- matrix(nrow = m2, ncol = 1)
      for (i in 1:m2) {
        UCL <- phat + (3 * sqrt((phat * (1 - phat))/n2[i])) + 
          (4 * (1 - 2 * phat)/(3 * n2[i]))
        u[i, ] <- UCL
        LCL <- phat - (3 * sqrt((phat * (1 - phat))/n2[i])) + 
          (4 * (1 - 2 * phat)/(3 * n2[i]))
        l[i, ] <- LCL
      qcc(x2, type = "p", n2, limits = c(l, u), center = phat, 
          title = "Cornish-Fisher p-chart (phase II)")
    if (type == "std") {
      for (i in 1:m2) {
        z <- (p2[i] - phat)/sqrt((phat * (1 - phat))/n2[i])
        l[i, ] <- z
      std <- l * n2
      qcc(std, type = "p", n2, center = 0, limits = c(-3, 
                                                      3), title = "Standardized p-chart (phase II)")


 ############## Customized title and axes labels + qcc object return from the function (for further use in ggplot2) ############################
  return(qcc(x1, type = "p", n1, limits = c(l, u), center = phat, 
      title = "Custom Title", xlab = "Custom X", ylab = "Custom Y"))


cc <- cchart.p2(x1 = binomdata$Di[1:12], n1 = binomdata$ni[1:12], phat = 0.02, type = "norm")

并获得所需的输出: enter image description here


df <- data.frame(gr = as.numeric(row.names(cc$data)), 
                value = cc$statistics,
                CL = cc$center)

ggplot(df, aes(gr, value)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_line(group = 1) +
  geom_step(aes(gr, LCL., group = 1)) +
  geom_step(aes(gr, UCL, group = 1)) +
  geom_line(aes(gr, CL, group = 1))


enter image description here