TypeScript:从Record <>接口继承值的类型,而不是所有键。

时间:2020-11-02 07:31:03

标签: typescript interface record extend



interface Printable extends Record<PropertyKey, string> {


interface Receipt extends Printable {
    customerName: string;
    // customerId: number;  // EXPECTED: This line errors if uncommented (Property 'customerId' of type 'number' is not assignable to string index type 'string'. (2411))


const r: Receipt = { customerName: "Jack" };
console.log(r.address); // UNEXPECTED: This line DOESN'T error "for Property 'address' does not exist on type 'Receipt'.(2339)"

Typescript Playground Link


如何从超级界面获得“ 强制值类型”的好处,而又没有不必要的“ 扩大键范围”?

PS。它与TypeScript: Create typed Record without explicitly defining the keys的不同之处在于,这里我要一个 interface ,而这些对象或其实例都没有开销。请停止将其重复报告。 :)

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您可以基于generic type constraint创建实用程序类型以验证输入类型的值:

# A tibble: 23 x 5
# Groups:   FName [4]
   FName   Dispz Loadz TIMESTAMP           Failflag
   <chr>   <dbl> <dbl> <dttm>              <chr>   
 1 D-H1    0      0    2020-11-02 11:06:51 ""      
 2 D-H1    0.399 11.5  2020-11-02 11:06:52 ""      
 9 D-H1    2.46  49.7  2020-11-02 11:06:59 ""      
10 WR-H2.2 0.409 25.3  2020-11-02 11:06:55 ""      
11 WR-H2.2 0.735 35.2  2020-11-02 11:06:56 ""      
12 WR-H2.2 0.942 39.5  2020-11-02 11:06:57 ""      
13 WR-H2.2 1.33  51.9  2020-11-02 11:06:58 ""      
14 WR-H2.2 1.34  54.7  2020-11-02 11:06:59 ""      
15 WR-H2.3 1.98  41.2  2020-11-02 11:06:58 ""      
16 WR-H2.3 2.05  53.8  2020-11-02 11:06:59 ""      
17 WR-H2.4 0      0    2020-11-02 11:06:53 ""      
18 WR-H2.4 0.244  6.64 2020-11-02 11:06:54 ""      
23 WR-H2.4 0.949 43.8  2020-11-02 11:06:59 ""       


答案 1 :(得分:0)


USERNAME: someusername
PASSWORD: ********

这在递归使用interface Printable extends Record<keyof Printable, string> { } 时给出了一个错误,对tbh没有多大意义。我想到的唯一解决方案如下。

Printable interface